Monday, June 4, 2012

An Idea Makes a Shop...Wink of Pink

A few days ago, I posted this photo of a little DIY I did a while back...

...and had a few people give me the 'I thought you said you couldn't paint' which I responded 'um...I can't...unless there's only one colour involved.'

And then a lightbulb went off in my brain.

What if I did canvases in just one colour?

What if the one colour was pink?

What if I sold them in a little Etsy shop?

What if I called it....

All of this seemed to make logical sense to me....afterall, we all know that I'm a pinkaholic and well, I love the idea of people adding just a 'wink' to their homes.

So...with idea in hand, I ventured off to the art store for some supplies and came home with this stuff...

...along with a few canvases and frames.

After trying out some ideas, I decided that whatever I did, would be made mostly of pink but would probably need to be accented in white and gold...because let's face it, pink and gold are such a happy power couple.

So, I headed back to the store and picked up some more paint and more frames and got to work.

And after a few days of playing around with what I wanted, I had two finished pieces...

{the teaser}

 {the actual #1- Fleur}

{the actual #2- Delilah}

...along with the beginnings of a shop...

My plan is to get at least 10 ready and then officially open my Etsy shop next week.

I'm VERY excited about this but also a little deathly afraid so...fingers/toes are tiiiiightly crossed.

Now, before I sign off, a little disclaimer...I am NO artist...these are not meant to be anything other than a little bit of pink pretty...and I know many bloggers have started painting and I'm sort of jumping on the bandwagon but, I do feel like we all have something very different to bring to the table and well, I hope you like what I'm serving up.

Again, scared...hitting publish on this one will be hard.

But not as hard as when next week rolls around.

Be kind.

You always are so I have faith.





  1. Your talent. Your talent. Nauseates me. Just from one ginger to another. I need you to know. I still love you though!

  2. Very pretty. I love the pale blush pink you chose.

  3. I'm sure people will be biting at the bits to get one of these Christine. From what you've shown, they're going to be gorgeous :-)

  4. Love love love love!! This idea is pure pinktastic genius my friend. So excited for you!

  5. What a great name for a shop!!! Good luck Christine, your two teasers look beautiful.

  6. well, I love, love, love, this!!!!! congratulations! I think it's a brilliant idea!!! good luck!

  7. Christine-

    Every tiny little thing you do is made of awesome.


  8. Christine,

    Go for it. I just opened the print shop and put myself out there so I understand your fears. The response and support from the blog community is wonderful and you will do well, my friend. Who wouldn't want to put a little Christine in their home?! xo

  9. so excited for you Christine!! Pink and gold with white ... I'm sure they will be sold out in no time!!

    Time for another meet up C! so much to catch up!

  10. You know what? It IS all very scary to put yourself out there, but the realz of it is that this is your passion. You couldn't bind it if you tried, and I think. that's. Brilliant!

    Love these first two, and can't wait to see more!

  11. Congrats, I'm sure you'll do great! The 2 pairings look awesome, good idea

  12. They look great! Love the pink idea. Good luck!

  13. CONGRATULATIONS on this new shop! LOVE LOVE the idea and the art! xoxo jillian:: cornflake dreams

  14. First off wow! Secondly, congrats & good luck. You know having me thinking about what colour to paint the entry way @ my house to match one of your pieces.

  15. Um, these are awesome Christine! I LOVE the mix of pink + gold. Go you for following your heart + yes, you definitely have something different to bring to the table xx

  16. Don't ruin your beautiful nails Christine!! These are beautiful, you have nothing to worry about. You know what they say - if your dreams don't scare you, they aren't big enough! :) xo

  17. LOVE the idea! And the shade of pink you've used so far is gorg-eous. Best wishes!!

  18. This is so exciting! I think the paintings are beautiful! Great job. Can't wait to see the shop. :)

  19. It may feel like a strange venture to you, but it seems perfectly natural to many of us. You're gonna rock it! Best of luck with your lovely paintings. :)

  20. Great job Christine - it will be a wonderful outlet for you! And that name is just too cute! Cant wait to see what you do :)

  21. Kudos on the new venture! Best of luck Christine!

  22. Christineeee!!! These are amazing. I am so excited for you! And so in awe of your never ending talents that are being revealed! oxooxx

  23. LOVE these, Christine! I knew all that "I can't paint" stuff was nonsense. These are so gorgeous!

  24. Your pieces look awesome, Congrats!

  25. Oh Christine I'm so excited for you, way to go for it. They look SO pretty. Always surprising us!

  26. Christine I love your pieces especially with the touch of gold - like fairy dust! So look forward to seeing the pieces in your shop!

  27. See I told you you should just go for it and look at you now! Congrats on this next big step. Can't wait to see what else you create!

