Thursday, September 1, 2011

Be Kind....

I am something to share today that is both mildly terrifying and ridonkulously exciting...for me.

A few months ago I received an email from...ahem...House and Home know...this one....

i.e. the fabulous design and decorating glossy that pretty much everyone I know whose anyone reads....yes...that one.

Well it turns out the creative types there were looking to start up a new video series and here's the crazytown part...they wanted ME to be a part of it...yes me... I died....and then I got veeeeeerrrry nervous and died some more...

See there I am...on the House and Home website...and the best part...I'm in fabalicious turns out that H&H had the brilliant idea to ask a few bloggers to take part so there you see me alongside Tara from the amazing food blog Seven Spoons and the hilarious duo Joy and Janet of Moggit Girl fame.

So here's how the whole thing rolled out...a month or so went by after the initial email and then it was shootskit time.

Well let me back up a bit...before the big day I was given the challenge directive...for a $100 I had to select things from the Real Canadian Superstore that I thought were everyday living fall essentials...and here's the big surprise, while other people chose a shopping list of goodies, I managed to zero in on the most expensive items listed and came away with a grand total of TWO things...are you surprised?  
Probably not:)

After the items were picked and my choices were noted, it was shootski day.
I drove downtown and headed directly for the home design showroom for the Real Canadian Superstore...and that's when the real fun began.

I was make-uped...filmed...interviewed...and filmed some more.
It was Sahara Desert hot styles and I was final exam for Med School kind of nervous but....turns out it was also a complete and utter of those parallel universe kind of days where you see a flash of a different life...and this one was one where people did my make-up so that I actually looked sort of OK and stuff...and I sort of felt like a movie was beaucoup fun and at the end of it all, I felt pretty good about the whole thing.

All of this took place in July and then I received an email a few days ago that our videos were live so please be kind, I'm going to show mine to you...

just click on the above and you'll be directed to my little moment in the sun....eek...typing this and actually leading you there is making me feel a little nauseous.

Take a minute while you are there to also watch Tara's and the Moggit's videos...they're brilz.

So there you have 2:51 minutes of fame...thank you House and Home...I'll take what I can get and this was an experience I'll never honoured!!!



  1. Wow! you did such a terrific job & looked fantastic! Hopefully they ask you back as a regular!

  2. Wow! you did such a terrific job & looked fantastic! Hopefully they ask you back as a regular!

  3. Oh, you look beautiful and did marvelously! Congrats! xoxo

  4. Wow! you did such a terrific job & looked fantastic! Hopefully they ask you back as a regular!

  5. Wow! you did such a terrific job & looked fantastic! Hopefully they ask you back as a regular!

  6. Congrats what an exciting opportunity! You were such a natural on camera!

  7. Christine, I absolutely loves your video! You are such a natural! And look gorgeous. What an incredible opportunity, I am so excited for you!! So many big things coming your way! xoxoxox

  8. Great job and congratulations! I just watched it and you did a wonderful job! Take care, Caroline

  9. Congrats you were amazing, and looked so comfortable in front of the camera!

  10. Brilliant!!!!!! You did an incredible job, you look so comfortable, so well spoken and SO gorgeous! xo S

  11. You're such a natural in front of the camera! Nailed it!

  12. You did great! I laughed when you were checking out a bowl because you seemed so into it. No, seriously, you are a natural. Congrats :)

  13. Your video was so natural and clean! You were made for this! So proud to know you, SUPERSTAR!

  14. Congratulations! They are lucky to have you.

  15. You KILLED it! Seriously Christine, you are a natural for the camera. I felt like I was watching HGTV, only you were better than any of their hosts! Congrats on an incredible job! xoxo A & E

  16. You did great you stylin stay at home mom you! I love your creamy choices too!!'

  17. You are AMAZING! They HAVE to make you a regular!!! You couldn't have seemed more relaxed in front of the camera! So at home!

    I think we met before...about 15 years ago? Are you Sarah's sister? (SB from Innis/mbanx?)

  18. ummm how cool is that?! you look ahhhmazing! congrats christine! i loved the video. xoxo jillian:: cornflake dreams

  19. Fabulous job Christine! You were a complete natural.

  20. Loved it! You did an amazing job and looked so relaxed and beautiful! Congrats!! Somebody hire this girl!

  21. Wow! You knocked it out of the park! Love having a voice to your name/blog and I sure hope they have you back soon. They really need to publish your kitchen in H&H! xo

  22. Fantastic!!!! Loved it, you did such a great job like an old pro! (meant a young pro) You looked as great as you were charming....and i bet you will be asked again for an encore, they know a good thing when they see it! Congratulations, well deserved!!

  23. CHRISTINE- You gorgeous rockstar. I LOVED it and am so darn happy they chose you :) Congratulations.

  24. Christine, you ROCKED that video! Oh, my, you are fabulosity! You look so good (you are still about 17 in my eyes, so it's so strange to see you all grown up like!). One problem, your voice is different than I remember. I know it's been 20 years since we've seen eachother, but I still have your voice and your laugh etched in my mind. Weird, I know. Love it, and you're gorgeous!

