Thursday, November 24, 2011

All I Want for Christmas...

It's holiday time...which means it's time to start thinking about prezzies.

In the next month, I'll be featuring compilations of the pretties on my list...

a little jewelry...a little art...a little wallpaper...a little gold...etc. etc.

I thought with it being US Thanksgiving, it was as good a time as any to start the fun so....

is a piece of Erickson Beamon jewelry.

Tres fantastique no?

On a completely different note...please think happy thoughts today for my little pooch Lola.

Our trip to the vet on Tuesday turned up more than a sore paw {hence my absense yesterday- moi...sad and trying to process the news}...she's being operated on as we speak and we'll know more next week but for now, please just send her positive 'doggy be well' vibes.

Thank you.

Happy turkey day my US friends.




  1. oh my, so much bling! amazing! Have a lovely day Christine! happy Thanksgiving! xo

  2. Loving all the glam! Can't wait to see all of the pretties you come up with over the next month!

  3. Oh I hope that little Lola is okay. Hang in there xo

  4. Love how you think, fabulous!! A nice diversion from
    Happy Thanksgiving Christine!

  5. would love all those gorgeous pieces.
    Praying for your pup.

  6. Sending good vibes to Lola. LOVE all the sparkles !!


  7. I'm so sorry to hear about Lola Christine, you must be so worried! Send big hugs to you both. On a brighter note, I do love these glam pieces - the first pair of earrings and last necklace are fab! xx

  8. hope she's running around soon, hon - x

  9. I'm sorry to hear about your baby. I'm the vet will fix her right up. Can't wait to see more of your pretties. You should do a budget gift post for all us cheapos!

  10. Oh my word, those are some fierce baubles! You are the queen at finding the fabulous. And I love your headers you create! You such a good job with your graphics, always on 'brand'. :-)

    Sorry about your pup! Oh no, poor baby.

  11. Oh me too - I tweeted yesterday about a FABULOUS Erickson Beamon piece at Barney's that I am just in love with!! Sending good karma for Lola!!

  12. Love this list Christine! And PS. I didn't make up the term all I want for Christmas ... pretty sure many others have used it before us :)))))

    Everything is so glam and I want it all. Your blog is dangerous for my wallet!
    Nancy xo


Sorry about the annoying captias...tried turning them off for a day and my inbox exploded with crap.

Smooches to everyone who perservered and left a sweet comment anyways! xoxo