Thursday, May 3, 2012

Real Jealz

You know what irks me?

That the big man or woman or gods upstairs didn't bless me with the one superpower I want above ALL others.

Big G was apparently very happy to grant this gift to a few fellow bloggers who PS, were already super duper talented in a bunch of other ways...

Our dear friend Chassity is exhibit A- did you see her unveiling yesterday?

Holy shitsticks....

What the what?

She wakes up one day, decides to paint and then knocks it out of the park?

Count me 'jeal' to the 'us'.

And then there's exhibit B...Kerry Steele.

You might have spied one of her pieces in my moodboard yesterday....well it turns out that on top of being an interior designer and blogging beast, she can also paint...

...and PS, by paint I mean she can knock the balls off of nudes and abstracts...which PS, are my FAVOURITE!

Double jealz.

And of course, there's exhibit C...our dear hilariously fabulous friend Jenny, who makes things like this happen...


How does a girl wake up one day and think hum...maybe I'll paint something and then produce those pieces of greatness?

And of course, there's also the bevie of artists who blog on the side...the Nicoles, Jessicas, and Kims of the world..yup...I'm talking bout know the whole envy is apparently a sin thing? Well count this girl as a giant fail in that department.

Oh how I wish I was granted this one particular gift fantastica.

When I try such things, I'm lucky enough to end up with a canvas that hasn't morphed into a big glob of shit brown.


Ah well...onwards and upwards as they say...I have my own gifts...yadda, yadda...blech.





  1. Geeking, you're a sweetie, Christine. Thanks for including me among these talented ladies on the beautiful B&B.

    Have you tried painting? B/c I had never tried, and then I did. And well I'm quite positive that you can do whatever you want b/c you're all sorts of talent over here.

  2. I want this talent! You guys are cray, cray. Chassity makes EVERYTHING look so simple. I am sure you would as well Christine!

  3. you are so awesome.
    thank you!

  4. Could.not.agree.more I have tried to pick up a paintbrush and its just a silly mess.

  5. Seriously wtf? I can't tell you how many paint pads I have bought and thrown away because the reality of it all is that I can't paint. Sads, I'll just have to invest in one of their lovely pieces!

  6. A friend told me years ago to just make my own art and I thought she was crazy " I could never be that talented!" I thought. And here I am with most of the art in my home painted by me. Its not like these ladies but it certainly does the trick. Start simple and go from there! I'm sure you can do it!

  7. Thanks Christine! Your cute expressions make me laugh out loud. You are certainly the first person ever to say I "knock the balls off" something. LOVE IT!

  8. Hey, you don't give yourself enough credit! You did one over your fireplace I remember and created the art in Mac's room - they looked pretty good to me. I took art classes at Sheridan (right near you) and they were worth every penny. It may give you some confidence.

  9. Preach it sister! I mean, really, I would love some artistic talent..just a smidge will do! Vashti (my blog partner in crime has serious talent in this dept) Not me! But I can certainly appreciate all you posted here!!

  10. Hehehe, I'm totally laughing at this because it sounds exactly like the rant I was having after seeing Chassity's greatness. WTF is *RIGHT*!!! Especially in love with Jenny and her pieces, insane talent.

  11. Yeah, I seriously love Jenny's stuff. The colors alone... I wished the Gods had smiled down upon me in this respect as well (though Christine, I'd take a few of your talents as well!). Painting has turned into a relaxing activity for me and I even have a few hanging on my own walls, but the outcome is nowhere near this awesomeness...

  12. Are you kidding?! These are ridiculously amazing! Gorgeous prints!

  13. I love these! I want all of them! Great post~

  14. My dear you may not have the God given ability to paint but, you sure can "design" things in a particular fabulous way that I can't! But, yes, I do understand what you mean...I get it. But, girl you still are pretty fabulous in the "designer" aspect of things...I mean look at the post right below this one...ummm, yes... Anyhow, you are fabulous even if you can't paint like your friends! Have a fabulous Friday!

  15. How about these?

  16. I am with you on this one.....I sucked when I tried my hand at art!!! Why?.....I mean if I'm creative then WTF.


Sorry about the annoying captias...tried turning them off for a day and my inbox exploded with crap.

Smooches to everyone who perservered and left a sweet comment anyways! xoxo