Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Wednesday Wallpaper- Toile and St Honore

I like Toile as much as the next girl and appreciate its rich history but, in all honesty, I find most of it to be kind of bland (sorry to my toile loving friends out there) - I think its the subtle colour palate and small pattern- it just not my thing.  And then I discovered some 'they're not your gramma's toiles' and a lightbulb of love went off.  Here are some of my favourites.

{Flavor Paper Chinatown Toile}

{ K-Lou Shop Toile De Joui}

{Manuel Canovas Bengale}

{ New Orleans Toile (fabric)- Bryan Batt via here}

{Harlem Toile- Sheila Bridges}

{South Beach Toile by Jessica Smith- Studio Printworks}

{London Toile- Timorous Beasties}

{Trash Day Toile (fabric)- Domestic Element}

I think what differentiates these from more historic toiles is their bold use of colour.  I also love the subject matter seen in many of them and appreciate how the pictures are an artistic commentary on modern life.
In my quest for all things toile, I came across these wall tiles by French company St Honore.

Amazing right!!!  And then- the following ensued.  It all began rather innocently.  I found the tiles with a Google search, proceeded to the website, looked at the tiles, noticed the company also made wallpaper, and then this:  Me with jaw open- 'No words...this line is making me rethink a few things- it's ridiculous-  but that always happens- I might never actually order wallpaper- it's just like when I was picking out my wedding dress- there might always be something better out there- e-gatz!!!'  Mouth closes and I remember I've already picked the wallpaper for the house and I'm not changing course- snap back to reality- enough with this brain nonsense.  But then 'maybe I'm wrong?' and I revert back to this:

PARROTS in PINK with little black dots and foliage all vintagy and pretty has to come home with me- argh.. ADORE!!!!

This parrot paper is by the French St Honore.  Here is a small sampling of their work.

These pictures really don't do justice to the line so please, jump over and look at the gorgeousness that is St Honore.  
And to close this wild tangent of a post, let me leave you with this...Be it amazingly vibrant modern toile or amazingly super cool French wallpaper companies, I'm giving two huge thumbs up (as I always do) for modern bold wallpaper- go ahead...plaster your homes with it- I promise it'll be OK:)


  1. I'll be helping my sister put together some rooms in her new home, and I'm definitely pushing her towards some amazing wallpaper!

  2. i love wallpaper - these are a little too much for me --- but love that people are reconsidering wallpaper again!

  3. You are right! They are beautiful! Enjoy the gorgeous day, Kellie xx

  4. Oh goodness, don't tempt me!! I also love the South Beach toile that you showed! So cute!!

    But, you're right the pink parrots with the black and white polka dots is amazing! Going to check out their site now!

  5. I fit more into the traditional toile camp, but these are very cool!

  6. I like the sassy one.;)
    I have a lovely giveaway today for little girls. Come on over and check it out.

  7. These are so fabulous -- the Manuel Canovas Bengale has long been a coveted fave of mine. I recently bought some Canovas toile sheets you'd adore called "Les Lavandieres" -- they're in a gorgeous pink colorway.

    I also dig all the cheeky and politically piquant variations!

    There's another Piere Frey pattern I like by Castelbajac called "Marquis de la Paillette" -- so great, and it even comes in brown and black for those of us with little boys' lairs to deck out.
    Cheers and happy day, Alcira

  8. Alcira, I soooo love the Bengale too- it's on my board of inspiration for my daughter's room- must put it somewhere:) I am highly jealous about your Canovas pink sheets- do you have pictures? Where did you get them? I'm off to check the Frey pattern you speak of- love the idea of using it for a boy's room- xo

  9. Hi,
    your home is in my blog!!
    i love her..

    Chris Rasga

  10. I love your blog - I just started into the blogging world and I love coming across fellow Canadians!

  11. Thanks for the post Chris!!! And Keswick, so glad you stopping by and I agree, blogging is such a great way to meet felllow Canadian design junkies.

  12. Beautiful wallpaper. I would seriously wallpaper every inch of my house if I did not have a fiance. I am considering getting rid of him just because I love wallpaper that much. (kidding, kidding)

  13. I hear you Jessie!! My hubby hates wallpaper- he thinks it is too hard to put up and too hard to take off- men!!! I would have it on every wall of the house if I could but am stuck with one wall on the mainfloor and then bedrooms\bath upstairs.

  14. Which one to choose from all great colors and patterns.

  15. Hi Christine ; )

    Here's an image of Les Lavandieres:

    I ordered mine from a out of NYC. They're more beautiful in person than in the snap and very soft.

    Hugs, Alcira

  16. Oh my Alcira- gorgeous!!! Thanks so much for the link- I am so jealous that you own those sheets! I find that my room is always the last to get thought about or done so maybe I should start with some of that glorious bedding:)

  17. I'm so happy that wall paper is making a reappearance. I love these designs!

  18. One of these is X-rated!


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Smooches to everyone who perservered and left a sweet comment anyways! xoxo