Tuesday, November 16, 2010

A Fictional Story of a Girl Named Fallon and her Friend Named Fenton

This is Fallon.
She designs jewelry.

She has an apartment in NY.
The space is a perfect reflection of her.
Soft and hard.
A little pretty and a little rough.
Sweet and saucy.

This is the dining room.
Fallon loves glamour but also likes a little tension in a space. 

Her living room is artistic and poetic.
Just like her.

This is her boudoir.
She likes the bedroom to be romantic but a little dark.
Not too pretty.

And this her dressing room/office- a private space where she lets her girly side free. 
Fallon thinks everyone should have a little sparkle in their lives.

Even though she loves this room as it is, she's thinking of make a few changes.
Her best friend has promised to help her with it...she's a designer.

This is her kitchen.
She entertains a lot and likes things to look a certain way but feels that perfect is really boring.

Fallon likes to be at home but is definitely up for any adventure.
She enjoys chic restaurants and shopping.
And her friends.

Today, Fallon plans on going out with her girlfriends for some late afternoon shopping...and dinner.

The group is a somewhat eccentric bunch.

The girls are taking the subway downtown.
{a gold one that is}

Their first stop is going to be Fallon's jewelry store...coincidentally called Fenton-Fallon.
Fallon loves how the store looks. 
 Her best friend Fenton designed it.

Here she is.

Fenton loves pink and is a little more girly than Fallon.
Her favourite movie is Casablanca.
She is very proud of how her friend's store looks- thanks to her.

Before meeting the rest of the girls, Fenton heads over to Fallon's apartment.
She's excited to show her the dressing room/office design board she created.
Fallon had asked her to come up with something a little more lighthearted than the rest of her space.
And she wanted Fenton to use pink as an accent colour.

Before they look over the design, the two girls grab a glass of their new favourite wine.

After a glass or two, Fenton presents her ideas.

Fallon loves the room.
A little prettier than she usually goes for, but a nice balance to her harder side.

Feeling happy and inspired, the two girls head out.
They smile knowing nothing can be better than beautiful rooms, beautiful baubles, and beautiful friends.

The end.



  1. Lovely. (Picture #3 of this post is the picture I used for my 'your style in one photo.') ;)

  2. Lovely little vignettes! I wish I was them, lol! My life, not quite so glamorous! XX!

  3. I've been inspired by so many of these images in the past, but I especially love the visual story you've created by grouping them together. I'd love to walk a day in her shoes. :0)

  4. This is so cute! I want to be friends with them :)

    Great blog - see you on Saturday at the meet up!

  5. Very good story! I love this fictional apartment, so soft yet hard just like you said!

  6. They also have a friend named Bromeliad you forgot to put in the story.

  7. You are really inspiring me to use pink. I love the feminine touch. Happy to be following your blog, it's wonderful! :-)

  8. I could live in Fallin's house. When I saw the beautiful gold mirror in the dining room I had to borrow the image for the post I had planned for today. I love pink desk. Do you have a source for it? You truly inspire me everyday. Have a wonderful day Christine!

  9. Love this approach to a post! What a fun way to create a room. I wouldn't mind some of their jewellery either!

    BTW- thanks for the heads up about my dining room being on DTI. I hadn't seen it yet! Very cool!

    (looking forward to meeting you on saturday!)

  10. This isn't fiction!!! It's about me....at least in my dreams anyway :)

  11. This post was so fun -- I wish I was either one of those girls and that I lived in anything remotely similar to those photos!

  12. A great story! ps if you can, tell Fallon don't change a thing aobut her kitchen! KG

  13. Nice story, I read it during my break, it was nice to take a break and read this. Hey-whats your email address!?

  14. Wow loving this story!! I want to be her!! lol


  15. I LOVE these photos and the story!! I cannot get over how gorgeous the colors are in the pictures. Thank you for this fantastic post! You are on the road to strong blog success! Love your blog by the way, following!


    Molly Jane

    PS. Stop by and say hello!


  16. that gold mirror is incredible! I need your e-mail and i couldn't find it anywhere!

  17. love your little story - replete with lovely imagery! so funny - i was also daydreaming!

  18. Great story. Love the name Fallon!

  19. So creative! Love the story and beautiful images.

  20. What a lovely story! Everything is lovely! I can't wait how Fallon's Office would look like. Is there a Part 2 for this? Have a gorgeous day, Kellie xx

  21. thanks for taking me away for a moment! Love Fallon's home, shop... all of it. I'm not a girly girl either, but I've been slowly adding a bit of pink into my home here and there. Most recently a desk!

  22. Love this post, such a great story and beautiful life Fallon leads! So happy to have found your blog and thank you for visiting mine! Have a lovely day xx


Sorry about the annoying captias...tried turning them off for a day and my inbox exploded with crap.

Smooches to everyone who perservered and left a sweet comment anyways! xoxo