Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Dog Days

I woke up this morning to find my sweet Lola dog  in rather a bad way.

It seems she cut her paw...large...while on a walk this morning.

My bed looked like someone was murdered on it.

Not pretty and not a great start to the day...for me...but mostly not for her.

We're heading the vet in an hour and in the meantime, since I have dog on the brain....

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a little pooch editorial fabulous...seemed fitting... and PS...right dog is Lola's doppelganger.

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Don't the doglets just make everything more delightful?

My Lola makes us all crazy but let me tell you...our house would not be anything close to our home without her.

She's love in a nutshell.

And you know what else is pretty great?

This new dogish blog I discovered while putting this pooch post together.

It's pages are filled with all kinds of pretty...and I don't just mean dog stuff...interiors, fashion, art...you know...all the yumminess we all like.

My favourite posts are the Miles & Me ones... 


And there's more...

any blog that can find fashion illustrations and sequins in both dog and people style...well...colour me impressed.

Count this girl a new follower of Miles of Style...I wonder if she named her dog Miles because she knew it would make such a great blog title?

Likely not but lucky break on that front;)

And now...it's shower/vet time for yours truly.

God speed all....if you have your won dogorama, give him/her an extra hug today...they deserve it.




  1. I hope she'll have a speedy recovery! Did she cut the pad or skin between the pad?

  2. Best to you dear and your sweet doggie! Love all the fantastic pics.

    Amy R.

  3. Poor girl! I'm hoping for a swift recovery.

  4. Awww poor girl! And poor bedding. I hope it all goes well at the vet!

  5. oh no! i hope your pup and your bed are ok! i have two dogs, too- and boy are they messy. but boy are they loving, too. i take one of my dogs out with me every morning fo an early morning walk ever since we moved, and now he follows me around the house all day long and is my best bud. :)

  6. I hate it when my dogs are hurt or sick. Must be so hard for you. I'm sure the vet will fix her right up. I already hugged all my pets this morning, it helps me wake up to pet their soft fur!

  7. That is the worst way to find them, too...I always freak out when there is a lot of blood...thank goodness it was just her paw! Definitely giving my furbaby a squeeze this morning and hoping Lola (and her mommy (c: ) has a quick and speedy recovery!

  8. So sorry for Lola ! Hope she's better soon !!


  9. Your poor pooch!

    And wow, what a blog. There truly is one out there for everything.

  10. Thanks so much for this gorgeous post. Miles and I are very excited you found us! Miles has been my bff for 7 years now, and it just so happened his name also made a great blog title. ;) I'm sending all my love to your Lola and I hope that she makes a speedy recovery!! ps. your blog is BEAUTIFUL.

  11. Aaaawww... poor puppy! :-(
    Have you ever submitted photos of your pooch to Desire to Inspire's weekly Pets on Furniture series?


  12. This post totally made me smile!

  13. Dogs are the BEST home decor accessories - every home should have one (or two or three!)

    Thanks for sharing all the wonderful doggie pictures and the link to Miles to Style.

    Fingers crossed for Lola...

  14. Hope she is feeling all better by now, these images are the best!

  15. Gorgeous post! Poor Lola; I hope her paw is ok and she makes a speedy recovery. I adore dogs and our home certainly wouldn't be the same without Charlie. He is a guaranteed pick me up any day of the week! xx

  16. I so so so hope Lola feels better. The little babies are really like our children arent they?

  17. A beautiful post Christine!! And I do hope everything is okay with your Lola! xoxo

  18. I am a dog lover and this photos are excellent. Excellent blog!

  19. So sorry to hear! Hope Lola will be ok. X

  20. Oh your poor dog, hope she is okay. We have two dogs here and a cat and the home would not be the same without them. Nothing makes a home better than some furry cohabitants!!

  21. I will definitely be praying for your sweet pooch. I know exactly how you feel, those little fur babies are such a part of our family. I think hubby and I are going to get 2 puppies this time around!
    Nancy xo

  22. Hope Lola is o.k. I loved this post because I am a huge dog lover! xo

  23. poor baby.

    poor bed.
    folex for stains.

  24. That blog is great, thanks for sharing.

    I miss my dogs; I'm off traveling and they're at dog camp. They love going, but I wish they were here with me!

  25. aw I hope your doggy is better!!
    And those are the cutest pictures ever and that necklace is amazing!

  26. We had a weimer named Lola that looked exactly like the dog on the left side of the picture. She was gorgeous!

    I hope your Lola heals fast. Love this post. ;-)


  27. Awh I hope Lola heals very quickly!!!

    Hope your week gets better, sweetie! xoxo

  28. dogs always make a household more home-y. can't imagine my life without them:)

    hope Lola heals fast

  29. yes, we have two chocolate labs, and I love them madly, even though they are naughty, shedding maniacs :)

  30. Just catching up on my blog reading--I hope she is okay! My house would not be the same either without my sweet little pups. Even when they think it is fun to pull the books out of the book shelf. :)

  31. Been meaning to hop over here and ask you how the passed few days have been for you and puppy? I'm sorry that you are going through this stress and I hope that everything will be ok.
    Nancy xo

  32. Been meaning to hop over here and ask you how the passed few days have been for you and puppy? I'm sorry that you are going through this stress and I hope that everything will be ok.
    Nancy xo

  33. So hope for a speedy recovery for Lola...I have when anything happens to my babies. They bring so much joy to my life. That looks like a great new blog so thanks for doing the research for us!


Sorry about the annoying captias...tried turning them off for a day and my inbox exploded with crap.

Smooches to everyone who perservered and left a sweet comment anyways! xoxo