Monday, February 3, 2014

My Amazing Experience at Medcan

There are times as a parent that really feel transformative...moments when you really see your child for the person they are becoming...their potential...their amazing gifts.

Most of the time, these precious glimpses feel like fleeting snapshots...they'll be doing something rather innocuous and when you look at them, you see what might be...what's coming.

Sometimes though, this sort of thing happens on a larger scale and when it does, it feels pretty damn special.

Over the past few weeks, I've been lucky enough to take part in a program which gives parents so much of what I'm talking about.

Let me explain.

Here in Toronto, we're very fortunate to have access to Canada's largest preventative and wellness clinic called Medcan...

As part of their service offerings, they now offer the first comprehensive child and youth assessment (for children aged 5-17) in Canada...thanks to a VERY generous offer to try out the program, my two school aged littles Scarlett and Malcolm had the chance to complete it and I can very honestly say, it's both amazing and quite literally, revolutionary.

As part of the assessment, my kids spent two days at the clinic, thanks

...during that time, they completed:

-cognitive and intelligence assessments from a registered (and PS, INCREDIBLE) psychologist
- behavioural and social wellbeing assessments to look for emotional strengths and weaknesses (also by above mentioned amazing psychologist)
- nutrition analysis and education
- a full physical/medical exam including age-appropriate screenings labratory screenings and immuinzations
- vision and hearing screenings
- lung fuction testing

And most importantly, their two days were filled with FUN, FUN, and more FUN.

To start, kids were offered iPads (loaded up with every game imaginable) to play with in between two thought they had died and gone to heaven just on this front alone...

There was also a designated lounge just for the kids and their family was stocked with delicious food, coffee, toys, magazines and a large screen TV of course...

SO civilized.

Before officially starting their day, the kids were given their own personalized check sheet (along with a very cool bone pen that they were thrilled to find out they got to keep at the end...along with some pretty awesome water bottles:)...

...which they thought was very cool- both of them delighted in making fancy check marks after completing each stop.

While at each station, my kids were met with honestly, the most wonderfully kind and friendly professionals...the kind of people that you just know absolutely want the best for every child that walks though their door...on that note, both of my kids had bloodwork done and because of an amazing thing called an emla patch and most importantly, because of incredible nurses who really knew what they were doing, both of my kids sailed through and actually almost enjoyed it...truly...I was amazed...they even earned 'great patient stickers' afterwards then had tons of fun completing their fitness assessment...

...a PS on that note...though I haven't yet seen the results of this testing, I'm going to jump out on a limb and say that I don't think my kids are going to be winning any athlete of the year awards any times little redhead is almost 8 and is still working on a two legged jump...the mirrors all around the gym always distract her from you know...actually exercising;)

Both of my kids also loved the hearing/eye testing part...lots of fun scientific equipment according to the 5 year old...Scarlett LOVED the hearing booth especially...

...pretty sure she thought it was her own personal recording studio;)))

As for me the mom, my absolute favourite part of our time at Medcan (aside from watching my kids have so much fun that is) was the time I had with the psychologist.

You know that mother's instinct? That voice in the back of your head that tells you all you need to know about your own children? Well, sitting across from an objective observer who has tested your child and taken the time to truly understand their strengths and weaknesses...and then to hear said professional lay out in real and concrete terms what you've sort of known all along (but in a naive and abstract way)...well, it was truly something I'll never forget.

In a few days we'll  be receiving a report of all the findings from their assessments (cognitive, emotional and intelligence) and with everything in hand, I know we'll have the tools needed to set both of them on the best possible educational suited to both their individual crazy amazing strengths, as well as those areas that maybe aren't in their gift pile...I hope so anyways. In any event, I know my husband and I both feel very empowered to be the best possible advocates for our kids, which is such, such a gift.

I've literally been talking to every parent I've come across since out time at Medcan about what a worthwhile investment I think this assessment is...I wouldn't hesitate to recommend it to anyone and indeed will be doing so ALL THE TIME because I truly feel it's one of the best things I could ever have done for my kids...and yes, it does cost money...but truthfully, I don't think there are many things I'd rather spend moula on (and that includes the indigo leather sofa from Japan I spotted over the weekend...more on that later:) than the health and well-being of my kids...OK..well maybe this sofa...

...I kid;)

In all seriousness, I definitely count our 2 days at Medcan's Child and Youth Assessment as everything I hoped it would be and ideed, everything I spoke about at the beginning of this post...their assessment gave me/us such a true vision of the physical, cognitive and emotional health of my was indeed transformative in every possible way and though it may sound cheesy, I definitely think I'm going to be a better mom to both of them after it...I know them a deeper/more intellectual way.

A huge, huge 'this mommy is so entirely grateful' thank you to everyone at Medcan.  It's such a fabulous thing to encounter the type of people who want children to express themselves and obviously find joy in seeing little people honestly is what struck me most about our time at Medcan- my kids loved being there because they were met with such happy and encouraging people...people who I know thoroughly enjoyed learning about and getting to know my kids...I feel exceedingly lucky to have met everyone there we encountered.

It was a very, very good 2 days.

To you my readers, if you live close (or even maybe not,) this program is most definitely something I'd recommend in the highest possible way.

You can read more about it HERE.

