Monday, September 26, 2011

Mac's Room...I Found thee Bed!!

Well hello and welcome to the last week of September...holy shit time passes quickly these days.

On that note, this monkey boy...

has somehow morphed into a 3 year old over night and he no longer really fits in here...

Nor do I think he still wants a crystal chandy...actually I'm pretty sure he doesn't yet care but the time will come...sad mommy face:(

I do, however, insist that he keeps this mommy original...

well not totally an IKEA hack...painting over large photograph...but still...I put many hours into it and the beast is staying.

I am also making him keep the rug that I had my sister buy and ship from Target, just because it was such a pain in the ass to get here...and speaking of, let me just for a second go off on a little tangent...I am sick and tired of having to pay ridonkulous shipping/duty/customs fees to get product from the US to Canada...I am also very sick of paying twice as much for the same goods, when technically our dollar is selling for more than the US just sucks shouldn't be so difficult for me to buy and ship...I don't live in a remote African village for god sakes.

I digress.

Now back to the room...I also want to keep the little sofa - I can't tell you how much that IKEA number has been used...the switch from a rocker to that puppy was genius...use it ALL the time....and it shows...the white is now yellow and well, it's time is up. 
I could re-upholster but spending that much money on a $200 sofa seems a little, well, insane so I need something new...and it has to be cheap...really cheap.

The room is teensy...a traditional bed would jet out and take up most of the floor space so I have been on the hunt for a daybed of sorts...trouble is, most daybeds are this one...

Martine Iron Daybed

and as much as I LOVE a feminine room, I must concede that Mac Attack is not a girl..and believe me, despite my efforts to talk him out of it in utero (went something like this...'you will not want to play hockey or'll love rowing and photography...architecture'll hate anything dangerous and love to draw') , the kids is definitely all boy...he has so far debunked the idea that babies hear their mothers when still in the belly..he obviously totally ignored my requests.
He's a boy and I adore him for it...but I still don't want him to play hockey...believe a Canadian, having a boy often means your motherly existence is defined by your willingness to spend 80% of your life in a cold arena yelling at referees...I've seen it happen to way too many a friend and I flat out refuse...there will be NO hockey...well...I'll let him play outside and maybe in a house league once a week sort of deal but zero rep will be happening.

Again, I digress.

Back to the beds.

Although I'm a little over Restoration Hardware at the moment (the whole Belgian/architectural salvage thing is getting a bit way too overplayed for my liking,) I do quite enjoy their baby/child catalogue and am quite smitten with this handsome bed...

Jourdan Daybed

the hitch of course, is that it's $1249 US...which according to my earlier Canadian pricing tangent, means it's likely at least $1800 + shipping + 13% tax go on that one. good friend Andrea just let me in on a little secret...apparently RH has changed their policy so that the website prices are the same for both US and CDN customers...and they charge a ridiculously low set shipping fee of $195, which includes inside set-up...I am AMAZED by this...I take back my earlier less than gushy comment about Restoration Hardware- they get major bonus points for having such a fabulous cross boarder policy!

Despite this...I'm still moving on past that delightful bed to something a little more time warn and there is good news in that regard my friends.

A few days ago I was perusing Etsy and came across this shop....

and saw this...

Vintage French Daybed

love, love, love but still perhaps a little girly so I emailed the seller with my bed want list and got this photo in return...

hallefarkinglujah....that's thee bed...and to sweeten the pot even more, it's totally within budget (i.e. it's about 1/3 the price of the RH one), love, love, love, love.

I'm waiting on a shipping estimate to Buffalo- hubs can drive down and pick it up...quite sure that will save me at least $200 bones...oh and to make it even sweeter, because it's an antique, I can bypass the tax at the border...claps/high fives.

So there you have little guy's hopefully new big boy bed, which he will keep his whole life because read my lips, I am not buying another one...until he goes to uni...pretty sure he won't be taking this mother huge bed with him.

I threw together a little boardski with the new bed and a few adjustments from the last one I did...

