Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Wall Happniness

As per yesterday's post, I've been formulating ideas for Scarlett's room on the cheap'er'.

My thought collective got a boost this morning when I logged onto Pinterest and saw this...

...that there folks is a bathroom and STENCILED WALLS!

I'll say it again...the walls are done with a stencil...no wallpaper was involved.

Are you amazed?

I am.

Go HERE to see more of the project.

After seeing the bliss that is that bathroom, I linked over to the stencil website where it was purchased and discovered it...

Willow Pattern stencil

...along with SO much potential fabulous.

In the mood for framed chinoiserie panels...

Panel No 1 stencil

...here's the above one done in gold...

...or perhaps leopard is more your thing...

Leopard Repeat  stencil

I'm quite partial to just going whole hog on the animal front with this number...

Leopard stencil


I'm also rather fond of Aphrodite...

Aphrodite stencil


Arrows stencil

...dogs (hello Best in Show wallpaper look-a-like)...

...Gothic Repeat...

Illustration graphic


...and this pretty peony number...

Large Peony Repeat stencil

Clearly the possibilities here are endless.

The question is whether or not I have the patience and/or resolve to tackle this sort of immensely laborious project.

I'm thinking yes on that front...maybe not for Scarlett's ginormitron room but perhaps for a bathroom or two...my brain is seeing the Chinoiserie one (called Willow pattern) done on a blushy pink base in either white or gold...hello gorge.

How about you?

Dreaming of stenciled walls after seeing this goodness?



  1. Wow! Looks great and so much like wallpaper... I really like the stencil done in gold.

  2. These are fabulous, Christine! Great find, lvoe the ones in gold :)

  3. These are so fantastic! Thanks for sharing. Heading over to check it out asap!

  4. To make the job easier, use a small foam roller. Make sure it's almost dry & then roll it on. It goes so much quicker than using a stencil brush & stipelling it on.

  5. I LOVE me some good stencils, I stenciled my nephews nursery and it took FOREVER, but it was super easy. I used a foam roller and I think it helped also that my stencil was a bit more organic-- so little bleed marks weren't really an issue.

    Here's a link so that you can see my project!


  6. I LOVE me some good stencils, I stenciled my nephews nursery and it took FOREVER, but it was super easy. I used a foam roller and I think it helped also that my stencil was a bit more organic-- so little bleed marks weren't really an issue.

    Here's a link so that you can see my project!


  7. Beautiful room! I love the print with golden birds & tree the most ^^

    Indie by heart

  8. I'm so happy to see that my labor of love has been a source of inspiration! That company has some amazing stencils. I love the idea of the blushy pink with gold. That would look so over the top gorgeous. The room was so hard to do though that it's going to take a bit more time for me to forget what a pain it was and move on to another stenciling project;) I hope you tackle it though...I'd love to see how it turns out.

  9. OMG, these are amazing. I can't believe those chinoiserie stencils!!!!! Thanks for the beauty.

  10. I did a stencil in an art niche. It took a while, but the results were worth it!! Now I am tempted to do that Chinoiserie stencil too.


  11. Well this sure is mouthwatering.....I have been intrigued by stencils for a while...and would like to eventually try it....I'm thinking a bathroom too or a closet or something....this is a great resource. Thanks for all the ideas.

  12. Oh wow this is a fabulous idea...it totally makes me want to tackle Mila's room now!

  13. love these examples... fabulous!

  14. You could do it!!! Just think of all the money you will save... buy yourself something super pretty to make up for it and motivate you :).

  15. WOW...these are stencils?! I'm in shock right now. I think you should totally challenge your self to give it a try :)

  16. Dude. This has YOU written all over it!

  17. Linda W in WaterlooAugust 28, 2012 6:21 PM

    Stunning! You've got me thinking about where I could try this too....

  18. Oh wow, these are so beautiful - what a great find!

  19. Christine you are amazing! Love the gold on the pink stencil! xx

  20. I cannot *believe* that is a stencil! Now that is a project that I could get behind...I mean, the possibilities are endless! And with you, my dear, I always know something fabulous is in store (c: Gah, I would LOVE to put one of those bad boys in my closet...

  21. Lovey lovey this wallpaper!! To die for!

  22. wow! that's amazing! a DIY might be out of my realm of capabilities. i can barely keep a stencil still on paper. ha!

  23. OMG!! Love this Christine!! I so thought it was wallpaper and now maybe I will just order one and repaint my wall in the living room with the stencil instead!!

    Happy long weekend C! xoxo

  24. Thank you for the kind words about our stencils. I have only just seen this and am intrigued to know whether you did your stencil project.


Sorry about the annoying captias...tried turning them off for a day and my inbox exploded with crap.

Smooches to everyone who perservered and left a sweet comment anyways! xoxo