Monday, October 3, 2011

Stylist Love - Meagan Camp

Everyone once and a while you stumble upon something that makes your heart go pitter patter.
Such is the case with me and the portfolio of Meagan Camp.

I have Twitter to thank...I saw her name pop up in my feed last week...linked over and voila...magic.

See for yourself.

And just in case that wasn't enough....a quote....

Antique lines, wild flowers and pink tutus in the same sentence....she's my kind of girl.

Oh and because you probably want another reason to love Meagan even more....
she also designs jewelry....

And duh... has a fabulously styled apartment of her own...

You can view more of Meagan's stunning portfolio here...and fantastic news, she also has a deliciously good blog...I heart her.

And PS, I think I want to be a stylist when I grow up.

Happy Monday lovebunnies.




  1. ahhh - fantastic eye candy! wow! Meagan is so talented - I love to see the homes of stylists, they always so inspirational!

    xo Allison
    Spicer + Bank

  2. i love that pic of the pretty. i want my table to look that way..all the time.


  3. Stunning! What a talented lady and I love that she styles in a tutu!

  4. Very talented! Re being a stylist - sure it will happen very soon. :)

  5. Wow gorgeous. I'm impressed, and love the idea of you being a stylist, you'd be great!

  6. You already are a stylist!!! Every thing you touch is gold.

    Great post, she's very talented!

  7. I love Meagan style and she is such a sweet/amazing person. Happy to call this talented lady my friend.

  8. ahhh yes she's got that magic touch! I used to love working with talented artists in my old job...

  9. Gorgeous work... I think being a stylist is probably my dream job too! xo

  10. I LUURVE Megan...I've been following her work for awhile. I hope she starts selling her baubles again!! Thanks for the drool worthy post!


  11. I absolutely love her work!!

  12. Megan has great eyes...I see her vision clearly...and I like it...yep..nice...I need a dresser that I can turn into a fabulous bar. Genius.


Sorry about the annoying captias...tried turning them off for a day and my inbox exploded with crap.

Smooches to everyone who perservered and left a sweet comment anyways! xoxo