The colour story is going to be chocolate, cream, navy, turquoise and emerald green.
I'm going to add in a couple of extra Rubie Green (PS...has RG gone out of business?  Their website is no longer working) leopard/green piped pillows have already moved to his room...I'm also hoping to put up that hand drawn wallpaper by Fine Little Day and some green solid curtain panels.

The bed is being ordered as soon as I get that shipping estimate...the rest will be done as soon as I can afford it...the kitchen has sucked me dry for a while so realistically, we're looking at early next year for the wallpaper and curtains...I don't think he'll mind:)

Have a fabo Monday everyone...oh and if don't foget to enter my inVu giveaway if you're in Canada or planning a trip here in the near future...a $100 gift card could be yours!




  1. Yep yep yep you found theeeee bed! Love it sweetness. Will be such a great look.
    Now let's talk about the rest, adore his nursery. Have I seen it before? Well done my dear. And hahaha, good for you for refusing hockey!! And yes, it's sad that ya'll have to pay so darn much to get items.

  2. Yes. Yes to the bed. Yes to everything. Its going to be awesome! Lucky boy!

  3. For some reason I can't see the picture of the new bed. Maybe it is just me? Also, I don't think I have ever seen his nursery. amazing!

  4. I couldn't see it either!!! Agree... love the nursery, can't wait to see the big boy room come together! I was kind of sad when I had to dismantle Beckett's nursery to make way for the big boy room. And guess what started for me this weekend... HOCKEY!!! yikes.

  5. 1. LOVE the bed, 2. AGREED with reference to unfair shipping costs/paying more for items from US. 3. RH (kinda over it too) only charges $195 shipping, and your provincial tax. Prices listed are US prices, but are the same in Canada (Yah for RH for doing this!), 4. I too will be a hockey refusal mom if this one turns out to be a boy. 5am hockey practice with raging, snooty hockey moms? NO THANKS!

  6. oops, one more: 5. Is Mac the cutest little boy ever? Yup, I'm thinking so

  7. Holy gorgeous! I can't wait to see this handsome room come to life!

  8. That looks like an amazing amazing room. what a lucky little baby. i'm sure the addition of the bed will look fabulous!

  9. His bedroom is tooooo cute! It's nicer then my bedroom, lucky little one!

    He's very lucky to have a mum that knows how to decorate!

  10. The bed is fit for a king! Looking great. Can't wait to see it come together.

  11. I'm jealous of that bedroom and I'm a vintage romance-seeking twentysomething girl! Congrats to the little one (and you for finding something so perfect)!

    La Petite Gigi

  12. LOVE the bed, and the kelly green and navy mixed with the neutrals. and, your little monologue about the whole hockey thing had me laughing! loved this post!

  13. I don't usually swear, but there might have been a barrage of less than polite ones coming out of my mouth for that *FABULOUS* antique bed!!! Holy is amazing on a whole new level...and with the plans for the room I am completely *DYING*! You *have* to link up his current room with my linky party today!!! Pretty please??? It's freakin' redonkulously good...

  14. LOVE what you came up with ! That mommy original is beyond amazing...I am in love ! Its gorgeous. Cant wait to see how it turns out !


  15. could your little one have a better mom?! I think not...I love love love the feel of the room you're creating :) I'm sure he will too! have a fabulous week! xoxo {av}

  16. The bed is awesome! I am sure he will love his new room!

  17. A friend of mine has a similar bed at her sons' bedroom. It looks great with the other white furniture. She kept it in its original color and it instantly gave a chic look to the room.
    I am loving your plans, so good luck. Your son is adorable.

  18. Love the new bed! I also love the board and the colors are beautiful. I am sure he will love it. Gorgeous nursery!

  19. great find! his new big boy room is going to be fab..

  20. Beautiful bed from French eclectic! I love the first one mostly because of the canning front/back and the details. Loving the vintage tail ship print and the turquoise accent!

    Can't wait to see te transformation!

