Monday, October 21, 2013

Weekend Happeninings...Around the House

I spent the entire weekend and styling.

As I told you before, I've got some shoots coming up so things need to get did as it were.

In the arena of long term stuff, we're also re-considering our plan to rent the house out when the new one is built...feeling like selling might be a better option and if so, I want the house looking its absolute we can fetch top dollar as it were. pieces and new lighting will most definitely be coming with us when we move.

But for now, this is what's happening round here...

1. Some black marble accessories and a basket (for towels) got added to the bathroom...

Now I just need to hang art...which PS, I bought at IKEA for $30 bones (not usually a mass produced art kind of girl but thought this was rather perfect for in there)...

I also stole this guy from the living room...

I wanted to note how my I LOVE the tiles in so happy with how they turned out and have plans to replicate almost exactly for the boys room in the new house.

A HUGE thanks to Home Depot and Anatolia Tile for delivering the super duper goods on that front!

2. I bought a plant for the basement family room (again, HD comes to the rescue- I almost bought one of these at a local nursery last week for $129 bones...HD, $29.99:)

...let's see how long I can keep it alive.

3. Bedding and a mattress got added to the teenager's room...

4. I got my Trillion beauty up ( a big thanks to Christine at 219 for ordering it up for me...I seriously couldn't function without this girl...between her store and her friendship...well, I feel very lucky let's just say).

...which was work let me tell you.

The crystals came individually wrapped in a box like this...

...and I had to take each one out, string two pins...

...and hang.

It easily took 3 hours but wowzers, was it ever worth it...I'll be hand walking that bad boy down the street to the new house...of this I am VERY sure.

And I think that was it for the weekend.

And for right now, my living room has been completely torn apart so that we can slap some paint up on the walls...planning on a big change in there...I'm trading in the art wall in favour of some large scale goodness by the incredibly talented Jen Mann...

...he's called 'Sway' and I lurv him greatly.

And speaking of ginormous art, my two anewall pieces arrived and...


Seriously- I'm obsessed with them...the scale is just too good.

Stay tuned for more progress shots on Instagram etc.

And I promise some full reveals very soon.



  1. Your house is like a little piece of heaven! You have such a unique vision. Adore you for that. I'm loving that basket. Do tell!

  2. Everything about your house is seriously perfection. Dying over that chandelier! So gorgeous.

  3. I LOVE that artwork!! Just might have found a great option for our master bedroom!

  4. Teach me the secrets. How does your husband not want to murder you? Mine is gonna freak out over our constant state of flux house. And dude, you bang it out. ITS CRAZY FAST!!!!

  5. awwwwww yeah! it's all looking so awesome! I would have been twitching involuntarily after spending that amount of time setting up the light fixture, that being said, the twitching would have been work it. looks amazing! can't wait to see what colour you're painting the walls!

  6. Wow. Looking amazing. Love the artwork and that lighting! Insane. Also have to ask, where did you get the curtains in "the teenager's" room? The white with the criss-crossing lines? I LOVE them!

  7. Your style is soo up my, if only my husband could appreciate such goodness *sigh*

  8. Gorgeous peeks into your home...cannot wait for the full reveals :) And the crystal lighting definitely looks like it was worth the time!

  9. You're so so sweet my friend, and right back at ya'!!


  10. All the details and layers look amazing. I too wonder how do you get so much accomplished in a weekend. Bravo!

  11. got my design fix all of it!


Sorry about the annoying captias...tried turning them off for a day and my inbox exploded with crap.

Smooches to everyone who perservered and left a sweet comment anyways! xoxo