Monday, September 19, 2011

Happy Birthday to my Best Boy Ever Seen

It was this boy's birthday yesterday...

I don't know how the bleep it happened, but my baby is now 3...this makes me really happy and really sad all at once.
I don't want him to grow up...I mean I do, but I don't.

When I found out I was pregnant with a boy, I admittedly had a little freak out...I always thought I was meant to have girls...boys are crazy...boys are can't put bows in boys' hair.


What I didn't realize at the time is how perfectly and immensely lovable boys are...they're giant mushy balls of adorable joy...and yes, they are crazy but they bring moments of laughter and happiness that I can't really yet totally comprehend...they make life a constant hilarious celebration.

So on my Malcolm's 3rd birthday, I want him to know that mommy loves him more than words can possibly or justly silly was I to think anything but complete euphoria when I first heard the words , 'you're having a boy'- I know now how perfect a phrase that was.

Happy Birthday to my sweet sweet 'best boy ever seen'- you're perfectly stubborn, determined, sensitive, quirky, fiesty, and remind me so much of myself, in so many ways...seeing your view of the world so closely echo mine is a true gift and I think the stars for it.
I couldn't imagine a single second without you...well except when you're at school for 3 hours every few days...that's good;)

Happy Monday all...and PS, if you didn't get a chance yesterday, make sure you scroll down and see Nicole's Style in Seven...amaze.
And if you really have some extra time on your hands, hop over and visit my post on her blog...a little gay Paris action.



  1. Happy Birthday Malcolm. Being pregnant with a boy, this post couldn't have made me more happy and fuzzy feeling. Thank you for yet again reiterating how amazing boys are :)

  2. Happy Belated Mack! He is indeed a cutie pie, and being a boy myself, I'd have to argue in favour of boys...although they can grow up to be homicidal maniacs...not Malcolm though! He will be a perfect gentleman I'm sure!!

  3. So adorable, he's the same age as two of my nephews (there are three of them). It's such a fun age, you never quite know what they're going to come out with next!

    Also, loved the Paris post. Made me want to go back. Was feeling a bit broody until a colleague came by my desk with some Laduree maccaroons that she brought back from her business trip... Amazing what a sugar fix can do for one's mood. Yum!


  4. Happy birthday to your little man! My littlest dude is ONE today and I truly can't believe it. It goes by way too fast doesn't it? Hope M had a great birthday- he's such a handsome guy!

  5. He is just the most precious nugget. And love that he has a leopard car seat, so utterly perfect!

  6. He is so cute Christine! Boys are so special, aren't they??

  7. Happy birthday to him ! And I am loving the leopard car seat as well !!


  8. Aw! Happy birthday to your little man! I totally had the same freak out when I found out that my first one was going to be a boy (like ugly-cry-in-the-mall-parking-lot level of freak out.) But you are so right... I am amazed every day at how perfect it is to have my two little boys! Can't imagine it any other way.

  9. You have such cute kids! Happy Birthday to your little boy!

  10. Looking at those baby blues, I can definitely see *exactly* how you ended up wrapped around those cute little fingers (c: Happy Birthday to the little's to broken windows and broken hearts...little boys' specialties!!! Love it!

  11. So cute!! Those eyes! Looks just you like, I am so jealous you have a little one, I so miss having a little one who wants me all the time:) Enjoy every precious moment and happy birthday to him!

  12. Happy birthday to your sweet boy! His eyes are so stunning!

  13. He is precious! Happy Birthday Malcolm!

  14. Happy Birthday to your darling Malcolm! He is adorable!

  15. oh sweet lord he's cute.
    those eyes. puh-leeeeze!!!!!
    happy birfday malcolm.

  16. Happy birthday, adorable little M! What gorgeous eyes. Careful...I think you have a ladies man on your hands!

  17. What a CUTIE. The 2nd pic is especially adorable. I used to always think it was all about little girls until my best friend had two boys. LOVE them. They are so sweet & so cute!

    Happy bday to your little man!

  18. Happy birthday M...what a gorgeous boy! I can totally relate on the boy thing, they are crazy but when they love its deep and raw! Now I am crying over my little boys growing up to fast! Sigh.

  19. Aw! Happiest of birthdays to your beautiful little man ;)
    Cheers, Alcira

  20. oh happy 3rd birthday to your little guy is 3 too...such a little man!

  21. Happy Birthday!! Would you look at those beautiful blue eyes!! Christine he's perfect! Wishing you and your family a lovely happy and beautiful life always!!

  22. Oh my goodness, Malcolm is so incredibly adorable! Happy birthday to him!

  23. OMG Malcolm is the cutest little guy I've ever seen! Happy belated to him! :)

  24. If that isn't one of the most perfect faces I have seen lately :) How could you not the point of eating it!!!!


Sorry about the annoying captias...tried turning them off for a day and my inbox exploded with crap.

Smooches to everyone who perservered and left a sweet comment anyways! xoxo