Friday, May 18, 2012

Friday Fancies - Blog Bash

Welcome to the almost long weekend everyone.

I'm looking VERY forward to this one...mostly because I'm leaving for...

...on Sunday.

Blogfest 2012 y'all.


Of course, I'm having a small panic attack about what the F to wear.

So many events, so little time/money to shop for them.

Also...the schedule of stuff to do is kind of jam packed...there appears to be zero time allocated for going back after a long day to change/make yourself presentable for the evening events.

I suppose this means one can either show up to a party in day wear or skip some mid-afternoon fun for a quick switcheroo.

I'm debating both options...and this is making outfit planning akin to rocket science...well not really but you get the drift.

Thankfully, I have a few things sorted...thanks to hubster's mama's day gift card, I did find a couple of new pretties to pack.

I also put this chartreuse dress on hold...

Blazer . Dress . Earrings . RingClutch . Shoes }

...though I have no idea what the hell to pair it wish moola wasn't an option...if not, I'd very much be doing what's above.

What about the rest of my fellow BF attendees?

Packing dresses?  Packed?




  1. Oh my goodness I am so on the panic train. Living in a house of boys they looked at me like I was entirely insane yesterday as I tried on a million things. (this resulted in- get your own dinner boys!!)
    I have a bruise the size of a grapefruit on my calf... so pants it is.
    I personally don't care if you're wearing a garbage bag. I'm so beyond excited to meet you! xoxoxox

  2. Thankfully I live here in NYC, so I don't have to pack. But I haven't even thought about what to wear, yikes. I better bring it!

  3. That sounds like a blast! I wouldn't stress your outfit - most bloggers have a Parisian style so laid back chic is a must!

  4. Loving your outfits. They will be a hit. While I am hanging out here in ole' VA. Be thinking about me :)

  5. Enjoy it! Sounds like a blast and the looks you chose are very adorable ...

  6. Haven't even started to think about it yet so this post is making me panic. I had the same issue for the TradHome events. I was booked straight through with no time to change. I though I planned a good day to night outfit but ended up feeling really casual at night. (Was wearing flats.) I just cannot wear heels on a 10hour day.

    Anywho I'm already reconciled that I will NOT be the most stylish there, I'm just hoping not to stand out as the least stylish one! Eeeeek!

  7. Sorta packed....I did a few skirt combo's and colored skinnys. I am not super impressed with myself :( I will keep wiring on it! The dress is hot hot!

  8. oh my god..that dress is seriously, i want it BAD! hope you have fun at blogfest..take a picture of what you end up wearing!

  9. That dress is amazing.
    Blogfest didn't build in changing time last year either. Def makes trying to pack like rocket science. I have some things in mind but am no where near ready. Wish I could go shopping for lots of new things.

    See you on Monday!

  10. Jealous!! Have so much fun, take notes and tell us every little thing. XOXO

  11. I'm predicting that you will look mahvelous dahhhling!!! :) Have to admit I'm a tad jealous, but hope to be there one of these days! Have a blast!

  12. That sounds like an absolute *blast*...NYC with fabulous bloggers??? I have no idea how it could go awry (c; And holy schizters, love that dress! Buy it and think of me at my soon to be sis-in-laws bridal shower instead of NYC *sigh*...It sounds awful when I say it that way, doesn't it? (c:

  13. i had planned on returning to my hotel to change for whatever it is i need to change for.
    but i am still trying to figure shit out.
    i wrote a song about it though..over on MFAMB.

  14. ahhhh so exciting! I wish I was going! I JUST got back from a huge design event HD show in Las Vegas and had the same thing. What to wear when all these designers are swarming and dressed to the nines? Believe me I made time to jet back to the hotel room to change for parties just because I didn't want to wear heels all day! You will be having so much fun and looking so fabulous no matter what you choose. Have fun, can't wait to hear all the details!!


  15. Aaaahh so much fun! I know you will look fabulous!! Can't wait to hear all about it!

  16. Oh thank god you all sound just as stressed out about the outfit situation as I do! haha! I keep going back and forth over heading back to the hotel midday like MFAMB or trying to rock a day-to-night outfit. All I know is I'm definitely over-packing!

    Looking forward to meeting you guys!

  17. I am in full fledge panic mode too. I went through my closet and it seems I own about 15 LBDs and nothing cool and colorful. No time to shop either.
    I am thinking of packing a large handbag and carrying heels to switch into if need be.
    So excited to meet you!

  18. eleni sofroniouMay 19, 2012 9:47 AM

    Wish I lived in NYC! Have a great time at the bash... fab outfit choices. xx

  19. Your photos are just amazing! I am so in love with them!

  20. WIsh I was joining you in NYC, it sounds like it will be fabulous! Love your outfit choices, the chartreuse dress is going to look amazing! xx

  21. So exciting! Take lots of pics for those of us missing out!!


Sorry about the annoying captias...tried turning them off for a day and my inbox exploded with crap.

Smooches to everyone who perservered and left a sweet comment anyways! xoxo