Thursday, September 20, 2012

Thinking About 7 - #2

Morning friends.

I've got an busy day today and will be out the door right after I drop the kidlets off at school.'s my 7 for the week...

1. It's Toronto Home Show day...

I'll be there all day today and am so excited to see my very talented friend Sarah Gunn perform DIY magic on stage..she'll giving a little chat with Ms. Dee Brun aka The Cocktail Deeva so I'm quite positive their presentation is going to kill it.

While I'm there, I'll also finally get the chance to see everyone's #upcycle project in person...excited.

Remember that you can VOTE for your favourite re-do and if you really love one and want to own it, you can BID for it on eBay.

...whispers though...I'm secretly hoping someone in my family bids on my bench so that I can have it back...

2. Speaking of my needs to come back home with me because my foyer is almost totally done and well, I want it...I love how it fills the empty space under my desk.

It will also work perfectly with this...

...a 4'5 x 9'3 Persian runner, that's being transformed into something more like this... we's going to be puuuuurdy!

3. I wanted to remind you of the Vintage Seating Sale that's happening at the fabulous Black Rooster Decor.

20% is happening people...and only for B&B readers so yes, this is a big deal.

In the past few days since the sale has started, these beautious chairs...

Pictures of SOLD! Vintage Wingback Bergeres - pair

...and this settee...

Pictures of SOLD! Vintage Petite Settee

...have already sold so if you're in the market for some GORGEOUS seating, you best hurry.

The good news is that since a few pieces have gone, more have been added.

These stunners...

Pictures of Divine Vintage Settee

Pictures of Vintage Bergeres - Pair

Pictures of Vintage Settee - Gold & Canvas

Pictures of Vintage Side Chairs - pair

...really should go home with someone.

Click HERE to view the entire selection of pretties and don't forget to use promo code...

VintageBijou get your 20% off...and if you're in Ontario, the news is even better because there's free shipping y'all!

4. My newest design project, which we'll call Project Little Miss, is making progress and I'm SO excited about how the room is coming along.

For one, I've gotten the A-Ok on the Nina Campbell Perroquet wallpaper and I can't freaking wait.

Also, I'm pretty sure that all of these lovelies...

...have been decided on.

You'll note that the settee is the one I showed above as sold...yuppers my's going in my client's soon to be very glamorous little bedroom and I'm SOOOOOOOOOOO happy about it.

I'm actually quite sure that this 4 year old is about to get the bedroom of my 38 year old's dream.

5. I stumbled upon this....

The Melbourne home of Lisa Gorman and Dean Angelucci via (pics by Sean Fennessy). That chair!!

...shot this morning on Pinterest...turns out the room belongs to the Melbourne home of a Lisa Gorman and Dean also turns out that the exterior of this home looks like this...

...which really pisses me off.

I mean why the F@%(*@#$)*sticks can't I find this kind of total and complete magnificence in my budget and in my city.

The hubster and I have actually been sort of/kind of looking at real estate as of late.

His new job requires a home office and there's the new baby situation and our house is just a tad tight but, unless I have a cool 2 million to spend, all I get to look at is this sort of jazz...

...and I can't even afford it for god sakes....this number is right around the corner from's being advertised as a tear down and sits on a great 300ft lot so there are possibilities there but here's the's 1.1 million, which would mean at least that stupid 2 million number again for an actual house..EFFING CRAZY TOWN.

I'm sick of how much housing costs here...sick, sick, sick.

I'm thinking that we need to move to Melbourne...I want some crazy gorgeous historic house to make my own...count me superdupercalafragalisticexpealadocious jealous of the very lucky owners of that's my dream to own and transform a place like that...arg.

6. On a happier note, our blogger friend Amber knocked a bedroom re-design out of the park recently...


...she's just convinced me again that my master bedroom needs a Moroccan wedding blanket...and maybe a Flokati rug too...heavenly.
7.  Thanks to the fabulous Irene, I've managed to locate this Scalamandre look alike...

...that retails for a small fraction of what the original rings in at...I'll be ordering up a few yards of it and some tiger will be happening in my living room...stay tuned for the reveal very soon:)

And with that, I have kids to get dressed, lunches to pack etc.

Peace out.



  1. Thanks my friend for coming today!! Love you for that! And I am in deep love with one of the sale pieces.....uhoh.

  2. Love your tiger fabric! Can you source it please?

    Also, as someone currently house hunting, I totally feel your pain. Being preggers would definitely make the whole thing a little harder too.

  3. how can you leave your new kitchen? lol actually, we moved right after totally renoing our old house, too. I feel your pain with regards to housing costs. I can't believe how expensive it is there! Definately more than Calgary, although we were over that scarey 1 number also. LOVE those chairs. If only my budget would allow for a purchase.

  4. WHERE IN THE SAM HILL did she find Le Tigre?!!?!?!?! It's amazing! You better snatch that up!

  5. OMG..this post. I was seriously making audible sighs...haha! I am super excited to see the bench with that gorgeous rug!!!!!! And I need to go look at the vintage seating immediately. Thanks for the tip on your sale!! xoxo

  6. Absolutely love your blog but this is my first comment. So excited that you're having a Persian rug re-dyed! I've been trying to find ways to do this (don't have several thousand dollars for one from Elte), but everything I read says "don't do it! Leave it to the professionals." I'm excited to see the finished product and find out how/where you had it done.

  7. Wait. You might move?? I'm so sad. Your kitchen. Your dream neighborhood.
    And how the hellzkers are you dying that rug? B/c i'd like to know.

  8. These images are stunning! So glad you found the tiger fabric :) Can't wait to see the living room reveal!

  9. Now HOLD ON there, sista - you can't just tease about having that rug dyed, and move on so quickly.
    I bought one almost just like that for a song recently, so I would consider investing in a dye job. But, where do you go for such goodness?
    Can't let just ANYONE do it - and I can't even imagine if I tried it on my own.
    Think you may also need to source that le tigre look alike (after you've gotten yours) otherwise, you might have a blog riot on your hands. ;)

    P.S. - Know I owe you an email RE: paintings and everything. Will touch base soon.

  10. congrats on the hubs getting a new job! Can't believe those insane housing prices. Im sorry!


  11. I feel your pain! We have been looking at real estate in the Oakville area too. You know things are crazy when building lots are a million dollars! I was just ranting about this on my blog. Is there any way you could add on to your home? Even spending a whole ton of money on a reno will be a fraction of the cost of moving. Good luck

  12. the rug dying process is something you are going to have to share. bc that is a game changer.
    and you have to be shitting me that that house costs a million dollars. it's adorable as is..and looks about worth 250,000 in my neck of the woods. in fact those houses are a dime a dozen here in the glorious south.
    and they don't cost a million dollars.

  13. Hate to tell you sister that we're drowning our non-house-affording sorrows here in good 'ol Oz too (and the bar tab is almost enough for a down payment!).
    Whether its Melbourne or Sydney you're looking at waaaay over $1MIL for anything close to the City.
    So...cheers! xx


Sorry about the annoying captias...tried turning them off for a day and my inbox exploded with crap.

Smooches to everyone who perservered and left a sweet comment anyways! xoxo