Friday, October 5, 2012

I Love, I Bought and I Want

Let's see...what to tell you about today.

1. The graduation ceremony last night was beautiful and well...intense.  My preggers hormones forced me to start tearing up the moment we sat down...they also made it seemingly impossible to get one decent photo of the festivities...OK...I did get one...

 The same hormonal imbalance also made me want to punch the woman in front of me straight face down...she turned around and shushed my sweet 4 year old boy after he had managed to defy all toddler laws by sitting quietly for 2 hours with absolutely no toys, food or electronics...I swear I wanted to put daggers through her eyes...anyhoo...the night was one I'll always remember...these kids of ours, they turn into amazing people who you just know will change the world somehow, so so's amazingly sad and amazingly glorious all at once.

2. #projectlittlemiss got a major boost fabulous client gave me the A-OK and wad of cash necessary to secure these two big goodies from my favourite antique mecca, Petits et Jolis...

Note my blurry photo issue...also take notice of the amazing feet that PS, are on the back as well...this puppy will be the centerpiece of the closet that won't really be a closet when we're done with it.

This vanity also happened...

It's going to get a coat of blusy soft pink on the outside and a hit of magenta on the inside...yum.

A stunning little French lamp, complete with porcelain floral finial and a magical light box with 4 dancing ballerinas also got bought.

So good.

Oh and to cap my client shopping day off just right, I happened on Pink Wallpaper while blog reading and discovered that Shannon had a bundle of Schumacher's Lace in aqua for sale...

...and then...I...a) gasped b) emailed my client while simultaneously contacting Shannon to see if it was all sold c) emailed my designer friend Hollie to make sure my yardage calculations were correct...PS I'm an amateur d) prayed to the gods that the 12 yards we needed were still unaccounted for.

As luck would have it, WE GOT IT!

So happy...$38/yard for fabric that retails for 3x times that amount.

It's going to make some reeeeel purdy curtain panels and one rather delightful balloon valance...just you wait.

And while we're still on the topic of #projectlittlemiss and great luck, I'm crossing fingers that these Etsy finds will also happen...

Italian Tole Chandelier

REDUCED-Large White Owl Couture Lamps

God I love vintage lighting.

3. I thankfully got confirmation that my beloved #projectscarlett wardrobe will indeed fit up my stairs...had a little scare yesterday when the mover phoned and sounded Instagram (@bijouandboheme) later tonight for sneaks of the install...I literally can not farking wait to see this in my house...

4. I'm totally on the 'It's a girl' nursery train and not sure how I'll get off it if the news goes the other way...don't get me wrong, I'd LOVE to have another decorating self though wants a girl just so I can buy things like those
lavender lamps I showcased...and these divine little numbers...

White laquered swans peacocks over the crib...HELL YES.

5.  I was reading an old issue of Lonny this morning and realized I want to completely copy 'flatter these designers by relicating their idea'...

West elm mirrored table + painted bust = haven.

Pottery barn silk drapes with added ruffle trim that pool on the floor = girl nursery curtain plan.

Hum...after finishing this post, I'm thinking I might make a series out of this one...

Love, Bought, how that sounds.


Happy Friday's Thanksgiving weekend here in Can-a-da so I'll be:

1. Eating copious amounts of turkey
2. Finishing the mad push to get #projectscarlett done

...not at the same time;)

Happy, happy, good, good.



  1. I love project scarlett! I also started tearing up at your first section and I'm not pregnant and only have a 2 year-old. I regularly cry at the thought of him graduating high school. Love all of your discoveries here!

  2. Beautiful family.

    And I'm jealous about the bedroom. I want to be a little kid with a designer mom.

  3. gosh every time i see your family i think they are sooo beautiful. all of them. natasha is stunning! congrats momma - you should be proud!

  4. You are so awesome Christine. "For Reals" as my 4yrold son says. I love that you are so grateful for your gorgeous family - tears are definitely in order. Your design for your client sounds spectacular - I hope you share the finished room! And project Scarlett puts my kids decor plans to shame - I love how you are just Gettin'Er DONE! Lastly, I love how your every post just sparkles with fun and personality. mucho hugs caro! xox Lisa

  5. I'm jealous, I wish it was Turkey weekend here, too! And I'm still steamed about witchlady at the grad ceremonies...I mean for realz???? Clearly, her child is probably a pure demon. Um, I didn't just say that out loud (c; And I am going to be completely stalking Insta to get the first fab peeks at my, er Scarlett's wardrobe (c:

  6. Those kids are precious. You are a good, protective momma. Happy Thanksgiving!

  7. Aww - you have an awesome looking family! Also, I'm loving the way that Scarlett is posing :)
    That last picture has me drooling - I want a dalmation print chair with red piping, and also that light - swoon!

  8. yes yes! would love to see it as a series! um and how fabulous is your eldest in those blue suede shoes??

  9. I'd love that series! What great pieces you found.

    I'm loving those PB curtains - although as a Resto employee I think that could be cause for firing. Lol

    Hope your weekend's wonderful!

  10. Big CONGRATS to Natasha on her graduation!! I hope she's enjoying her first few months away at home, but I'm sure she's missing you guys.

    I so excited to watch these rooms coming together, they are both going to be super feminine, chic and A-mazing!! Everything you touch turns to pink & gold, and I love that :-)

    My eyes will be on my Instagram feed tonight waiting for that wardrobe to squeeze up the stairs and into Scarlett's room.


  11. Such pretty things! The room is looking amazing. Love all the colors!

    Those owl lamps were an AMAZING find!!

  12. Congratulations to big sister; they are all so beautiful! I know you are so proud! Love all your goings on, and we are not sick of the scarlett project, oh contra ire- we love every second of the process! Happy Canadian Thanksgiving, enjoy your family filled weekend.
    xo Nancy

  13. Aww the kids are precious! Love all the inspiring pics especially that wardrobe. And I think my aunt owns those peacocks too!

  14. Yay that project Scarlett wardrobe is just gorge!!! Seriously swooning over it. Oh and I'd want to punch that lady too if I were you. Not quite sure I could control myself if I had the pregnancy hormones going. You did good :)

    Happy TG, sweets! Eat lots of turkey for me! xoxo

  15. great score with the fabric! Whenever I see deals on pink wallpaper I always miss them!

    ps- so glad about the wardrobe


Sorry about the annoying captias...tried turning them off for a day and my inbox exploded with crap.

Smooches to everyone who perservered and left a sweet comment anyways! xoxo