Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Wednesday Wallpaper - A True Story

I'm going to take you on a brief trip back through time today...bare with me...we're heading to October 2010.

It was then that I met the lovely Dean from the uber fabulous blog....

my little apartment

I'd been enjoying her blog and then was pleased as punch when I opened my email one cool fall evening to find a little request.

Like me, Dean had found herself a wee bit obsessed with a particular wallpaper...and in a fabulous twist of fate, it turned out to be a pattern I had also been seriously lusting over.

We both fell in love with said design when this spread hit the pages of Elle Decor...way back in April of last year.
Remember this home belonging to the very fabulous Christine D' forever dream home...aka style heaven...???

Well it was her bedroom, bedroom and dressing room that had both Dean and I spinning for answers...

Le sigh...perhaps one of the most divine patterns ever produced if you ask me...anyhoo...back to the story...

The problem Dean and I were facing was that this pattern seemed very illusive.
Try as we might, neither of us had been able to track that beauty down.
And believe me, we tried.

When I first got Dean's email, I had already spent ALOT of time trying to source it out.
So when I read her request, I decided to give it the old college try again...why not...perhaps a new purpose would help lead us both to the motherland of wallpaper genius.

Only it didn't.
Instead I spend hours and hours finding look a likes that might pass and perhaps could produce the same brilliant mix of brash and subdude...

Only they didn't...not really...not quite the 'real' paper you can see on the bottom left...the others were surely similar but not quite the same...though that deer discovery made me VERY might see those showing up in my little guy's room...quite adore the palate/pattern.

Anyhoo...I sent an email to Dean with these alternatives, after my search for the real juice had turned up empty.
She was lovely enough to post about it HERE.

The two of us took a collective sigh of disappointment and moved on to other things...until....almost a year later and the magic of Twitter!!!

I was taking a few minutes to go through my newest followers and happened upon the website of the design house....


At first, I was blown away with their portfolio...

And then I started reading their blog posts...and then it happened...holy dangely balls...there it was...

I almost died...on the spot...I kept staring and staring, unable to believe that right there in front of my eyes was THE paper...and it had a name...sweet Jangala Rose/Osborne and Little.

Understandably, my fingers practically couldn't type fast enough as I emailed Dean with the crazy fabulous news...her response went something yeah, we were both a little excited about this...that was a week ago.

And now? 
What came of this tale you might ask?
Well...a joint blog adventure of course...duh.
Me and the lovely Dean are going to order up some of that fabulous....she'll also be posting about this today can click HERE to see that divinity.

In a small but rather disappointing twist of fate, the original colourway is no longer available...nor is the pattern on the O&L website...hence why I had trouble finding it in the first place...but, samples of the three current colourways can be found {I located these at of my fave resources for wallpaper samples}...

and the two of us will be ordering one of each.
And in the future...sometime down the road...both of us will be plastering this gorgeous on a a few walls and when that happens, we'll be posting the shit out of it...promise!!!!!

So there ends this tale...a very happy ending that found two humble bloggers pleased as raspberry punch.
Thank you never cease to amaze me!!!




  1. I absolutely love this! Amazing how things like this happen. Congrats on finding this beauty!

  2. I love your enthusiasm, passion and dedication.
    (I think the original is on the bottom right, not left.)

  3. Wow what luck! It is lovely where are you putting it???

  4. Oh Christine! You always source the most fabulous stuff! Its a constant source of inspiration to read your blog! I'm so happy you found the wallpaper- SO fun!

  5. wallpaper true love!! girls after our own heart! love the power of social media...can't wait to see this fab paper after installation some day from you guys!

  6. haha amazing story! Such a happy ending too. I can't wait to see what you do with it!

  7. I do remember this bedroom and dressing room!! That wallpaper is fantastic! Just beautiful;) What great luck to come across another admirer on twitter and share the joy!!


  8. You always find the best stuff..I am serious. Some of the BEST resources comes from Christine.

  9. One of the most frustrating things when you find a design obsession you can't track down! So glad you solved the mystery!!

  10. Hahaha--You are too funny!! So glad you found the wallpaper! It is gorgeous!

  11. great story... fabulous wallpaper!

  12. Oh brilliant twitter, what would we do without you??? I'm so glad this story had a happy ending...I was beginning to get sad for you, but eureka! The gorgeousness was found and all is right in the world once more! (c;

  13. I've been resisting twitter, but this gives me another reason I should join... congrats on the find! That is a really fabulous wallpaper!

  14. C'est dommage mon petite fleur :(. Such a beauteous pattern!

  15. so happy you found it! always love happy endings:)

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. Isn't that just the best feeling? Finding something you've been searching and searching for, it's fate I tell ya. I'd be ordering up half the store hehe
    I'm happy that you found your evasive wallpaper, it truly is beautiful. I love floral wallpapers!

  18. What a beautiful story with a very happy ending. Hooray for you both. When it's meant to be it's meant to be.

  19. Yippee! Love when things just fall into place!

  20. So many beautiful wallpapers all in one post! Hope your week is going well, Christine!! xo

  21. Love this wonderful story Christine and how lucky to have found such gorgeous wallpaper! xx

  22. I love your luck. Beautiful wallpapers. It's almost Friday...Yeah!

  23. Wow! Great story.....I love whatever you put out there always comes back to you!!!

  24. It's crazy gorgeous Christine! I love it in all the colorways!!

    Just wanted to pop by and say sorry for being MIA this week, my poor dog has been suffering with seizures and it has been more than crummy around here :(
    Nancy xo


Sorry about the annoying captias...tried turning them off for a day and my inbox exploded with crap.

Smooches to everyone who perservered and left a sweet comment anyways! xoxo