Monday, June 11, 2012

Weekend Makes and Buys

Hello there's Monday, which means weekend re-cap time.

For me, it was 2 days of creating and buying.

To start, I painted...alot.

I'm still working on my little shop, and hope to open this week- just trying to sort out shipping, packaging yadda any case, these sorts of things will be available for purchase very soonly...

...very excited:)

Besides #winkofpink painting, I also did a little DIYing this weekend.

I took an old store bought printed canvas I had in the basement...

...and softened it up by changing all the goldy-yellow to soft mint...I also white-washed the whole thing...

...and like it a whole bunch more than I did before.

This art makeover actually brings me to little tipski...sometimes you'll see some cheap art an not enjoy the colour or the fact that it's a mass produced piece of art poo...not to worry dear hearts, you can always buy it up and paint over it...I've done it more than once and am always pleased as much with myself...this particular piece cost me less than the canvas would have been at an art store so all in all, a pretty good delio.

I still always encourage buying original art but this DIY/paint over it option can also work... especially when you're looking for something large sized.

Moving on.

Aside from the painting storm, I also did some shopping.

The fam jam and I travelled up to my parents house a few hours away and within minutes of arriving, my mom and I had left the men in charge of the kidlets and ventured out in search of things to buy.

I picked up some gold goodness wedges...

...and this very weird fat baby/chia-pet planter...

...who obviously needs his plant toupee to happen...he's looking quite naked at the moment.

It was a good couple of days all in hope yours was peachy too.




  1. In love with all of your new paintings! I cannot wait for you to open up shop!

  2. Can't wait for your shop to open my talented friend....the paintings are gorgeous!

  3. Gorgeous! Can't wait for the grand opening!

  4. Ooooh I am so excited for the shop - you are going to have a hard time keeping up to demand I can already tell. And what a productive weekend! I sat around drinking gin and tonics and being devoured by mosquitos... with only the headache and itchy bumps to show for it... sigh...

  5. Your paintings are absolutely gorgeous. And love what you did with that new piece!

  6. Everything is looking really Faboosh! Can't wait for you to open your shop.

  7. I am loving your paintings! The are so lighthearted.

  8. i had never thought to DIY bought artwork..such a great idea! love the whitewash effect. btw, totally thought of you when i created today's post. would love your feedback!! xoxo

  9. fun stuff! I did a series of paintings of Paris where I painted intense colors then whitewashed over it to subdue it.. a different look than painting in pastel colors. Love you creative spurt!
    Have a great week.

  10. Wow, the canvas looks amazing whitewashed. Did you just paint over the gold with mint?

  11. Looking forward to your opening - looks promising! Cute planter, too!

  12. It's like you read my mind! I just posted about art and how I hate store-bought art for looking store-bought! But to paint over it is a GENIUS idea. I might have to copy. Congrats on the shop almost being open!

    Champagne Lifestyle on a Beer Budget

  13. Your art is all crazy gorgeous, Christine! xx

  14. art poo-tee hee. can't wait for the shop to open! think I may have found the perfect spot for my Dovey original =)

  15. That is such a great idea to enhance a rather boring painting by painting over it. I might have to copy you...thanks for the inspiration!

  16. I really like the old basement canvas that you worked on...I know you mentioned it was a DIY to make the colors more muted...would you be able to show us how to achieve that look?

  17. Looove your art!! xoxox

  18. cannot wait for you to open your shop! I will most definitely be purchasing something :)

  19. Creating and shopping...a perfect weekend!


  20. Love that head planter! It's so goofy! :) And what a great idea on updating a piece of art!! Definitely am going to have to remember that one...

    Much Love,

  21. LOVE the art...cant wait to see them all !


  22. Great paintings, and that planter LOVE!

  23. Awesome post! I'm feeling so inspired!

    First of all, your artwork is so beautiful - I can't wait to check out your shop!

    Secondly, I love what you did to fix up that painting and give it a look that you like better (instead of being totally over it)! That is such a fantastic idea, I never though of that. Very cool painting too.

    Hope your week is off to a great start!

  24. Loving that art transformation! It never occurred to me to paint over and customize. This opens up a whole new world of possibilities.
    And, super excited about the shop. My desk at work needs a hint of pink :)

  25. OMG I love the fat baby planter.....adorable. Loving the art...very excited. I've been painting like crazy too...even at my office lol. It's so therapeutic. All the best for the new shoppe. xo

  26. Love love love your art...great job! I can't wait for your shop to be open!! Oh and the baby planter=adorable!! What a great find....


    Dominique @

  27. looking fab Christine!! can't wait to check out your shop!


Sorry about the annoying captias...tried turning them off for a day and my inbox exploded with crap.

Smooches to everyone who perservered and left a sweet comment anyways! xoxo