Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Designer Spotlight - House of Honey

I'm pretty sure I've talked about the portfolio of House and Honey before but I just can't resist another ride on that pony.

...especially after syping this nursery that's been blasted all over blogsphere...


The illustrations on the closet doors are my fave element...I'm also pretty smitten with the dark walls/ceiling, huge Beni and that gold doll presentation table.

I also wouldn't kick this wallpaper...

...this cabinet...

...that sink...

...that portrait/chair and wallcolour...

...this everything...

...that chair and disco ball...

...this wallpaper...

...and this entire room...

{even though it's meant for a kidlet...the art and the cat...and that Christopher Farr fabric yum}

...out of bed for crackers.

Also, I'd consider buying me some HofH e-design goodness just so I could get one a rendition of my own...

 And speaking of money spending over at HofH...can we discuss my longing to visit the shop with the same name?


In the meantime, I've got my eye on a pile of prettiness at the HofH 1st Dibs locale...

  ...and the great news on that front, is that the 1st Dibs page is actually dare I say, reasonably priced?

Sadly, I couldn't find these lovelies listed...

NEED them in my life...like yesterday.

You can see more honey goodness here...enjoy love nuts.

And with that, I'm off to watch copious amounts of Olympic goodness...I'm presently in the middle of a small tennis heart attack...no biggy.

Oh and before I go, it's my mama bear's b-day today- wishing her a very happy, happy one!!!

Never have words been more true than in her case.

Smooches to her most of all today.



  1. I couldn't agree more! I am jonesing after every space of hers. I posted on this yesterday too. Cannot resist riding the pony either!!!

  2. Love the nursery! (But the doll heads creep me out.) The glossy pink high boy is awesome. It could be an inspiration piece for an old piece I have. Thanks for sharing.

  3. She has such magnificent taste! Thanks pointing me to her 1st dibs selection...it's INSANE!!! I want everything...and like you say the prices are not too terrible. Now I won't be able to do anything today except think of all those goodies

  4. Love all the drama and those pink and gold chairs....die!

  5. WOW! I don't often give a WOW for interiors that I see, that is the highest compliment I can give, amazing
    Hof H rooms. I could take the nursery wallpaper and paints and drapery for myself. I'm going now to check out the shop. Have a wonderful Olympic watching day!

  6. stunning. i'm usually afraid of that much color, but it looks amazing!

  7. Eleni sofriniouJuly 31, 2012 10:36 AM

    Happy birthday to your mummy! Love those pink chairs! Xx

  8. I have that same exact cat in my sunroom )

  9. I am so with you! LOVE all of it like crazy!

  10. I am obsessed with the last picture of the pink and gold chairs!!

    xo Sara

  11. wow... what fun!! the rooms are bold, decadent, and luxe! Love the details in each of the rooms and the whimsy approach to the design. Nothing is too serious and yet total adult sophistication. Bravo!

  12. Mmm, Mmm, gooooood...that nursery is just the right amount of bizarre to make it crazy cool...so off beat for a nursery, but I *love* it (c: And happy birthday to the mama bear...that quote is smashing, btw...(c:

  13. If this is going to be a house for sale then it will sell fast because the interior shots and designs of the place are very beautiful! Nice to live in a place like this. :)

  14. HI Christine! Love HoH- amazing talent there! Hope all is well in your life, and that your mom had a great bday.
    xo Nancy

  15. That nursery is completely insane... loves.

  16. yep..i spent a few hours last saturday on the bit o honey tumblr and pinned many of this woman's work.
    i love it. that nursery gave me a HUGE why-didn't-i-think-of-that boner.

  17. J'freakinadore those pink/gold chairs, they are killing me.


Sorry about the annoying captias...tried turning them off for a day and my inbox exploded with crap.

Smooches to everyone who perservered and left a sweet comment anyways! xoxo