Sunday, September 18, 2011

Style in Seven - Nicole of Sketch 42...and a Guest Post

Boys and  girls, I've got some serious fabulous for you today...please welcome the ridiculously talented Nicole, of Sketch 42.
As I'm sure you all now, this girl is pretty much the definition of chic...her paintings and photographs are entirely too gorgeous and her blog, well it's one of those ones that you just have to read...pretty much a primer on cool.
Besides being one of those girls that we all envy...apartment in NY, artist, fabulous style yadda yadda, Nicole is also utterly charming and supportive...truly one of those bloggers I'm happy and honoured to 'know'.


Hey All,

Nicole from Sketch42 here, attempting to describe my style in 7. Hmmm... Why do the possibilities suddenly seem infinite and yet, 7!?! How am I going to think of 7 ways to describe my style! Well lets see.

1. Classic. My go to in fashion and interiors is a classic/masculine silhouette in black and white. If the lines are clean and dramatic, black and white is my ultimate in chic.  Black skinnies and an oversized white button down? Every day for the rest of my life please. Black leather chesterfield in a room with chalky white walls and great architecture? Yes, please.

2. Sleek+ Simple. I said it in number 1, but I definitely tend toward the masculine. I like high contrast and tailored rooms and clothes. I love simplicity in design, mostly. And while I love a sleek look, I also really like stuff, so... well. Lets just say, I aspire to this level of coolness.

3. Masculine: And this goes for design and interiors. I was never the frilly  froofy type of girl. Give me edgy and preppy over girly any day!

My two latest shoe obsessions: These Alexander Wang high heeled tasseled loafers( they are absolutely cripplingly painful to wear btw) and my Jil Sanders mesh oxfords from Spring. I hate ballet flats because they hurt my back and hey- I am not really the ballerina type- but these suit me.

4. Retro. I love everything vintage, and since  I come from a long line of hoarders, I have a massive family archive of clothing to dig from! This is a collection of earrings my mom gave me from what we have lovingly dubbed "The 80's Closet". Massive and bright colored earrings are actually surprisingly flattering. And this brings me to my next style must have:

5. Color + Pattern. But not just color... the right color, in the right ways. In a simple but awesome way. I have been an ikat lover since I started Sketch42, but now Im adding Mexican serapes and Navajo patterns to the mix too. When I paint, I either keep the look very clean and graphic, or I pile on all the colors at once. I usually choose the color palate and then let that inspire the painting.

6. Brown Leather. Brown leather heavily improves everything it touches. And see how well it works with everything else I like?

7. Brass + Lucite: The glam in my life comes in the form of thick clear plastic and shiny brass. And there is no point to these pictures except that I love them, and that I fell in love with a $900 emerald green Stella McCartney sweater, but that I bought a $40 H&M one instead?

And see- now I have one more thing to add! Great art and accessories! But I can talk about that for days... and DO. So come visit me at Sketch42 to check it out!

And thank you Christine for having me! Your style is killer, and you are one of the nicest bloggers out there! And that means a lot.

Have a great day everyone!


I'll take one of each lovely.

And while we're on the topic of pretty things, I'm actually visiting Nicole's blog today...a little switcheroni of sorts...she's in Paris (cue jealousy music) at the moment and I'm filling in with some city of lights mood board action...if you're in the mood for some of this....

click on over to Sketch 42 to see more!

Happy Sunday all.
I've got more shopping to do this morning and then...a sweet Malcolm nugget is 3 today...I'll fill you in on our little celebration tomorrow;)




  1. Aw, Happy Birthday to the little Malcolm nugget (c: And Nichole is definitely that she owned to the fact that those Alexander Wang heels are painful...when do you ever hear that?!? And I am wondering why it never dawned on me that everything really *IS* better with brown leather...this is a major breakthrough!!!

  2. Happy Birthday Malcolm :))

    And yes, you're right the post is oozing with a ridiculous amount of talent!! My personal favourite it Ethnic and Black and Brown leather!!

    I'm always in awe of blogger who have an eye for great images and a knack for building a story around them!!


  3. i have to admit- im a stranger to her blog. thanks for the intro... and paris? sigh. i love paris! am headed there in a few weeks. cue the "do you wanna come join me?" music. :)

  4. Nicole is so humungously talented and I loved seeing her choices here - such clean and powerful images. Great post, ladies, and I'm heading over to read yours now, Christine - x

  5. Happy Bday M! Great post, love Nicole's style and yours as well!xx

  6. I love day she is in Prada and the next day she is diy'ing a bracelet.....Girl likes what she likes! She knows her style.


Sorry about the annoying captias...tried turning them off for a day and my inbox exploded with crap.

Smooches to everyone who perservered and left a sweet comment anyways! xoxo