Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Ink and Reverie- Take One

After some looooong deliberations as to what we (i.e. me and the architect) were going to call this thing, I'm pleased as punch to welcome you to a new co-blogging series called...

And what's this all about?

Well my friends, I invite you to join me here every week (Tuesdays thank you please) as I uncover the ins and outs of designing a new house...all from my blogger/perspective.

Now I know you've already had the chance to follow the progress of #projectdreamhouse via
'The Dream House Diaries' (don't fret...it will continue as the place where I share my ever expanding boatload of project inspiration)...this new one though is going to be the real nuts and bolts of the thing...layouts, elevations, materials, finishes, processes, demolition, before/afters etc. etc.

And...to further amp up the fun, my brill architect Wallace is going to running the series over on his blog as well...only when you skip over there, you'll be reading about the project from his perspective...and lord knows, when you contrast my mucho 'reverie' take on things...aka 'building my dream house is going to be one giant unicorn and rainbow party where the ugliness of budgets, lot restrictions, building codes etc. doesn't matter'...


...and then flip over to see how the more logical, process orientated 'ink' sees it all....i.e. 'we have to make all this fantasy shit make sense and function and PS, fit on your 50' lot!'...


...we're in for some good yin and yang business.

What I can tell you about the weekly planning banter Wallace and I have enjoyed so far is though we are definitely coming at this project from different angles, working together has already pushed both of us to think outside our respective 'dreamboat' and 'practical'  boxes.

In the end, I know it's precisely this divergent ideology that will create the dream house my family and I are after...and hopefully the kind of entertaining blog series you boys and girls enjoy.

So stay tuned...it's going to be a fun ride;)



  1. Excited for this new series! I'll have to head over and read up on the architects perspective :)

  2. Oh My Goodness. That pic with the settee and champange and the bubbles - hilariousness

  3. I love hearing about your dream house!! It makes me want to start planning my own even though that is years away :)


  4. Your new house designs make me giddy. I follow every step on Insta!

    La Petite Gigi

  5. I love this post the pictures are perfect!


  6. A world of opportunity is unfolding before me, thanks to you... Looking forward to the process path and finished product! Sincerely, Wallace

  7. ooooh...this is going to be a great series! very much looking forward to reading your two perspectives!

  8. Fantastic idea for a series and I look forward to tuning in every Tuesday!


Sorry about the annoying captias...tried turning them off for a day and my inbox exploded with crap.

Smooches to everyone who perservered and left a sweet comment anyways! xoxo