  28. Soo pretty! I'm going to need one of these!

  29. ahh so amazing! congrats! if these two are any indication, your shop will be a HIT! xoxo

  30. It's about time...that is all. ;) You'll rock it and it could be your 'sparkly visual comfort chandy fund'!!!!

  31. I KNEW you were up to something amazing. I mean, wouldn't expect anything less from you! Love love love this! Congrats1

  32. yah! so exciting! I'll be ordering one of these beauts for my home, so I can have a bit of Chistine here (besides the old 90's photos of us hehe)

  33. I love it. Love love love it. I can't wait to see your shop open. I love that you're putting yourself out there. 'A Wink of Pink' - it's perfect!

  34. Oh yay Christine! Love it!

  35. So very excited! Love pink!

  36. Not kidding Christine, these are amazing! The most perfect color combination, can't wait to see what else you dream up and make a purchase next week. Congrats!

  37. So pretty! Cant wait for the opening of Wink of Pink!!

  38. Christine that's so exciting!!! Congrats! I can't wait to see the opening of your shop. I'm loving what I'm seeing here. And that name is just perfect. Love! :) xoxo

  39. I think that is beautiful! Such a lovely post! You work is amazing! I want to buy something:) xo

  40. I guessed it. Brilliant venture. I am surprised you hadn't done it earlier! As for the name and colour- so you and so pretty. Good luck with this venture:) it will be a success for sure.

  41. AH-MAY-ZING! You are uber talented and I commend you for going for it! And "Wink of Pink" ,I mean please, simply smashing! Congrats

  42. Yes yes yes!!

    Do not fear my love, follow your ideas and make them a reality!!! Which you did!! Yay! I also had that same wink moment almost 10 years ago and look where it has taken me today. I love it and I think I need to own my very own Christine :) cannot wait!!

  43. That is awesome! You are awesome! I can't wait to see the shop!

  44. I say do it! Nothing beats a failure but a try. So go forth and paint!

  45. GORGEOUS!!! Your talent is the first accomplishment and your ability to put your work out there is surely the second, and harder part. Congratulations! xoxox

  46. Love that you're taking the leap! I don't have the cajones yet myself so "bravo!!" to you! Loving the "Wink of Pink", so clever!

  47. Oh noooo! We have another Jen from Made By Girl on our hands! Your paintings are going to sell out before they are even posted! So excited!

  48. I've been experimenting with painting lately too! I've been using the same color scheme but yours are a million times more beautiful than mine! Best of luck!!!

  49. Congratulations! Can't wait to see everything in your shop!

  50. Art is subjective just like design...don't be scared....hit publish!!!
    I think they are great!

  51. Those look gorgeous Christine! Can't wait to browse your etsy shop.

  52. You are so talented! Congrats on your new shop. :)

  53. YAY! Congrats! You better get busy painting - I have a feeling you won't be able to keep up with the demand!

  54. So excited for this new shop! You don't have to be a professional artist to create art. I think I'm gonna have to add a wink of pink to mi casa...... ;)

  55. Eleni sofroniouJune 04, 2012 7:09 PM

    How lovely you are and how lovely your paintings are! Continue following your instincts, its your Nana guiding you. Super excited about seeing your Etsy store!!!! xx

  56. Well I guess now you owe yourself an apology for saying you didn't have a talent for painting, 'cause that looks like a whole lotta talent to me!!! And could it have been anything other than *PINK*??? (c: Of course not! LOVES LOVES LOVES it. Next week will be EPIC...

  57. Gorgeous work and gorgeous idea! I can't wait to see the shop and add it to my favorites asap! You have incredible taste and style which will no doubt transfer to your canvases.


  58. I'm so happy for you. Congratulations!! I saw your instagram photo, didn't know it came along with BIG news. {why not add the etsy widget to your sidebar?} Keep'em coming!

  59. I freaking love them. You should sell them and be proud. Your artwork rocks.

  60. Gorgeous Christine!! I am thrilled you are painting and have found a niche you love!


    Art by Karena

  61. wow Christine, you are a multi talented little lady...well done

  62. You will be a hit!! How awesome would they be as a modern rich in a little girls room!!!

  63. Oooooh, this is exciting news! Cannot WAIT!

  64. Congratulations! Very exciting! Will be visiting the shop next week...

  65. Christine,

    They are lovely! I can't wait to see all of them FOR SALE! You're awesome!!


  66. Do it if it moves you. Don't worry about bandwagon jumping or disclaiming your creations. And above all, don't worry about what some people may think. Not every one is going to love what you do. But there will be many that will. So paint for yourself and for those who do.

    Passionate people create things - those things can take the form of an idea, a work of art, a story, a movement, a product, or a service. You are very passionate so I am not even a little bit surprised that you feel compelled to paint. And what defines an artist, anyway? If someone responds to something you have painted and is moved enough to buy it - well then it is sort of like, if it walks like a duck and talks like duck...

    Pink is my all time favorite and so I think the idea and the name is genius. Way to go! Can't wait to see what else is in store.

  67. pink + gold is an amazing color combination together and i think the name of your etsy store is very fitting! can't wait to see more and what you'll offer!

  68. Congrats! You're a natural! They look amazing


Sorry about the annoying captias...tried turning them off for a day and my inbox exploded with crap.

Smooches to everyone who perservered and left a sweet comment anyways! xoxo