Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Talented Friends and Some Wallpaper/Fabric Decision Making

If you're like me, you like to wake up and find pretty shit to buy online...purchasing whilst still in bed, and coffee in hand...well, that's good stuff.

Lucky for your, there's blogging ladies out there that are making said buying, SO easy for you.

My sweet and talented friend Alex just put together perhaps the prettiest Joss and Main collection I've ever seen...

Alexandra Berlin Design

...some of my favourites...

...helllllooooooo gorgeous.

Trust me when I say, the prettiness above would make one hell of a delish room/space- girly glam at it's best.

And PS, her sister did that amazing artwork- can we say talented family much?

You can see the rest of Alex's fantastica collection HERE...and quick on it...there's sold out items already and the sale is only on for 3 days.

In other news, I'm sure you already know this but the lovely Chassity has opened up an art shop on Etsy...

...and's good...REAL GOOD.

I'm dying for this piece...

Mae in a supercalafragalistic sort of way...also love, love this beaut...

Raw Pink

...talent, talent, talent.

You can see more of Chassity's art awesomeness HERE.

And last, but not least...and PS, prepare to loose your shit...there's this girl glam project reveal from Ms Naomi...aka RIDIC TALENTED DESIGNER...

...I might have just died.

Thanks to Naomi, I'm now totally convinced that the swans NEED a place in my house...and ::whispers:: I know the perfect room...more on that to come...teasers;)

And speaking of Naomi .I was over on Design Crisis (it was Ms. Naomi who linked over to this AH-MAAZING blog that had somehow slipped off my daily reading list, and holy shit, have I been missing out because it's soooooo good...can't.stop.reading) the other day and spied this...

...can someone PLEASE tell me what that fabric is?

I seriously want to copy the shit out of that couch...want it in a large heart aching sort of way.

And speaking of heart swelling, while over at DC, I also spotted this Little Green Paint Co. wallpaper...

..and proceed to have a small angina attack.

Holy farksticks it's good.

An inky blue bathroom in this paper perfection has me dreaming in technicolour.

My wallpaper obsession is actually back in full you know, I've been dreaming about a studio for my little painting adventure, but since space is very limited in my abode, I'm thinking one of the rooms in the basement will probably be the best bet.

It's a dark, small room so it will need some jazz hands to make it come to life.

As of now, my fave contenders are: of my loooong time faves...DG Padgett...I love it's geometric badass self.

After spying angles over at Furbish... became a top love favourite and I think it would be perfectly flashy but still neutral in the studio.

And finally, there's Tibault's Tanzania...

...when Meredith did up that sublime office of hers, I immediately had sugar plum visions of my walls covered in that spotted divinity, with my collection of unsold paintings carefully hung on top;)

I love all three because they're bold but will still let the artwork take center stage.

This room will triple threat it as a studio, guest room and office so needs to be good:)



Any other ideas?



  1. Aw Christine, thank you so so so much! You are so sweet to include the sale :) And Chassity? You ladies are crazy talented! For wallpaper, I say the second one for sure! It will play as a neutral which I love.

  2. You're such a lovely and supportive friend Christine- and I feel honored to have you in my life :) Really.

    And Alex's collection is craziness. Love her so much too. And freaking Naomi just doesn't stop does she? Everything she touches is really really really good. Like everything should just immediately go to a magazine.

  3. how could i pick a favorite? can't i just ask for one of each. all so swoon worthy. i want to know these peeps in real live too! lucky duck you!

  4. This post is overflowing with awesome-ness! I was literally drooling as I scrolled down. I loved everything!

  5. Thanks Sweetie!!!

    Isn't Design Crisis amazing? Glad to remind you. And I adore my girls Chassity and Alex. So much talent and style :)

  6. love alex's J&M shop!! and the 2nd wallpaper is my fave! xoxo

  7. Thanks so much for the linky love -- honored to be included among such lovely and talented ladies!

  8. eye candy overload! That is all waaaaaay too beautiful!


  9. This post is total eye candy. I LOVED Alex's J&M sale, Naomi's project is to die for, and Chassity has great paintings (just like you). Don't even get me started on Meredith's office. I DIE. :)

  10. OMG. So much to enjoy here. I love the fabric on that couch. There is so much you can accessorize with that too. LOVE.

  11. You always find the best stuff, reading your blog sure makes my life a lot easier.

    Love Chassity's art, why are all you ladies so talented?!

  12. Bloggers will soon run the world! I'm devoted to all these talented ladies!

  13. Yowza! They are all such talented gals! So much inspiration to be had here. Love it all.

  14. So I think you may just have solved my bathroom problem (the cause of sleepless nights, thrashing indecision etceteras)...with that Little Green wallpaper. For which, many thankyous!

  15. Hi - love your voice and your perspective!

    the fabric on the sofa is by Marvic: Harvest – Indigo 1218-2 - a beautiful crewel.

    I used it as well on a pair of antique chairs for a client - i too love it!

    warm regards,

  16. This post rocks - so much prettiness :-) And the gold geometric and tibault's tanzania wallpapers give me heart palpitations...i heart them in a big way

  17. We can't choose a favorite! They are all so pretty!

  18. These wallpaper would look so good anywhere but in an entry way would be banging! (

  19. Such talented ladies here!

    I think I like the 2nd wallpaper best. The love the metallic in it. It's kind of modern glam.

  20. I love the wallpaper from Furbish the most. It's subtle but still packs punch and would look great with anything. So much pretty in this post!


Sorry about the annoying captias...tried turning them off for a day and my inbox exploded with crap.

Smooches to everyone who perservered and left a sweet comment anyways! xoxo