Thursday, September 12, 2013

The Dream House Diaries #11- The Mainfloor Layout and its Details

Good day my friends.

It truly is here at casa Bijou because this sweet little nugget... killing sleep training.

On night two, he literally whimpered for one minute, rolled over and proceeded to sleep 11 hours.

I'm utterly amazed.  

I've been through this process with two other babies and never has it been even close to this easy.

To say I feel blessed with this kid doesn't even come close to cutting it...he's just a gem among gems.

And because he's now a sleeper...

(PS...public service announcement....I got help on the whole training thing from a Sleep Doula...if you have a baby that doesn't sleep, you NEED to find one of these people in your area- they are a total god send and worth every single penny!)

...I feel like I might just get back enough brain power to blog more regularly and focus on things like...

We're making a whole lot of progress on the dream house front.

For one, we officially took possession of the lot and are busily working away on the existing structure so that we can rent it out while finishing off the design and permit process of the new place.

Our budget for said 'mini-reno' is $2000 and trust me when I tell you, with this place, that's not alot of cash to get 'er done as it were.

We're hoping to have all of the work done by Monday so stay tuned for some before and afters on that front.  I'm even hoping to semi-furnish the place with stuff from the POD on our driveway so we'll see how that goes.

And on the new house design front, we are making HUGE progess on the main floor layout.

My architect extraordinaire Wallace of wjb designs... rocking the face off of the design process.

Unlike most firms that would give you a meeting here and there, Wallace indulges me at least once a week with design meeting fun...we sit over coffee and pour though ideas/inspiration/materials etc. for hours and hours.

It's already been the most amazing process and I can't wait to see what comes next.

Sir Wallace is truly making the house that's been stuck in my dreams come to life and I couldn't be more grateful.

I opened up my email yesterday to see round two of the main floor layout in my inbox and let me tell you...


The lost is 50' wide, which is pretty standard in our hood...unless you have 2 mill to spend on lots alone and get a double spot.

And because of side set back zoning  rules, our abode can max out at around 44' in width...because I really have my heart set on a center hall plan, we've decided to situate the house sideways on the lot so that the front entrance will be on the east side.

From the drawings, you can see the covered, pillared porch on the right...that will lead people from the front yard to the side and the main entrance.

Once inside, they'll be greeted by a long and hopefully semi-grand entrance, with doors like these bad boys...

chic black lacquered door

The hallway of double doors will take everyone from room to room with formal spaces up front and the more relaxed, family spaces to the rear.

This is obviously not an open concept/great room scheme...I really want something more formal and traditional in feel...I've done the 'open' thing and with 4 kids and well, I'm ready for doors that I can close at will.

Some other things that have been officially decided on....

1. I want the hallway to almost be like a room in itself...

Jack Fhillips Designer - Greystone - Breezeway

With floors like these...

2.  There will be many fireplaces on the main floor...the kitchen one is at the top of my the idea of this sort of business...

Kitchen of Brooke Shields Architectural Digest

3. All the doors you see on the plan that lead outside will be of the French variety...much like these...

I want those french doors.....ECLECchic: APARTMENTO PARISINO por Sarah Lavoine

...I'll happily take some Juliette balconies as well;)

4. There will be a 'breezeway' between the kitchen and family room...

pretty breezeway  Rugo/ Raff Ltd. Architects

breezeway by mary mcdonald...big blue ceramic pots...fiddle fig tree...

Single Family Home for sales at Wexford Hall 544 Oenoke Ridge, New Canaan, CT 06840 United StatesĀ 

... that will lead out to a courtyard...

Beautiful Courtyard entry.

Gorgeous courtyard




5. The staircase will have one of these guys above...

Skylight in Phillip's office

6.  The office will be manly.

To date, my husband has requested only three things out of this house:

a. a garburator
b. a built in ironing board
c. central vac you can tell by the list, he's 'domesticated' ;)

Though this list reflects the sum total of his wish list, I'd like to do much as I'd love to be selfish and do this...

...I'm instead going to be making this sort of thing happen for him avec the front office...

That blue.

dark paneling, like the lights on the bookcases


I'm planning on paneling all the walls and lacquering them in a charcoal grey, that's hopefully going to be colour matched to the sofa that's currently in our living's going to be built into the bookcases sort of like this...

