Wednesday, June 20, 2012

My Office, The Balloon Valance, New Pieces and Frames

Are you scared off my that ridiculously long title?

As you can probably tell, my brain is running on tangent mode this morning so I'm cramming beaucoup junk into this one post.

To start, I've got my office/studio on the brain.

I suppose I should back up a bit and tell you the reasons for my current obsession:

1. I'm painting and storing everything for Wink of Pink in a corner of my pretty marble and copious amounts of paint DO NOT MIX.

2.  My teenager is packing up for sweeter university skies in the fall, which means her bedroom...which a giant dormered loft room over the garage...will soon be up for grabs...and I'm taking.

So...yes, I'm dreaming of an office/studio/lounge space...all for me...and since it's ALL for me, I'm going balls to the pink girly wall.

Yuppers...this space is going to be all sorts of this business...




Gold and pink #'d books - check.

My own artwork...of the new blacker variety, which I PS, just added to the shop (cue shameless plug of own store;)  Oh and one of the acrylic ones which you can ::whispers:: use as a tray (cue second plug) - check.

The gold geometric wallpaper I first spotted at Furbish - check.

Black and white graphic stuff to balance out all the pretty - check. 

Also, since spotting Bailey's dining room....

 I've think I maybe have become a little obsessed with the idea of super girl power balloon valances...


I just might take that plunge...though it would definitely tip the scales into major fembot territory...I'm probably OK with that though;)

Also, I need a bar cart to be set up/look EXACTLY like this one...

gold + pink

Oh and DIY IKEA desk will be in there...

...with some excellent chair I have yet to source.

So that's basically it.

A girly studio which will:

1. Provide me with tons of spacial inspiration...of the pink variety.

2. Give me tons of room to blog, paint and house things like these new DIVINE frames I'm thinking of ordering up for ze shop...

PS- would you pay like 50 bones more than this kind of custom framing?

Really want to try them out but also don't want to throw my new plastic Canadian money out the window.

And I think that's all.

Now go and buy up lots of  Wink of Pink goodness (and that makes #3 on the plug front') so I can afford to do all of this.



Love hearts.




  1. Ok so much to say to this incredible post!!! #1 so amazing that you're going to have an office/studio!!!! And um wow your plans for decorating are INCREDIBLE. Cannot wait to see it all come together! #2 definitely would pay an extra $50 for those frames

  2. Oooh, a studio/office! I hope your daughter doesn't feel TOO put out that you're taking over her room the minute she steps out the door. (If she does, she'll get over it. Just make sure there's somewhere comfy for her to sleep so she'll still come to visit!) I can't wait to see it all come together. Pink, gold, black and white - it will be gorgeous!

  3. Love love love it all. Major jeals of this loft space you speak of. Can't wait to see it come together. And your new pieces are absolutely stunning, my dear.

  4. Wowzers you got a lot in that one post!
    The office / studio you've dreamed up will be totally amazing, can you hear the really jealous tone in my voice?! Have an inspiring day.

  5. It is going to be amazing! I am in desperate need of a studio/desk, my little desk is just not cutting it anymore. For now I will live through you!!

  6. Yes on the frames! They're gorgeous. And how did you do your DIY Ikea desk?


  7. LOVE those frames. I would buy them for sure!!! xxx

  8. Oh Christine... This is right up your street! How exciting! I can actually imagine how the room will look. You always said you wanted a space of your own xoxo P.S love the new black wink of pink paintings!

  9. Totally loving all the ideas and colors for your new office, it's so you!

  10. I guess that is the silver lining of the kiddo moving off to college, you score a fab new space to call your own and *girlify!* to the max (c: I. cannot. WAIT. And I'm pretty sure the new beauties are going to be the crown jewel of the said gorgeousness...

  11. going to your shop to check it out right now! Love the frames and yes would definitely give you the extra $50 bones for the stylish gold and amazing bamboo frames!

    Your DIY pink IKEA desk is gorgeous!! Don't we all love Tim? wink wink!

    hope to see you soon C! it has been awhile and I miss ya!

  12. I think the new room will be pink heaven. Yes, on the frames as I always end up reframing things because the frames are just
    "there" and I think the right frame is as important as the right lampshade.

    Where can I get a bar cart like the one you showed. I have searched and search and found one on Amazon that got awful reviews.
    Must possess.

  13. That is all such an overload of gorgeousness I need a lie down! somewhere to completely decorate just for yourself, very jealous - you must be so excited :) x

  14. It's like being inside a parlor. Really cute!

  15. those pink and gold books are divine. A DIY on my neweset to-do list for sure! I think everything you pick out is so lovely. Can't wait to see the space, I might kick my one year old out of her bedroom to get an office space like this asap. Is that too soon?

  16. I want to know what you can't do?!?! You are superwoman. Love your new pieces and you!

  17. What makes this post awesome? It has a very interesting topic with fine pictures as inspiration and references. And your ideas to bolster your office space? Simply fantastic!

  18. I love your ideas, Christine! I bet you’re already done with the changes in the room. So how’s the room by the office now? Are there any updates? I’m a little curious and very much interested on how in turned out. :D [Blake Mitchell\]

  19. You have wonderful ideas for your office space! By the way, were you able to do all the redecorations/ renovations that you wanted? Like Blake, I also want to see the new look of your office. Post pictures of it too. Thanks!


Sorry about the annoying captias...tried turning them off for a day and my inbox exploded with crap.

Smooches to everyone who perservered and left a sweet comment anyways! xoxo