  21. Holy cheese balls! That bed is amazing! It is the perfect mix for a boys room! Bravo on the design. Its cool if you pat yourself on the back :)

  22. Fabulous!! Love your board too!! He's going to be one stylish little man :)

  23. What a SCORE! I agree with you how ridiculous it is that you can't get stuff shipped to Canada for a decent price. Good thing you have a sweet hubby who is willing to drive and pick up your goods!

  24. That nursery is STUNNING. I cannot wait to see his new big boy room.

    Maybe he will enjoy rowing and photography. I had squirt guns when I was growing up and certainly do not enjoy them any longer. People change. ;)

  25. This is such a great post!
    It reminds me of the hullabaloo I went through to find my son's bed when I was transitioning from a nursery to a big boy space.
    At first I had this whole sort of mod-Napoleonic theme going on in my mind, with a pricey Restoration Hardware twin campaign bed on my wish list.
    Then lo and behold, through a serendipitous Craigslist ad, I stumbled across a gorgeous French antique in walnut than a nearby boutique was offloading for....wait for it....200 bucks!
    In the end the bed has become the crowning glory of his room and was the perfect contrast to the other more modern elements.
    I love it and I love the way things came together so unexpectedly.
    So glad the same is happening for you and your little guy. Can't wait to see the room once it's done!
    Cheers, Alcira

  26. Love your board and well the bed is fab.... I have been trying to come up with ideas for our grandsons room when he is here... love navy and the green and well every colour that you have... but I am not sure well I shall keep looking.

  27. I'm struggling with a COT still :(( bed seems like a faraway thought... But I do Lurveee your find.

  28. First of all I'm in love with your nursery. Secondly, I HATE paying so much more in Canada, why, why why???
    Lastly, love your pick ;)

  29. Fabulous find! I am loving the direction you are going with this!

  30. Oh, I just know if you add your special touch his room is going to be super fabulous! Seriously, Christine, you have the most beautiful kids ever.... those eyes!! xo

  31. that is spectacular. the whole thing. the color story, the
    bed, the leopard, the stripes...the GREEEN.
    especially the painting! that is real cool christine.

  32. You are fabulous -- have I told you that lately. you really are. That room is amazing...the nursery and your art amazing.

  33. Oh, and in is our hockey. If Jackson goes near a pigskin I'll lock him in his room. Same is true for motorcycles...he may only be 10, but it's not too soon to be worrying about those too!

  34. Wow!!! What a inspirational post for me! I'm only 9 weeks away to give birth to my son and this post is beyond dreamy!!! Thank you for sharing it!

    I also want to thank you for what you wrote about my interview on Tina's blog. It was so sweet of you!

    Have a fantastic Tuesday!


    Luciane at

  35. LOVE the bed! Have you shown his room before? If so, I must have missed it or you have been keeping it a secret. Wow, it's really great Christine!

  36. LOL you're killing me. Too funny. Want to know something? I'm a huge hockey fan {it's the only sport I like} and can't stand how the US doesn't appreciate it. So I've had a dream that if I ever have a little one that perhaps I will move to Canada so they can learn to play and truly appreciate the sport. Guess living there, that can get a bit old, huh?

    Aaanyway, on a completely different topic I absolutely love this bed and the palette is fabulous too :)


  37. As a Canadian by marriage, I feel your pain on the shipping front. My mother-in-law sends us books and has us bring them to her from Chicago because of the ridiculous shipping charges. Annoying.

    But anyway! Have you heard of The Cross Design? They're based in Vancouver. They're incredible. I would seriously live in their shop if I could. It's a little spendy but great for statement pieces. And they have a children's section...

    I really want you to go to their site and have your mind blown. You'll see. Canada has some reeeeal gems.

  38. You are hilarious! I think the mommy painting is fabulous! I just think I love everything you do:)

  39. Ha this are fun NEY!!!!! I am not even worried about this room cause I know you will rock the shit out of it.

  40. That painting is incredible! Do you have a post on how you did it? PLEASE let me know, I'm desperate for some large scale but not large budget artwork x


Sorry about the annoying captias...tried turning them off for a day and my inbox exploded with crap.

Smooches to everyone who perservered and left a sweet comment anyways! xoxo