Sunday, October 2, 2011

Style in Seven - Amanda of Recycled, Consign and Design

Ladies and gents, you're in for a real treat today.
My sweet and fabulously talented friend Amanda is here sharing her divine 7.
I've actually met this lovely lady in person and let me tell you, she ooozes in a majorly gorgeous way.
Amanda is the owner of Recycled, Consign and Design...a boutique filled with hand picked treasures that I would pretty much give my left arm to visit.
She has an wonderful eye for the eclectically fabulous and I'm always amazed by how the loveliness she can create.
If you aren't already a follower of her blog, make sure you link over and me, it's a read you just really shouldn't be missing.


Hi ya Love~Cats! Can I just say I totally pooped rainbows and unicorns when Christine asked me to pull together my Style in Seven! 

She is all that embodies style and chic.

Plus I totally met her in person, so that makes me sorta cool.

These are in no particular order, just what I love!

1. Whether it's wallpaper or a ultra fab paint treatment, I am all about walls that speak to me!

2. Screw diamonds, metal is this girls best friend!

{If my hubby reads this jk on the diamonds I really do luv them. Feel free to purchase at you leisure...that was for design purposes only}

My current obsession is brass, but it's always changing!

3. For me it's all about the details!

 I could never live in a space that wasn't full of amazeball things to look at.  

If not, then you have to talk to the people in the room...who wants to do that???

4. Whether it growls or puurrrs I am smitten with 

No room is complete unless it has a touch of inner animal.

Leopard is numero uno on my list! 

5. I kinda have a rap in my hood for throwing parties. 

Nothing is more fun than having a bash with your favorite people. 

I really do enjoy the planning and set up. 

Really...they can be pricey but so much better than going out! 

My hubster likes a good party so he is usually up for footing the bill...God bless him.


I don't really need to say much on this one, right?

7. Books, bookshelves, bookends, book covers. 


"books are not made for furniture, but there is nothing else that so beautifully furnishes a home"
~Henry Ward Beecher~

Hope you all enjoyed my style in seven, thanks for having me!


You see why I like this girl...parties, chandeliers, metal, fur, and wallpaper...hell to the yes.

Happy Sunday all and just because I love to tease you with secrets....this week is going to be BIG around here...mark October 6th in your calendars...good stuff coming I tell you.




  1. Fabulous post and what fun! This is someone I must meet, great walls, jewelry for the room, a little touch of animal, a party thrower...yes this is a girl after my own heart!! Love all the super fabulous ideas and inspiration here...well done to both of you!

  2. You know how much love I have for Amanda. She's totally awesome and adorbs. Love this feature.

  3. What a wonderful post.

    I enjoyed every part of it ♥

    I love the bookshelves and the walls.

  4. Great list of 7! Love it all, hurray for chandeliers

  5. It's obvious how fun and energetic your friend Amanda is. She also has a great sense of style.
    Awesome post, Christine!
    ~ Wendi ~

  6. Muuuuah doll! I had such fun putting my list together, and your readers are so sweet with all their lovely comments! I love ya xoxo.

  7. Love these 7 choices!! Touches of Animal & fur is right up my alley!!
    Nancy xo

  8. Amanda-

    Lovely choices. I sgree with them all! Very chic!

  9. I just love Amanda and her blog! Loving her style in 7!

  10. There is always fabulous things when Amanda is involved...I'm still chuckling about wanting a boy that builds shelves...I mean, don't we all??? (c: And mixed metals are a personal fave...great guest (c:

  11. Christine, she could be your long lost twin... another gal w/ great taste and a fun sense of humor!! xo

  12. Her taste is your taste...I mean your taste is her taste...separated at birth maybe????

  13. Love Amanda, she is super-talented and has crazy style. So many of these pics are wowing me - GREAT post, ladies - x

  14. Oh, Amanda! Always a great inspiration to us all!! Absolutely wonderful, my dear!

    Much Love,

  15. Oh my gosh, that bottom image in the If Walls Could Talk picture rocks my world! That paper plus the geometric rug is so amazing!


Sorry about the annoying captias...tried turning them off for a day and my inbox exploded with crap.

Smooches to everyone who perservered and left a sweet comment anyways! xoxo