Friday, May 25, 2012

Things that Slayed Me this Week...other than NYC


I'm sorry I've been missing....was in NYC for Blogfest and just didn't get my blogging shit together for posts while I was away.



In any case, I'm back.

Sick as a large dog but here.

I promise a full recap on Monday...just don't have the brain power to do it now...the flu is making sentence formulation tricky mc trickersons at the moment.

So for now...a few quick things that have killed me this week.


I saw something in NY that changed my mind on the poodle chairs...I know...I'm a bit schizo on that front.

As you may remember, I recently found this...

...I still adore it and am now thinking pillows for said chairs.

Mostly because I want this KW channels genius as the main player...

Could you die?

I can and did when I spied it in the Lee Jofa window display.

Want, want and want.


My daughter went to her prom yesterday.

Have no @#$Q(* idea how she somehow morphed into someone old enough to do such things.

In any case, she went...and looked SO pretty doing it...

Doesn't that dress slay you...does me.

Wish I could wear it actually...blasted 37 year old knees and post baby lack of waist.


I woke up to this in my Facebook feed yesterday...

Ms. Jessica Rae KILL me in the best possible way.


Is it weird to say a portrait of yourself is pretty?

I generally hate any image of myself but this....LURVE.

And before anyone thinks I'm some sort of narcissistic weirdo for commissioning a portrait of myself, I didn't.


While in NY, I called home to ask the husband how he spent the day with the kids...this is what I got via text...

...yes...that's two of my most precious loves in the world in a helicopter.

1/2 of me wanted to KILL him for doing something like that without my awareness...the other half thought he was the coolest dad ever for sharing such an incredible experience with the kidlens.

Still not sure which half is winning.

I suppose since they are all in one piece, it's the later.


The realization that after a whirlwind trip in NYC, this is happening soooooon...

BlogPodium, fun, fun!!!

Please pray that my plague disappears before I have to talk in front of 200 or so people tomorrow.

And with that I'm off to an acupuncture appointment...with a 3 year old in tow...wish me luck.

Happy almost weekend.



  1. HOOOOWWWWWW are you old enough to have a daughter to go to prom?? HOWWWWWWWWWWW? You look 28. I don't believe you.

  2. Ohhhh you know I love that KW fabric! So gorgeous. Hope you're feeling better very very soon, you are going to be fab at blog podium! monetize!!

  3. Hope you feel miraculously better after needles and such! Orange juice always makes me feel better. With a pack of Emergence C.

    That fabric is my leading contender for closet curtains, I love love it. Your daughter is BEAUTIFUL and the dress is so perfect and the shoes yay!

    Good luck tomorrow lady!

  4. Your daughter is too darn cute!! Your hubby wins coolest dad award! Your fabric choice-fabulous! That portrait-insane! She's got major skills!

  5. Love the fabric, her dress, your portrait, and what a cool daddy!

  6. aww cant wait for the full recap on monday. i need to know everything. that portrait of you is drop dead GORG. i hope you give it to your hubs to put in his office so he can get hot and bothered by you :)

  7. OMG the portrait - Gorgeous!! Yeah, and NO F-ING WAY you're old enough to have a daughter going to prom...

  8. looking forward to hearing about nyc! I had another friend there over the weekend, too....felt very left out and sorry for myself lol.

  9. Love all this catching up -- and I hope you're feeling better soon!!!

  10. Love all of it and that artwork is amazing! Can't wait to catch up with you at BlogPodium and hear all about Blogfest and NYC!


  11. OMG Christine....I totally photographed the fabric to! I had a few things in mind for it :) I hope you feel better soon! xoxo! I loved every second I had with you!

  12. Oh wow - that portrait is AMAZING!
    p.s. There's nothing wrong with commissioning a portrait of yourself - doesn't the Queen do it all the time?

  13. What an exciting time for you and your daughter- prom, what a milestone! She looks great. I loved keeping up with you and the others at Blogfest. Hopefully we can meet one of these days! :)

  14. Holy crap a helicopter!! They must have loved that. So sorry you got the flu. I was sad to miss you at brunch on Wednesday. Sooo wonderful finally meeting you though!

    And yes KW's new line is killer.

  15. Your daughters dress for prom is seriously top-notch. I am with the rest of the crew...there's no way you have a daughter old enough for that. I hope you feel better and good luck on your speech! xo

    Champagne Lifestyle on a Beer Budget

  16. woe, crap, I'm exhausted just from reading this post! How are you living this life and looking like you do? Clearly good genes, having met you in person, I can now attest that you are as HOT as that bananas gorgeous rendition art of you is!
    so great meeting you, not long enough though! Green smoothies with coconut water and spinach will help, trust!
    feel better!

  17. feel better soon! Ditto to all the fab comments above. I sure wish I could have met you at Blogfest! maybe next year for us!
    You're amazing.

  18. Amazing portrait! Maybe I want one for myself as well! We only live once after all. Love to hear all about blogfest and sorry I won't be there for blog podium tomorrow.

    Hope you feel better by now and be a smashing hit tomorrow talking what you do very well! Xoxo

  19. Stupid, stupid, stupid FLU!!! Doesn't it know that you are busy?!? (c: I hope you're feeling tip-top again soon, deary! And I can't even wrap my head around the insane fabulousness that is that portrait of kind of makes me want to commission one of' realz. (c:

  20. And crap, now I have to double comment because I have to say how incredible your daughter looks in her prom dress, I *SO* wish I had pulled off something half that fabulous and classy for my prom! Let's just pretend, shall we? (c:

  21. Wow, your daughter looks fabulous!! I loooove the dress and shoes, she rocked them both.
    I hope that you're feeling better for tomorrow, looking forward to seeing you...I'll look for the chick in the sars mask.

  22. i just LOVE reading your posts! Darling daughter, great and scary dad, yes! And OMG incredible portrait with AMAZING Jessica Rae!! ... And NOTHING wrong with having something done like that of yourself... you're FAB so DO IT!

  23. What a wonderful post! Your daughter is so adorable, and yes, that dress is insane in the membrane!... Paired with those blue shoes? WOW. How is she so fashion forward? Must get her great style from her mama. :) That drawing is off the charts. Something to covet for sure, and lastly, so cute and fun your hubs little outing with the little ones! I asked my friend Holly Phillips of The English Room (designer and blogger) to give you a hug for me if she met you at Blogfest :)--Whitley

  24. Your daughter looked stunning! And was so glad to meet you and the kidlets. Hugs

  25. the patterns on the first 2 photos are lovely and intoxicating!!! thanks for introducing me to a new artist!



  26. That painting of you is gorgeous! I enjoyed meeting you at BlogFest and I would never guess that you would have an equally gorgeous daughter old enough for prom! What is your secret?? :) I hope you are feeling better!


Sorry about the annoying captias...tried turning them off for a day and my inbox exploded with crap.

Smooches to everyone who perservered and left a sweet comment anyways! xoxo