Thursday, June 28, 2012

A Bijou Room - Inspired by Willow and an Ensemble

Morning folks.

Today, I've got a little mood board action for you...brought to you by an outfit that caught my attention and one of my Wink of Pink favourites, Willow...the painting, outfit and room all sort of scream soft tone on tone pretty...of the blushy cream variety.

The inspiration....

...and the room...

Tres bon.

If you'd like some Bijou board action for your own house, email me.

Also, Willow is for sale HERE.

And with that double whammy (PS, for those of you older than 30, remember that game show with the no whammies?  Just writing the word totally made my tangent brain leap off into memories the host screaming
'no whammies, no whammies' - ha) of self-promotion, I'll say toodles for now.

Cyber love,




  1. The outfit, the painting, the room. There is so much gorgeous here. I'm in love.

  2. I love the soft girly vibe! It's so different from my own style, would love to see what you could do with my house!

  3. Beautiful and very etherial. I must own that gold hide.

  4. Oh my lady, it's alllll good today. I would live problem!

  5. Love the painting! And the paper lanterns...and everything. It's all gorgeous!

  6. Really beautiful inspiration board! I always look forward to seeing your designs :)

  7. Holy cowhide I'd move into that amazingly blissful room in a heartbeat! Each piece so thoughtfully curated to create a soothing and serene, albeit highly romantic environment! Totally hit the nail on the head with this collection...I'm in lalalalLOVE!

    Peace. Love. LOL!

    Haute Khuuture Blog

  8. Willow has suddenly become my new favorite...absolutely stunning, lady, seriously. And in that room, too??? GAH! It's death by pretty overload, to be sure!

  9. Gorgeous post, as usual! Any idea where that FAB chunky necklace is from?

  10. Love the outfit + those sparkles, how divine! Crushing over your room too,so much pink goodness. Have a lovely weekend xx

  11. very pretty Christine!! Love the pair of mirrors with those asian inspired side tables, killer pendants, and a tufted chesterfield? you have outdone yourself C!

    Love Willow too.

  12. Can I live in the first photo? The outfit and painting are gorgeous! Such simple elegance.


Sorry about the annoying captias...tried turning them off for a day and my inbox exploded with crap.

Smooches to everyone who perservered and left a sweet comment anyways! xoxo