Wednesday, May 30, 2012

BlogFest/NY- Day 1 and 24 Pictures or Less {with an Edit}

As promised, here's the skinny on my trip to NY/BlogFest.

And PS, I had to split it into two posts...figured there's no way I could keep your attention for the whole shabang.

So, here's Day 1 and 2 to start...3 and 4 will come tomorrow.

Day 1.

First, I got up at an indecent hour and boarded the plane...of course, I needed some smut to get me through the flight...

...sadly my eyes weren't working yet due to lack of caffeine and sleep, so I didn't get past the first page.

The plane basically went up and then landed...turns out T. to NYC is close.

After deboarding, I made my way to the taxi line only to find out that in NY, you not only need the name of  your hotel but both cross streets...and of course, my farking ridiculous Canadian cell phone service meant that I couldn't look it up...que very cute boy behind me who did the search and praise Jesus, found the address, which allowed me to actually leave New Jersey and head for the big apple.

Here's me trying to look cool in said cab...

...thank goodness for black and white filters is all I have to say on that front....also, why do I have no neck in this shot? Digressing.

A quick, and might I add cheap (PS, taxis in NYC are SOOOOOO inexpensive- practically free it would seem,) ride later and I saw this on the horizon...


And a few minutes after that, I was checked in to the hotel...easy peasy.

Since I had a few hours to kill before some of my peepsters arrived, I walked around the corner and had the best manicure of my life...sadly, I didn't take a photo of my own hands so...think this...

pink and gold polish #nails

...only with the gold as french tips and the rest a little more blushy...good stuff.

Apres nails, I met up with fellow canuck people Vanessa and Christine...

...and we wandered the streets together.

The highlight of said meandering was:

1. an insanely good crepe I had at this outdoor food market...loved watching Joe Blow make it...turns out pioneer wood tools make for some delicious eats...

2. the Marimekko store... much fabric, so little suitcase space.

3. Seeing the amazing construction at Gound Zero...

A few hours later, we headed back to the hotel to quickly change for a little dinner meet and greet, organized by the very sweet Viv, of Fashion Truffles's a shot of the gang I stole from Viv;)

{Tobe, Naomi, Gabrielle, Christine, Vanessa, Me, Viv, Mackenzie, Alex, Sarah, Elizabeth, Meg, Erika, Jen, Natalie}

...and a grainy iPhone pick of us two...

And that was day 1.

Day 2.

Monday started with an early breakie in the hotel lobby with Christine, Vanessa, Chassity and was a good thing we actually ate because this day was B to the izzy.

The fun really started with an amazing girl's hair party at the drybar...sweet Chassity organized it and after her, Amanda and I trudged in the rain for a while...

{photo via Look, Linger, Love}

...PS, those are Chassity's feet...we arrived and enjoyed beaucoup pampering.

I luuuurved this pretty...

...the hairdryer chandy took the fab cake...

...and most importantly, turns out drybar knows how to rock out ladie's hair...

In progress...

{photo via Look, Linger, Love}

...and after...

{Erika, Erica, Moi, Amanda, Naomi, Melissa, Tobe, Gabrielle, Amanda, Chassity, Mackenzie, Meg and founder of DryBar via Recycled, Consign and Design}

...the founder/owner Alli was so sweet to let us all invade her gorgeous lovely to meet her and soooooo wish this place could/would set up shop here in the great north!

Moving on.

Apres hair, we shopped a little, and ruined most of our new dos in the rain.


On the plus side, I got a long blue dress and a white blazer...worth it...I think.

The ladies and I went back to our hotel and I was delighted beyond words to find my sweet roomie Alex had arrived...sadly, I literally don't have one stinking photo of the two of us together:(  

Anyhoo...we chatted a bit and then quickly got ready for our firsts official BlogFest event...the Kip's Bay Showhouse tour.

I enjoyed this part...mostly because I met so many of my blogging buddies in person...delightful.

I also got to touch Margaret Russell's waist...

{Amanda, Chassity, Me, Margaret}

...after some serious photo stalking...

To be honest, the above photo and said friend meetings were the highlight of the tour.

The showhouse itself was a little...I don't know...contrived maybe?

I did quite enjoy the giant brass giraffe...

.....these blue walls were impressive...

...and I adored this Eagle console...

...but honestly, the rest just wasn't my proverbial cup of tea.

Case and point...the kitchen had this pig/turkey spit built into the cupboards... Amanda pointed out, how the heck would you deal with the flying grease all over your brand new sparkly kitchen?  Weird.  On the plus side, there were delightfully large brass handles so that sort of made up for it...sort of.

Anyhoo...there were tons of people and a little bit of food so all in all...was glad I went.

After a few hours there, we boarded a bus and were whisked away to the Savant Center...which PS, was one of the more 'interesting' venues I've ever been to...apparently it's an 'automation control/experience center' if you're rich and in the market for super high end hidden electronics, you would be SO into this place.

