Saturday, October 23, 2010

Saturday Shopping- Launch of 'From Heima with Love'

In the spirit of all that is magical and filled with childhood fantasy, here is a company whose line reminds me of gum drops and sugarplum fairies.  Heima is a lifestyle store (from the Philippines) that is home to furniture, art, and accessories; they upcycle, import and create customs designs.  Heima's mantra is that if it isn't pretty, they don't carry it.  Their new online store/website and second collection of the year is launching later today so I thought I would give you a teaser with their first collection.  If you haven't yet seen/heard of them before, feast your eyes on this.

How adorable is this shot? I would seriously give my left something for that parrot chair.

More of their 1st collection.

Because their furniture is so filled with colour and pattern, and is a little over the top, I wouldn't want a house filled with it (not my house anyways) but a few statement pieces would look incredible; I especially love the tall wing back chairs...amazing!
Here is the official teaser for the second collection launching later today, which looks to have a softer colour palate than the first. I promise to post pictures as soon as they are up on their site.


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Sorry about the annoying captias...tried turning them off for a day and my inbox exploded with crap.

Smooches to everyone who perservered and left a sweet comment anyways! xoxo