  25. love it! you did GREAT! i would have frozen up on the spot....


  26. That was awesome!!! You are such a natural! Congrats!

  27. I hear Design Star calling!! You really were a natural and I enjoyed hearing your voice. Great job!


  28. EEEEEE! Okay, I have to do one more: EEEEEEE! Girl, that is so incredibly awesome and you rocked it like it was what you were born to do...all while looking every bit the part of fabulous and gorgeous designer! I'm so beyond exciting for you, that is such a fun and amazing opportunity and you knocked it out of the ballpark (c; Design Star, anyone? (c; Hehehehe...

  29. Congratulations !!! You look great.


  30. Christine! You were amazing- felt like you've been doing it for years- would love to see more of you on TV!xo

  31. Oh, you are so lucky! But I am not surprised they picked you, your beauty and taste are exceptional! How fun! Love the coverlet. Would be perfect for a design scheme for my first client!

    I see more fabulousness in your future :)

  32. christine! this is amazing!! congrats! your segment is awesome - you're such a natural in front of the camera!


  33. you look amazing and not nervous at all. love your picks too...

  34. Wow wow wow! How exciting! I can't watch now because i'm at work but I can't wait to see it! Congrats to you!

  35. What a thrill!!! You nailed it. And from the looks of your comfort on camera, I don't think this will be the last we see of you in this medium.

    Loved hearing your actual voice - and love your bedding choices.

    So delighted for you!!!!
    xoxo elizabeth

  36. Um, has anyone ever told you you should be on film? Totally, totally a natural! Loved it (truly!)

  37. Oh my goodness, that was amazing. You are incredibly beautiful, well spoken, and the camera loves you. What an incredible opportunity, I am so happy for you. Now what's next???

  38. AMAZING! Such a fab experience and you did great!!!

  39. Congrats!! You did awesome!! You seemed so relaxed and poised---so natural!! So exciting!! And--I love what you picked too!

  40. How exciting!! I love that magazine. I'm having my television debut tomorrow too ironically.

  41. Great job! You know what my favorite part of the video is? That I can finally put a voice with the online writing and photos!! Lovely picks and congratulations, my dear!

  42. What?? You nervous?? You're a natural - you look so incredibly comfortable and in your element!! Congrats - you did a fantastic job and I would happily listen to your top 'picks' on an ongoing basis!!

  43. wow Christine, you did amazing, CONGRATS!!!! ;)

  44. You area natural for TV.
    Great job.

  45. How exciting!!! Congratulations! You're a natural :)

    Stephanie (Big Mario Life)

  46. Shut Up!!!! I watched and have to say. You did an amazing job! It was only a matter of time before you were "discovered!"

  47. OMG Christine, I just watched it through and you did an EPIC job! You are just as cute as I knew you were :) Love your pick, love what you wore (esp. that watch!), and just generally love the clip! You go girl, here's to more minutes of fame :)))
    Nancy xo

  48. Christine, that is amazing!! Many congratulations to you! You did a superb job, love it! xx

  49. Congratulations and a job well done, you seem very natural and comfortable in front of the camera! I actually would have chosen the same thing as you if I was in the same situation - a comfortable, timeless bed set is such a great investment and I would definitely choose the quality over quantity when it comes with linens. Nothing feels better than brand new, fresh linen to snuggle into when the cooler months are forming :)

  50. Christine, you were just splendid, you seriously have talent to be a moderator on a TV show!

    It was nice to see you once in action, now when I will read your posts I will always see you in front of me ;)

    Well done

  51. Christine!!! This is so exciting! I loved you already but now I love you even more just seeing how darn cute you are in "person." You looked gorgeous and seemed do relaxed in front of the camera, you did such an amazing job. You NEED your own show on HGTV!! xo

  52. I already commented on your success on FB, but I have to say it here again - you were a natural! You looked so comfortable and so beauty! Congrats!

  53. You are adorable and so fun to watch...I promise.

  54. FANTASTIC! Congratulations Christine! looks ab fab and of course I love your picks!

  55. that is so cool and exciting!!! congrats to you...and you look stunning!

  56. Christine that's so incredible!!! You're such a natural in front of the camera. You should have your own show :) xoxo

  57. Christine!! You are a natural! You did such an incredible job on this, so exciting!!

  58. You are fabulous Christine! Not surprised at all you went for the 2 most expensive things you could find!!.. I love it!

  59. oh, how exciting is this & what an amazing job u did...the camera adores you!

  60. Christine, you were perfect! Like a true blue pro!

  61. This is so wonderful and you look like a natural on that footage! Congratulations to you - much deserved!

  62. Finally got to check it out and...Wowza, you did an amazing job! And I loved your choices!

  63. Yay, Christine! That was awesome. You're a natural.

  64. Awesome, you did not look nervous at all!



Sorry about the annoying captias...tried turning them off for a day and my inbox exploded with crap.

Smooches to everyone who perservered and left a sweet comment anyways! xoxo