Monday, May 7, 2012


Good morning friends.

I trust you all had a good weekend.

Mine was swell.

I spent Saturday at the opening party for the little designer consignment sale I'm taking part in...we had a 'mingle with mimosas' and it was beaucoup fun.

Lots of stuff got sold, which was grande.

Of course, there's still tons of pretty left so if you're a local yocal, please do come by any day of the week (minus Sunday) from 10-6.

You'll see things like this...

New goodies are being brought in everyday so yes, come shop...this mamma needs new hair and I'm counting on sale proceeds to get it a girl out/get your shop on please;)

A big hug and kiss to Tim, Lindsey, Sarah, Leigh Ann, and Jenn for popping by- aren't supportive friends the bom diggity do?

Love them.

And do you know who else I heart?

My hubster.

I realized this weekend that I take his awesomeness for granted a large chunk of the time.

He's the guy that lets my paint walls pink and doesn't make much of a face when I buy yet another ceramic or brass animal.


egg further evidenced by the fact that he suggested spending the day antiquing on Sunday.

Bless him.

So that's what we did.

I saw lots of yumminess...

...and loved every minute of the outdoor family time...

...and died mostly over the garden pavillion above- wanted like EVERYTHING Joe antique outdoor guy was selling.

I also had a very, very, very hard time leaving this jumbotron peacock chair behind...

...$60 striped cushion...huge...sigh...just couldn't think where the heck I could put it.

Boo.  hiss.

I actually left with zero, zilch, nothing.

Sad face.

On the flip side of no purchase crapness, our drive home was rather interesting.

We eneded up going through some pretty spectacular open houses out in the country.

Let me tell you...I seriously debated/am debating the merits of moving out a bit to get an incredible home...these 'estates' I saw were all the business... Belgian scraped floors, marble everywhere, 12 foot ceilings...brilliant.

Trouble is, I came home to this...

...and realized I'd have a VERY hard time ever leaving my little house.

It's not huge or perfect by any stretch's home...5000 sq. masterpiece be damned:)

The other bonus is that I have the best neighbours ever.

Spent last night on that porch with drinks and friends...can't get much better than that.

Hope you had a sunny few days too.

Later alligators.




  1. You might not have marble and 12 foot ceilings, but it sounds pretty freaking perfect where you are. Those flowers, neighbors and a porch? I'll take it. And that husband of yours is seriously a keeper!

  2. I agree your hubby is a keeper! I told mine I wanted to paint the kitchen pink and he almost fainted!:-). We have great neighbors too; we hung out in one of our driveways drinking beers yesterday with the kids running round and playing. Love living the simple life.

  3. What a wonderful weekend, so glad the sale is going well, wish I could stop by and spend! What a wonderful family you have!

  4. the sale looks amazing! and home is where you make it.... we moved out to the country, but our house is still smallish. but it's home and i love it. love the people here, love the neighbors, love the open air, and i love the animals i see- farm and wild. i think you know when you're home.

  5. I don't comment often but I am here everyday reading. Love this blog!

  6. That is a beautiful spot to come home to indeed. And you have a husband who goes antiquing. Always good! :) xoxo

  7. What a fun weekend. Your husband is awesome! People always ask me how I get away with adding pink or girly things to the home, an accommodating husband is the key!

  8. Ahhhh!!! I want that freaking peacock chair!!

  9. Love that pink wicker chair...
    And the girl looks so queenly in that peacock chair.

  10. Your house it adorable! And perfect inside! That chair did you walk away??? So strong!

  11. Your hubby sounds fantastic!! Love your post today- all soo true!

  12. That weekend sounds dreamy...any weekend where I can get my antique shop on is A-okay by me! (c: And that pic of your front door is absolutely *DIVINE*...I would never leave home (c:

  13. Antiquing is so much fun, isn't it? Love the chair, but I don't know where I would put it either!

  14. LOVE that cute little multi-color rocker. Pinned it to my nursery plans! Looks like a great weekend. I can't get over what a precious family you have! : )

  15. I'd take loving adorable family, flowering trees and awesome neighbors any day of the week. You hit the trifecta girl.

    too bad about the peacock chair, though.

  16. Okay I read everything here, and I loved it all (yes your husband is the bomb) but what's this about new hair? You don't like the red??

  17. I would never ever leave your home! And that's the truth! Glad you had such a fantabulous weekend. Your hubbie sounds amazing! Oh and I so wish I were nearby so I could stop by the sale. :) xoxo

  18. eleni sofroniouMay 07, 2012 4:03 PM

    The other houses probably don't hold a candle to your lovely home. Your hubbs sounds amazing and I love your little girls red booties. xx

  19. Pretty dreamy life you've got there Christine! Love it when I can visit my FAVE blogs and sneak a peek into your home and heart <3...that entry facade of yours is seriously the shiznits...I'd wouldn't leave that for anything...especially with awesome neighbors...that's like an urban myth in unheard of! Beautiful weekend, hope this week is more like that!

    Peace. Love. LOL!

    Haute Khuuture Blog

  20. I love all the things you guys saw while antiquing! You find some of the best stuff. Not to mention, your family is adorable!!



  21. very fun antique finds, and it was such a great weekend to be outside! It's nice to realize how much you love your home/husband/family all over again, isn't it?

  22. Yup. Your hubby is a keeper but pink walls is a small price for YOU, Christine! Love your house and your daughter is adorable. xo

  23. I love that you're happier with your reality than with any fantasy. Says a lot about the type of person you are, and your family is as blessed to have you as you are to have them. I follow a lot of blogs just for the beautiful pictures, but yours is often food for my soul as well as my eyes. I know I should count my blessings more often, and not just be envious of the greener grass I think I see elsewhere. Thank you for this gentle and timely reminder. :)

  24. What a fab hubster you have! Sounds like such a fun way to spend your weekend + family time. Love that peacock chair, it would have been so hard to leave, oh the possibilities! The shot of those beautiful flowers in front of your home are beautiful, I can see why it would be hard to ever leave! xx

  25. What a sweetie pie husband you have and the shopping looks like fun, so many cool pieces! However, what I love most in this post are those adorable eggs. I just had to pin them and will be making some next year for our easter tree. Thanks for the great idea!


  26. Loved seeing you this weekend! Still thinking about that fainting couch in that black peacock fabric...le sigh. Sounds like you had a grand rest of the weekend! XO

  27. Haha, one of the first things I thought after seeing pics of your living room was "Wow, she has a REALLY cool husband."
    Amazing finds. You're a strong woman to leave that peacock chair behind! But I've gotten to the point, too, where if I don't know what I'm going to do with something, it better to just not buy it.

  28. Love, love, love the pink chair!

  29. That photo of your house is soooo charming, love it. Who needs a giant house anyways right? And yes, I'd have a hard time walking away from that amazeballs peacock chair too. SO cute, as is your little sweetie ;)

    Nancy xo


Sorry about the annoying captias...tried turning them off for a day and my inbox exploded with crap.

Smooches to everyone who perservered and left a sweet comment anyways! xoxo