**Please note that my kids were invited by Medcan to take try out this program.  It was absolutely my choice to write about my experience though and all onions shared are absolutely my own**

And as for the pretty design stuff, I'll be back tomorrow with more of that...a very exciting new project to tell you about as well as some #getpublished reveals.



  1. If you think it was fab for your kids, you should go yourself. Medcan SAVED my friend's life. For real. They do the same kind of preventative assessment for adults (but more medical - MRIs, blood work, scans etc) and they hopefully find things way earlier than the norm. Found early stage prostate cancer in my friend (prior to any symptoms showing up) and I can say that he likely wouldn't be here today without Medcan.

  2. My husband and father-in-law are there today! My dad went last week - it gives me such peace of mind! So happy you had such a positive experience! ;-)

  3. I love Canada! There are just some things your country gets right over others. What a great program. What a great way to value the most important resource.

  4. Did you receive any compensation for this post?

  5. Michelle Hill this clinic is not part of our socialized medicine system, you have the exact same resources in the U.S. (Think Mayo Clinic). Medcan Clinic is an amazing resource for those who can afford it however the cost of their services is not accessible to the average Canadian. A good family doctor (unfortunately far and few between) should be able to provide many of these services including referral to a psychologist for gifted testing (cost also not covered by provincial health insurance).
    Christine I am also curious to know if you were compensated in some way for this post?

  6. Hi everyone....I wanted to clarify your questions about me being compensated for this post. Medcan very generously invited me (my kids) to try out the assessment but it was absolutely my choice to write about our experience while there and all opinions shared are very much my own. As I stated in the post, based on the amazing wealth of information we garnered from the assessment, I would very highly recommend it to fellow parents and my readers. As Travellingmum noted, there is a cost associated with the testing but it's one I feel is more than reasonable when you calculate out what it would cost just to see the psychologist alone- his hourly rate in a private setting would have more than exceeded the cost of the entire assessment. For our family, the peace of mind we were able to get from such an extensive physical screening, along with the recommendations we received have been truly invaluable, which is why again, I feel very comfortable endorsing the program.

  7. Thanks very much for the clarification Christine. I encourage you to update the text of the post. As it stands now, you admit that it costs money but say there isn't much you'd rather spend money on, which unfortunately seems misleading if you actually weren't charged for the service. I'm just concerned that parents without the means to pay for such services are reading that services they can't afford make other moms better parents, without also being told that the post is a paid (though no doubt sincere) promotion.

  8. Anonymous...thank you for your comment. It is of course, in no way my intention to be misleading. I am more than happy to put a 'sponsored by' note on the post itself and will do so now. =When I said 'there aren't things I'd rather spend my money on,' that was absolutely the truth and was said from my perspective...for me, it is 100% something I'd pay for and will be paying for when my now infant reaches school-age. I truly believe in the amazing investment that this assessment is and would only say so if that was the case.

  9. Anonymous...edits complete...I apologize if I wasn't clear enough from the start re: being invited to complete the assessment...just very excited to share my experience with it.

  10. I understand this is not a part of the socialized medical program, I am impressed that there is even a comprehensive program (for profit or otherwise) that exists or within economic reach. We are really so far away from that in the US. Even the Mayo with amazing insurance coverage is almost unaffordable. I had a rare and difficult brain tumor in 05 and was treated for follow up care at the mayo in Scottsdale AZ. MRI, labs and appointments with two specialists came to 11k..with PPO insurance..UGH.
    I think we sometimes romanticize the healthcare outside of the US, but when you are on a 10k (a month) orphan drug and only 20% is covered by that Cadillac's hard not to think others have it better.
    I am a huge proponent of preventative care early..and I liked the comprehensive nature and idea of Medcan getting kids started young in preventative care.

  11. michelle hill- I couldn't agree more. This is preventative health care and I'm honestly blown away that this type of comprehensive program is offered at the price it is...when you look at other other things we spend our money on in terms of preventative health care (ex. acupuncture, organic food, a gym membership) the price of this assessment is definitely reasonable and as you noted, within economic reach. As I said in my post, I think it's an amazing resource and feel very lucky to have experienced it. I actually completed the adult version a few years back and again, was blown away by the amazing things that I was offered in terms of care.
    Most important re: your comment...I'm so sorry to hear that you have gone through so much and that on top of having to deal with such a terrible health crisis, had to also worry about ridiculous health care costs. I am a huge supporter of socialized healthcare and feel so terrible when I hear about people such as yourself, who have to take on such a financial burden because of their health. So hoping that all is well now and that you are feeling happy and healthy! xo

  12. Look how sweet you are. I am A OK now. I wanted to be sure to let you and other know. Sometimes forget the best part..I'm doin' fine.'s important to let some know there is always hope. I was given some pretty grim odds and here I am, hardly worse for wear. I also feel fortunate. I have had the financial I have had the financial resources to fly allover the place and find neurosurgeons and specialists. I was lucky that my exorbitant prescription is within reach. I have met many for whom it was not. Sadly some are now gone. So, I feel lucky. My retirement takes a huge hit every month, but I am here.
    Thanks again for the lovely words of concern. I am great.


Sorry about the annoying captias...tried turning them off for a day and my inbox exploded with crap.

Smooches to everyone who perservered and left a sweet comment anyways! xoxo