Thursday, November 7, 2013

I'm Entering a Contest a la Polyvore and Modcloth

As you know, I've been loving up the Polyvore lately...mostly for its new home app that takes moodboard making to a whole new 'I'm addicted like crack' level (and yes, I currently reside in a city whose mayor admits to smoking the aforementioned stuff...I have no words or whitty remarks on that insanity front...please pray for us is all I can say there)...

Untitled #73

Black Fire White Ice

Sexy Glm

Sexy Glam Contest

we wear the pants

Untitled #70


And though I'm waaaay more a decor person than a fashion person, I do also enjoy Polyvore's clotheshorse arm...especially when there's a contest going on.

Hence, this little diddy I just put together for Modcloth...


Apparently, I can win something like for creating/posting this wee ensemble so please help out an old friend by liking my 'set'.

Merci many buckets in advance.



  1. Liked your set! Good luck with the contest.

  2. Hi Christine,

    Since I discovered your blog this year I became an avid reader. Do you have any new posts on project Ink & Reverie? I was looking forward for news regarding it since I am also in the phase of discussing the project of my house with my architect. It was refreshing and inspiring seeing your work with Wallace's. Looking forward to having news about it! Thanks. Love from Brazil,

  3. O.M.G. you are one crazily talented woman! If I was to marry a woman … well maybe SR would still jump the line … I would so be marrying you! Just think about how insanely gorgeous my home would be and I wouldn't even have to do a thing!

    Love those black swan lamps … LOVE!


Sorry about the annoying captias...tried turning them off for a day and my inbox exploded with crap.

Smooches to everyone who perservered and left a sweet comment anyways! xoxo