Alex, Chassity, Amanda, Nicole, Elizabeth and I basically found a table perch and enjoyed some bevies/apps...and that was that.

Edit...I totally forgot about this stop...shows you how much we did in 4 days...brain fart...after the Savant Center, my and some ladies met up with some other ladies at a great spot my husbter would have loved....Lure...

ever swoon launch blogfest
{photo via Ever Swoon}

...he seriously would go mad for the place...basically like a restaurant inside a wood ship...very cool.

Chassity, Amanda and I sat at the bar and had some 'get to know you deep talk'- enjoyed muchos.

Because Day 3 was going to be a large one, we ski-daddled early and headed back to the hotel.

I managed to catch Erica, Melissa, Marianne and Tiffany in the hotel lounge so had a fabulous little late night sit down with them and then to bed I went.

All in all, the first two days in NYC were the bom Tom.

I got really wet and was already whining like an old lady about how things ached and how tired I was many face to face meetings with so many awesomesauce bloggers totes won out in the pros/cons department.

Good stuff.

I'll be back tomorrow with action from the next two days.



  1. I SO wish we had more time together!!!! I am really sad that I didn't get to chat and hang out more, so I am thinking of holding my own BlogFest Melissa style, you know, lots of wine, girls, food, and shopping. ;) I think I need to get on organizing it!

  2. So lovely to finally meet you in person. If Melissa holds her own conference in Canada, count me in! I will book my ticket in no time!

  3. That looks like an amazing trip!! How fun! I would love to go one day!!

  4. So fun, glad you had a great time! I think my favorite part is your blue dress/white blazer combo. Darling!

  5. Wow it looks like you all had an amazing time. Loving that chandelier! Have a fabulous Wednesday darling! Kori xoxo

  6. Looks like a fabulous trip to NYC !! Love all the pics !


  7. SO cool!! Wish I could have gone!!! It looked like so much fun. Next time... xoxo

  8. Hey dollface! It was definitely a trip highlight to finally meet you in person. I am going to pester Melissa to get on that Bloggers in the Rockies meet up! How rad would that be?! xoxoxo

  9. looks like so much fun! oh, and u r so photogenic....gorgeous!

  10. oh man - looks like loads of fun, especially the crepes, drybar and margaret :)

  11. So fun!! It was so great finally meeting you and hanging out. Glad you had a great time while you were here.

  12. oh my gosh i love the peach nails with the gold! so cool

    great pics thanks for sharing!

  13. What an exciting trip! I hope I get to go one day, it'd be a dream to meet all my favorite bloggers (you included!). And I scored a white blazer this weekend as well... great minds think alike. xo

    Champagne Lifestyle on a Beer Budget

  14. It was SO great finally meeting you. BTW I can't believe I missed Nicole at Savant! I was too busy nursing my achey feet on those tv couches...

  15. Love the nails, so trying that for my next mani and so in love with the blow dryer chandy!

  16. Linda W in WaterlooMay 30, 2012 7:56 PM

    Thanks for sharing...great pics! NYC is one of my most favorite cities to visit. So vibrant and looked right at home there. :) Now I need to go back!

  17. Those were some great times! It was so nice to meet you in person. I am with Marianne, I am at ANY conference hosted by Mel! And I finished the Fifty Shades series on my way back from NYC. You've got to read it...

  18. Love that glitter manicure! Looks like it was a great time.

  19. Looked like you had quite the week last week! What fun to be in NY with all those amazing people! Kind of like my trip to TO! Glad we finally met in person!

    I like Melissa's idea of a Blogfest with wine....

  20. Great pictures! Looks like an awesome time. Love the fabric. I'm looking to open a modern fabric store soon and that caught my eye ;)

    Glad I found your blog! Would love the follow back :)

    The Pretty Pinhead

  21. Bom Tom...I'm gonna hafta remember that one (c: And bom Tom is right!!! So much fabulousness, so little time...and all those gorgeous and wonderfully talented ladies in one place! Love every second of it (c:

  22. Girl, you do NOT have to pretend, you are smokin on that plane! Love your hair after the blo bar, and that mani is the most rad thing I've ever seen! So glad you had such a fun time with all those beautiful ladies! It is great to see the all authors together of so many fantastic blogs I read. Thanks for sharing!

    Best, Whitley

  23. OK next time you come to NY we are going out! Just the thought of all the events still makes my head spin. But Blogfest 2012 was great + Kravet was such a gracious host-ess.

  24. well i've never had my "nails" done ... but if I do, I may just go for what you did! FAB! Will have to join you at BlogFest next year!~


Sorry about the annoying captias...tried turning them off for a day and my inbox exploded with crap.

Smooches to everyone who perservered and left a sweet comment anyways! xoxo