Monday, April 30, 2012


Good morning sweet friends.

I need to start this post by saying a HUGE thank you to so many of you who were so incredibly supportive of me these past few weeks.

holy shitballs you're awesome

They say in good times and sad times you really find out who your friends are and to have so many of you, (who PS I've often never even met in in real life) be such kind and loving was truly overwhelming for me.

I feel honoured and so touched to know you all.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for being you and for wanting to so much to make these past few weeks a little easier for me.

As most of you know, I lost my dear dear Nana on April the 20th.

{the last photo I have with her}

oh heaven....heaven

I had been sleeping over night in her hospital room and woke up at 6:30 to the nurse telling me she had just taken her last breaths.

To have her pass on my daughter's (who was named after her) birthday was actually such a comforting thing.

In a very weird twist of divine intervention. both of my kids were born on the day my grandmother's dad jokes that if I ever have another baby, he's going to swallow a zillion baby aspirin and wear a helmet whenever their birthday rolls around- ha!

Anyhoo...I will say that seeing people pass is though heartbreaking, also a very enlightening's hard not to feel like something bigger or brighter than us is at work.


I know without a shadow of a doubt that my sweet Nana is somewhere much more beautiful then here...

far, far better things

in her perfect daisy garden.

It's a way less precious world here though without her though.



On a much happier note, I'll be back later today with some goodie photos.

As some of you may know, I'm taking part in a designer consignment sale, which opens for business tomorrow.

If you live around these here parts and want some pillow, furniture, antique, curtain, trim, fabric is your chance my friends.

Because if you're anything like me, as much as you like to...

 ; also LOVE buying stuff!

Love you to...


...the moon and back.




  1. Christine, this post is such a special memorial to such a special person. And how perfect for your daughter to continue you Nana's legacy, sharing the same birthday. You are very loved but in real life, and in this blogging community. If you need some support you can make sure to let me know. And of course, cannot wait to see all of the pretty at your sale!! Wish I was closer. xoxo

  2. what a beautiful post! You have so much support because you give so much to all your readers every day without even knowing it! That is so crazy about your kids birthdays too. I'm so sorry you lost your nana. What a difficult and sad time. xoxox

  3. This is a beautiful post. Lots of love Christine,
    Jessica Rae

  4. Awe so great to see your posts again! What a difficult week, you have managed to bring great beauty to it! Home for sale goes awesome can't wait to hear all about it! NY is coming up soon!

  5. a lovely post...looking forward to the beauty you will share with all of us soon.

  6. Bless your heart!! So sorry to hear of your loss, but love knowing that you have comfort in her life, memories and knowledge that she is dancing and pain free in a wonderful place now. XOXO You are loved and thought of and prayed for because of who you are lovely! XOXO


  7. Your view on life, loss, and the appreciation of love is beautiful and inspiring.

  8. Christine-

    my condolences and sentiments are with you and your family right now.

    goodluck and grieve it out. we'll all be here for you when you get back (or if you never take a moment away).


  9. So glad to have you back, Christine. I am so touched by your post. I agree that something is definitely at work that is larger than any of us, and that your precious Nana is in a much better place. Thoughts/prayers for you and your family.



  10. Christine,

    Sweet friend, who was an amazing granddaughter I'm sure, bless you and your family. What a beautiful post for your grandmother.

  11. What a beautiful tribute to your Nana. It is amazing how grandparents touch your soul like no other.

  12. Christine you pay such a beautiful tribute to your Nana. I can see how close you are! Thinking of you and your family in prayer.

    Art by Karena

  13. That last photo you have with her is so beautiful. I've now lost all my grandparents, but one, and it's so hard to see them go. Your Nana was so lucky to have had you by her side.

  14. So sorry to learn of your loss. The last photo with you and your nana is wonderful! Time is a great healer. It sounds like you have wonderful memories to hold onto until you see her again. She's not far away, just in the next room.
    My thoughts are with you.

  15. This is such a sweet, sweet post...I love thinking of your Nana tending her perfect daisy garden and yes, she is in a far better place than here...not that it makes it any easier. So glad you were able to be there for her and it is such a sweet reminder that you have two other little precious angels to remind you of her on that day (c: Sending more squeezy hugs your way...

  16. Sorry sorry for your loss...It is never easy to say goodbye

  17. I'm sorry for your loss. You are a joy to so many readers, and I'm praying for your comfort and peace right now.

  18. Much love to you and your family Christine. Whoa April 30th is a powerful day! May your nana be somewhere that is even more beautiful than we can humanely imagine.

    So glad to have you back!


  19. I thought of you and what you must have been feeling over the past two weeks and felt so sad for you. It is nice to hear that you are feeling at least a little peace now.

  20. What a beautiful post a tribute to your sweet Nana. So sorry for your huge loss. xo

  21. So sorry for your loss... Warm thoughts & well wishes to you and your family.

  22. Big hugs, Christine. It's good to have you back. xoxo

  23. Eleni SofroniouApril 30, 2012 1:29 PM

    Hi Christine, I was so touched by reading this. From what you have said, I can see that your Nana's soul reached out to comfort and love you even after she was gone. She seems like a truly wonderful person and will continue to guide you...but just from her other home.
    I adore you and I adore your blog, so I'm so happy that you are back.

    Love Eleni xoxo

  24. My condolences Christine. I lost a set of grandparents at an early age and always wonder what life would be like if they were still here. I rarely get to see my other set of grandparents though and this is making me want to hop in the car for a road trip. Such a beautiful post for someone so special...

  25. Welcome home, Christine. How wonderful that you can remember your Grandmother with this tribute, she sounds like a very special woman. I truly believe that these special souls don't really leave us, they just move into our hearts. x

  26. A wonderful tribute to your Grandmother. I'm so very sorry for your loss.

  27. This is such a special post. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. xoxo

  28. Im so sorry for your loss, Christine. There is nothing like a were so lucky to be so close to her.

    Ok, now I'm crying.

  29. So sorry for your loss. While we all face loss in our lives, there are those special people that mean more to us than they will ever know. She seemed like such a person. Your tribute to her was very heart warming and wholesome. Praying you will be comforted by her peace.

    Peace and Love,

  30. Great post, I'm sorry about your loss and my thoughts are with your family during this tough time!

  31. Sweetie... I'm sorry :(. I did not know. Thank you for sharing with us. The images and words you shared are lovely. I am thinking of you.
    On a lighter note, I love how you styled the umbrella!... Very unique as compared to the fashion blogs. Your pooches are so ready for the rains :).

    Thinking of you... Whitley

  32. So sorry Christine, but it sounds like your head and heart are in the right place...your Nana sounds like she was a lovely woman and will forever have an impact on your life.

  33. Awwww honey. I'm so sorry. I've been there. It does help to know, that she has found peace. But, it's hard for us who are left. Let yourself mourn. It's okay. My heart is with you.


  34. Hang in there Christine. It sounds like she has had a huge impact on your life. As someone who has also lost their Nana I can tell you (as corny as it sounds) that they will always be in your heart.

  35. It's truly sad to lose such a special loved means a lot I'm sure that you were there with her. Janell

  36. I can only imagine what a hard time this must be for you Christine to lose a very special loved one; I'm so sorry for your loss. You Nana would be so proud of you and the joy you are bringing people everyday through your blog. It is so good to have you back. Big hugs xx

  37. Awwwww......I am so sorry you are hurting. There is nothing worse tha losing someone we love. I pray you will find some peace soon.....


Sorry about the annoying captias...tried turning them off for a day and my inbox exploded with crap.

Smooches to everyone who perservered and left a sweet comment anyways! xoxo