Friday, December 10, 2010

Friday Fabrics - Timorous Beasties

Timorous Beasties of Glasgow, Scotland.
Founded in 1990 by Alistair McAuley and Paul Simmons.
A wallpaper and textile company that depicts contemporary images and doesn't shy away from exploring social issues of our time.
An aesthetic that ranges from earlier depictions of natural life to a more 'acidic' graphic style.
Hand printed using an ever evolving array of techniques.

7 fabric collections.








This was just a sampling of the fabrics/colours available in each collection.
For me, it is a truly inspired fabric line, which speaks to an ever changing world and evolving sense of beauty.
It's intellectual fabric.

On a personal note, I have had a fabulous week in the fabric department.

1. My David Hicks La Fiorentina arrived- 4 yards of yummy magenta goodness.

2. Do you remember this post on this OKL fabric?  Well a fabulous reader who actually purchased said fabric emailed me yesterday to ask if I would like to buy it- hello....YES!!!  I'll soon be the proud owner 2 yards of this glorious fabric. 

3. Alex over at one of my absolute favourite reads, Things that Sparkle, emailed to ask me if I would be interested in a yard of the Louise Body fabric she had recently purchased so voila, I'm about to receive a piece of this ridiculously fabulous fabric.

4. I just placed an order for a yard another Louise Body print. The evocative and oh so charming erotica.

The best news is that all of my fabric purchases were a huge deal.  The La Fiorentina was purchased on ebay for only $80- yes, for 4 yards....turns out there is some small flaw but I've opened it all up and it looks perfect so great buy there.  The OKL fabric is being purchased for $39 for 2 yards so that's a total steal and I am so thankful to my very sweet reader for offering to sell it to me after reading my post.  Both Louise Body fabrics are being delivered via relatives over the holidays so I am saving big UK shipping costs.  The floral is coming from Chicago (the lovely Alex is sending it up with my sister when she comes for Christmas) and the erotica is being brought over by my cousin from the UK. 

So all in all, it's been a charmed fabric week here at B&B- the fabric gods must be smiling down on me.

And PS, I have another fabulous giveaway about to start so make sure you tune in tomorrow for my Guide to Gorgeous Gifting- part 2...and here's a little hint- the giveaway and guide are all about the sparkles.



  1. wow! you have had a fantastic fabric week! glad i could help in that department xo

  2. I love a good deal! Good fabric choices.

  3. I still can't believe you found that Hicks fabric! I only ever find small pieces for sale on ebay! The Timorous Beasties toile collection is super cool.

  4. how fun for you. can't wait to see what you are going to do with the fabrics!

  5. Yay for fabric deals. Hope you have a wonderful weekend.

  6. Ohhh, what are you going to do with all those fab fabrics?!?

  7. Christmas buying for yourself is always so much fun!!! lol... I can't wait to see what you do with all the fabrics :)

  8. I think we need to know your plans for these fabrics. Basically, need to know everything you do. It's all that good!

  9. Beautiful fabric!! You'll have to keep us posted on where you put it...

    Have a wonderful weekend!

  10. The fabric collection you debuted is gorgeous! Your knowledge about fabric/textiles amazes me - I learn so much! Also, can't believe you to 4 yds of la fiorentina for $80 - so not fair!!! :)


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Smooches to everyone who perservered and left a sweet comment anyways! xoxo