Thursday, August 2, 2012

Veronica's New Home Spurs a #getintomyhouse Room

I opened my email a couple of days ago to see this...

...and in case you don't recognize what I'm trying to show you...that's my Veronica all gorgeous like in its new owner's home.

Could I die over the fact that its right beside my favourite lamp of all time?

Also, can we talk about this...

...holy mother farking bed.

I'm dead.

My painting is SO's in the prettiest room of all time!!!


I actually emailed Amy (the owner/creator of this heavenly room) just to ask her about that bed...apparently it's from Hooker and very reasonably priced...I looked it up and voila... x a lot.

Can we picture it in soft pink linen for a second?

Or vibrant yellow for that matter.



I'm dreaming of a room with that bed in yellow, pink walls and all of this (PS...please excuse the crappy old school board- I'm using my hubsters computer because I need a new charge cord and well, he's got some primative Powerpoint that doesn't allow me to remove backgrounds)...

The incredible artwork on the left from Paule Marrot can be purchased through my sponsor, 
Black Rooster Decor...and PS, you have the option to frame/in case in thick lucite...SO GOOD.  

The other gorge art on the right is from another sponsor, Kerry Steele...hold on to your hats because that original 12x12 painting comes ringing in at a mere $25're welcome.

You'll have to hire me if you want to source the rest of that goodness;)

Later love beans.



  1. Your painting is a beauty. Fab in that room too.

    Funny, I just installed that bed for myself and love it. You can get with fully upholstered side rails so you do not need a bedskirt.


    Holly Phillips @ The English Room

  2. Me too.
    Can I be your painting for a day?

  3. P.S. -
    Can you linky-link the site for the bed. I really hate to Google "Hooker Bed"

  4. Yeah, that bed is pretty wicked> I looked at it for my own master. I like your board it's very boho, regency and a touch trad very nice.

  5. Gorgeous!!! What a fun bed and your painting looks fab in the mix.

  6. your painting sure does have a beautiful new home. and the bed is magnificent. You have great both those paintings!

  7. Holy fuck on a stick, that bedroom is amazing. And rightly so your painting is there. I almost slid off my seat. That room is gorg.

    p.s. Interestingly, you can layer images in Word and delete the white space background. I learned that from blogging on work computers ...

  8. I am floored Christine. I mean I'm trying to think of a better word than gorgeous, but that is what this room is!

  9. O my goodness! It's beautiful. And it's perfect for this room! I love it-- "I'm dead" -- me too...this room is stunning.

  10. Holy farking bed is *spot on*...If I died and went to heaven, I'm pretty sure that would be waiting for me (c;

  11. Um and can I come back and discuss how smokin' hot Veronica looks there?!? On fire. (c;

  12. Thanks so much for all your kind words! Christine LOVE your idea board! You've gotten my decorating juices flowing! Feel like I need some of that in my life:)


  13. You're too funny!! But damn Veronica looks really good in that bedroom. Its so chic and boy that headboard is so nice!!!! Love your mood board by the way :)

  14. yes to that bed. and yes to it in yellow.

    also...that lamp and your painting are super slutting it up together.

  15. Ms. Veronica looks drop dead gorgeous in that room. Nicely done, lady.

  16. holy cow!!!!!! Veronica's new home is swell indeed and she is the PERFECT addition.

    You're amaze.

  17. If you want to see another great bedroom with that same bed, check out Edie's blog, Life in Grace to see her post on The Sultry Master. Trust me, you won't be disappointed.

  18. you're killing me christine! i absolutely LOVE that rug!

  19. Love the bed! Would really make me feel as if I'm a girl.

  20. How awesome, your painting looks fab in Veronica's room + fits in beautifully! And might I add what a fabulous room Veronica has created -wow!! xx

  21. A bed like this is I want to put in my condominium. I'm swooning. I think I want to curl up in that bed and watch the raindrops outside. :)

    manila condominiums

  22. I love these design inspirations. I can't wait to decorate my new apartment!

    I'm having a giveaway on my blog so make sure to stop by and enter!

  23. Such lovely nice finds - plus, your paintings are the greatest! I like how you view your apartment or room with these. You should pursue this!

  24. I love this do you know where the monogrammed pillows and black and white bedspread are from?


Sorry about the annoying captias...tried turning them off for a day and my inbox exploded with crap.

Smooches to everyone who perservered and left a sweet comment anyways! xoxo