Wednesday, September 12, 2012

A New Project and a Couple of Boards

I've got some design work to share today...

Up first, a little living room action I put together for my gorgeous sponsor, Black Rooster Decor...the shop has recently added a luxury liner boatload of goodies so designing a room using their glorious inventory, was tres fun to say the least...

You can buy everything you see in this 'Moody Pants Palm Beach Glam' board  HERE.

Up next, may I present my thought process for my newest actual design project.  

I've started work on a girl's bedroom and will eventually be completing the entire house...and PS, it's a big, reeeeeaaaaal good one.

Happy/skipping/jumping up and down.

For now, here's what I've come up with so far for little Ms A, as we'll call her...

I can't WAIT to get started on this one.

Stay tuned for the actual installation goodness.

And finally, just in case you missed my post from yesterday, please make sure you link over to the Facebook Habitat for Humanity/Home Show page and VOTE for your most favourite #upcycle me when I tell you, there are so many fantastically creative projects to pick can even vote for more than one if you pink and gold bench thanks you in advance if you happen to give her a nod)

Enjoy your middle of the week day lovelies.



  1. Fab board Christine! And wow what a little girl room! So many great products and ideas going into the room... Now is the closet big enough ;)

  2. A whole house? Congratulations! Can't wait to follow the project and see what you create!

  3. loooove that girls room. I'll take one for myself, please. How are you feeling? Sooooo excited for you!

  4. loving both of these rooms!! loove the framed puppy pic. also, voted for your project yesterday!

  5. Can't wait to see the rooms come together!

    Christine & Sarah

  6. Loooove that bird wallpaper! I need to check out the site! Great boards. Xoxo

  7. voted yesterday! fab boards and what fun to do a whole house!!

  8. Fabulous mood board as usual! There is so much going on in the room, I'll never get board if that's my room! Can't wait to see more :)

  9. I looooooove the wallpaper! Where is it from.....everything is lovely! so sweet.

  10. Christine,
    Gorgeous all of it!!! So are def. having a girl or just thinking on it? :). The mood board you have for the nursery is knock your socks off fab, and I love everything I see from your Sponsor. I hope you are getting commissions for design jobs left and right b/c you are beyond amazing.

  11. Love all the boards! That shop has great things! I think I need to snap a few shots of my M's room... similar chandelier, chicken wire hutch, but w mint green and gold gilt ribbons and bows, little people... dripping pretty, oh but now she's 11 and it's TOO pretty! :( Now what to do! :)

  12. I love these plans Christine! Brilliant. I really enjoy your blog.
    xo Nancy

  13. Love that you added in a French Bulldog statue. I think I may to purchase that!

    Have a great weekend!


Sorry about the annoying captias...tried turning them off for a day and my inbox exploded with crap.

Smooches to everyone who perservered and left a sweet comment anyways! xoxo