Sunday, November 14, 2010

Yellow Things and Thank You Things

I wanted to thank a few people who have featured my little blog this week.

First, thank you to my dear friend Andrea of Willow Wisp Cottage who introduced her readers to my blog earlier in the week.  Andrea and I have been friends for over 20 years (god that makes me feel old) and have kept in touch despite living on opposite sides of the country for most of this time.  She is a wonderfully talented vet and mother and somehow still has write her own decor blog.  Although we our design styles are different, we share a lust for all things pretty and I love checking out her DIY/crafting masterpieces.  I admire her very much and am so happy this whole bloggy thing has helped us to reconnect. xo

Next, thank you to Barbara at hodge podge.  I have just found this fellow Canadian blogger and I am loving her amazing DIY tutorials and elegant style.  Her blog has definitely become one of my must reads!  Thanks for the very sweet feature Barbara!!

And thanks to Nicole over at Design Blooms.  She has a wonderful blog filled with inspirations and lovely finds.  Nicole also has an Etsy shot called Three Blooms which showcases her own re purposed furniture finds, adorable felt animals, and paintings.  Definitely a multi talented girl! 

Finally, thanks so much to Louise over at Table Tonic for including me on her list of 16 bookmark worth blogs.  I am so thrilled that she chose to include my blog along with such other fantastic reads.  I absolutely adore Louise's style and have been a fan over her blog since I started reading blogs.  Her online store is packed full with amazing treasures for the 'modern bohemian'- yes, I obviously love it all!!! 

I also have to give a shout out to Julie over at Milk and Honey Home.  Thank you so much to her for the  amazing opportunity she has helped me find.  Can't go into any detail yet but I thank her so much for thinking of me and helping to start make some of my dreams come true. xoxo

And now to switch gears a little, I thought I'd share some pretty pictures with pops of yellow. It's grey and somewhat gloomy here in the Tdot so I needed a little Sunday sunshine room candy.

Second only to pink, I adore a splash of yellow in a room. 
Instantly makes a space have pizazz .

{ images via 1&2: 3: 4: 5: 6: 7: 8: 9: 10}


  1. You are welcome Christine! Sweet words! Your talent shouldn't stay hidden, as for your "secret" can't wait to find out what it is, though I have a suspicion:)

  2. Christine, pops of yellow just delight me and are so joyous!! I will check out all of the links you mentioned!!


    Art by Karena

  3. You are just bursting with creativity and talent and we are enjoying being along for the ride. You are welcome (people sure have helped me...we gotta pass it along) Julie

  4. Thank you so much for the nice Thank you =) I was just thinking last night, that it was close to 20 years ago when you last came out to visit. We met in 1986 (oh God!)....almost 25 years ago. Wow, how time flies! Let's make a point of visiting each other soon. I'd love to meet your family and I'd love to go shopping in TO. I'm very jealous of all the wonderful stores there!

  5. Congrats on all the mentions. I look forward to meeting you on Saturday!

    I have to say that I adore pops of yellow in a room and how great is that white tufted headboard?!

  6. Your blog is fabulous Christine, as is your home!!! I am so happy to have found you through Barbara at hodge:podge, I especially love finding fabulous Canadian blogs. I'll definitely be following and adding you to my blog roll.
    Nancy xo

  7. Yeah, Christine! Only greatness is coming your way -- because of you!!!

    I am also a huge fan!

    ox, Mon

  8. Hi Christine, I came across your lovely blog while visiting one of my favorite style blogs, Tricia Huntley's Luxe and Lucid. As a costumer and jewelry designer I'm always searching for artistic inspiration. Congratulations on such a stylish and inspiring site.


Sorry about the annoying captias...tried turning them off for a day and my inbox exploded with crap.

Smooches to everyone who perservered and left a sweet comment anyways! xoxo