Diana Parrish Design and Photography + Emerson et Cie via Masins Fine Furniture

7. The outside will be white stucco with this guy...

...and Tom Ford's abode...

...serving as inspiration.

And I think that about sums up the decision making front for now.

Stay tuned for the upstairs layout coming next week.



  1. Oh my mother of all things jaw is dropped on the floor. Love it all and can't wait to see this all happen.

  2. oh oh oh he is precious!! and that entryway inspiration is divine. can't WAIT to see it all!

  3. C, seriously. I die. I.die. This is so unbelievably good I can't even tell you. If I hug you the minute I meet you, please forgive me. I just love love love all that you do! This home is going to be one of those that leaves you totally and utterly speechless, in a good way ;) lol. Now I want that white home here that I instagrammed way back even more.

  4. It's beautiful - so so good. Can't wait to see it come together. I can't help of think of this Alhambra kitchen by Jessica Helgerson when I see the doors and the black and white:


  5. I am sitting on pins and needles waiting till your dream home is complete! I can't even imagine how you are not going crazy in anticipation, cause I am just from afar lol! So Jealous! It is going to be amazing!

  6. Your baby is precious! I also love all the beautiful photos of interior of houses! Is it bad that all of a sudden I want two horses standing outside my house as well...


  7. 1. Must find sleep doula. My munchkin is up 4-5 times a night to nurse and me and my nipples are quite over it. 2. Your new home? Wowzers! It is going to be amazing.

  8. Love all the inspiration photos, and LOVE the layout you are doing! I am so not into the whole open floor plan people seem to love.

  9. It is going to be amazing!!!! I can't wait to sip some wine on that new veranda:)

  10. First: I just drooled all over myself.
    Second: Is 12 too old to call in a sleep doula? My son could use one.

  11. First: I just drooled all over myself.
    Second: Is 12 too old to call in a sleep doula? My son could use one.

  12. I'm loving the plans! So jealous of that big front entry and center hallway. Can't wait to see how it turns out.

    What are you doing the hall floors in?

  13. Um, I'm completely in love with everything you're shared today. All of it - starting with your cute kiddo and all the way to the end.
    One question though - is there a closet somewhere on the first floor for coats and shoes and stuff?

  14. stunning & happy that you have your dream in planning & execution mode. Mine is still in my head.

  15. The little guy is precious! You will make your dream home just that!! xo

  16. OMG, Christine, I'm dying over these plans - all of them!!! Your new home is going to be so amazing, and I'm totally jealz!! Seriously, you make me want to start all over again, with an unlimited budget of course ;)

  17. I poured over every detail, read about the Sleep Doula( that I have never heard of and sounds like a pure miracle from heaven) and love all your plans. The hallways and breezeways, the doors to the outside all things I LOVE and would dream of having one day. I am so happy for you Christine, this is going to be such a wonderful journey as all your adventures are, and I am truly hooked on your journey. Great blog stuff that's for sure. Give Jasper a hug, and I hope all the kids are happlily settled in school!
    xo Nancy

  18. oh mine!! this is absolutely incredible and you sure you don't want to adopt a mid-age son for some back office design paper work? LOVE IT ALL!

    That entrance, the main hallway, the fireplaces, and that court yard!!

  19. Wow! In love with every. last. detail. I love the main hallway to feel like a room in and of itself. Just make sure with all those beautiful french doors you have room for the sofa and tables that make the inspiration hallways so spectacular! I'm sure you've taken that into consideration :)

    Live Inspired,
    Heidi Chamoun

  20. This is going to be one stunning abode! Can't wait to see the end result!Also,currently salivating over all those french doors!

  21. Pretty cool set up! Hallway across the house, and between the living room and the dining area? I would love to step into something as regal as that. Hope your plans get fully realized, with all the proper tools available.

    Yolande @ Co-Construct

  22. I can imagine a fabulous house as I drool over these photos! I'm sure you'll be able to attain your dream home since you have a well-defined list of the features that you want to have. Moreover, it's nice to know that you also noted your husband's requirements. Hehe! I'll be looking forward to viewing your house. I wish you'll update when the projects are done. :)

    Abdul Jackson @


Sorry about the annoying captias...tried turning them off for a day and my inbox exploded with crap.

Smooches to everyone who perservered and left a sweet comment anyways! xoxo