Tuesday, March 13, 2012

A Bijou Room- A Dressing Delight

Well hello.

I've got to move fast this morning...my little red has a gig in the city, which means yours truly has to get her bumb in gear waaaay earlier than I generally like to.

In any case.

I'm waking up today feeling good...don't want to jinx things but despite being unable to breathe at all through my nose...I dare say I'm feeling better/more like myself.

And...more importantly...I'm so so so so so happy to tell you that we got some great news about my dear Nana yesterday...although her cancer isn't curable, the oncologist really wants to do a few rounds of radiation, which he says will significantly reduce her tumour, with very little side effect...which means....way more time for us to spend together...since this her 3rd bought with cancer (and all have been unrelated/different,) and because she's almost 90, we thought treatment was probably unlikely...to hear this news...well...it's just more than we could hope for...and do you know what? I wouldn't be at all surprised if she her tumour disappeared after the few rounds...my Nana's last cancer was stage  4/terminal and guess what...that was 15 years ago...it never came back...so...if anyone can beat this stupid fucking tumour...it's her.

So...I guess it's a very good morning to wake up to.

I feel blessed and happy and so so thankful.

And do you know that does?

Well it makes me feel like being creative again, which in these parts equates to mood board fun.

God I love doing these things.

Like rock skipping, they're good for my soulski.

For today's Bijou pretty, I've decided to put together the dressing room of my dreams.

If I had an extra room to spare and a cool $40k to spend, I'd SO be making this happen....

I've long been obsessed with that cheetah wallpaper and am thrilled to see that even little old me can now buy it directly from Furbish...I have no idea where it's going to go in my real life, but that paper WILL be mine...I mean really...have you ever seen a paper more perfectly suited to moi?  I didn't think so.

I adore the idea of having a whole room just for me...such luxury.

I'd make it a combined dressing room/office and would have open brass racks all around the perimeter...mixed in with velvet tufting, a fabulous antique settee, and of course, a gorgeous pink hued Persian.

Here's my vision of everything minus the racks (tis the only way I can make my board larger)...

I've had that Gloria Swanson painting favourited on Etsy foreeeeeever...love it to the moon...also pretty sure those pink sconces should be mine...damn fiscal correction/not being a billionaire.

If you'd like to know where to find anything else in this space, let me know...I'd be happy to pass on the link...and I promise, aside from the sconces, the rest is totes affordable:)

And do you know what else is SO in budget?

My E-Design services...that's what!

Mama needs a new rug/wallpaper so....I'm offering up my moodboard/design skillz to you my friends...if you're looking for a little help the decor department, shoot me an email {cadovey (at) gmail.com} ...would LOVE to work with you!!!

And speaking of me working/clients etc....remember this...


Well, it's back on folks...more on that tomorrow!!!




  1. You are so fabulous. As always. Love what you have put together here. Needing that wallpaper, as well!

  2. glad to hear about your nana...and good news about your biz! you'll be swamped in no time!

  3. Love the two rooms you put together! Just fabulous!! Glad you are feeling better!

  4. I would like to move into this gorgeous dressing room pleasey! And cannot wait to see more project!

  5. I love that ottoman! While shopping at an antique store here in Milwaukee, I saw 4 brass bentwood chairs and all I can think about was you! Glad to hear about your nana.

  6. Beautiful!!!! That wallpaper is just fantastic. And so glad to hear about your Nana!!! Will keep praying everything goes well! xoxo

  7. I love this board! My dream would be to have a dressing room like this. SO fun! Great news about your Nana... glad to hear you will likely have more time with her. :)



  8. So happy to hear about your nana and that you are feeling better. Do you have an affordable source for rugs like this? Thats what I struggle with most. Can't wait to hear about project zhush!

  9. Looks like you have some tough genes in your family. So happy to hear your Nana is a fighter.

    What I would give for a dressing room...I cannot think of anymore more fabulous to cover it in than that wallpaper.

  10. My own beloved grandma lost her (2nd) fight with cancer almost nine years ago and I miss her dearly. I am SO happy that your Nana is such a strong fighter!! Good thoughts for her!
    And i've never seen a more lovely dressing room. Here's hoping you get it and I can continue to live vicariously through you!

  11. C, yay for your grandma. That's such incredible news. Strong woman. And love the board. We're actually planning on using clothing rack sort of idea in my master closet in the new house :) Would love the source for those brass ones. We're also considering pvc piping painted a cool color....

  12. Great to hear about your nana..sending my best wishes your way! loved the moodboard..xx meenal

  13. Oh, i adore that wallpaper. I kinda wish I hadn't stencilled my hallway and had in turn done something super animal-y like this, OR even your ostrich paper. Oh well :)

    Ok - so I tagged you in today's post. Realize you are super busy lately, but if you get a chance to play along, I'd LOVE to get to know you better.

    Thanks lady!

  14. Love this dressing room! What a dream that would be! In addition to 40K I'd also need some room in my apartment :)

    Glad to hear about your Nana. Sounds like one tough lady and I'm sure she'll kick this one in the butt too!


  15. Glad to hear the good news! Hope all is well and what a brave Nana to have fought and won the battle 3 times!

    Loving your mood board as well and only you Christine can pull off such strong wallpaper and yet feels totally working. It's not an easy task and yet you do it so effortlessly.

    Hope to see you soon! Xo

  16. I'm very glad to hear the great news about your Nana- what a tough lady! (PS-Saw the pic of her on your instagram, so adorable and looks in good spirits!)
    And that room... Perfection!! Loving the cheetah wallpaper and pink striped curtains together. I'd love to see it come to life.

  17. That really is the best possible news!!! I'm so happy/relieved for you...and seriously, Nana is one tough ol' bird! She sounds absolutely amazing (c: And speaking of amazing, that dressing room??? SPOT ON.

  18. That is such great news about your Nana :) Loving your dressing moodboards -they are so utterly glam! I love the wallpaper you used in the second + all of the gold details are divine xx

  19. That cheetah paper! I die...and project zhush...now you know I'll be tuning in;)
    xx glad to read the good news too!

  20. Great news about your Nana!
    Loving your dressing room, I think I need one too, cheetah, sconces, art, brass racks and all!

  21. I dream of a full size dressing room, or actually just a good ol' walk in closet, but since I can't have one right now in ny, I'll enjoy your most perfect board. :)

  22. yes. to that pretend office. DOUBLE HEARTS to those sconces. and hell yes to you offering up your skills to the masses.

  23. Fabulous, fabulous news about your Nana!

    Oh, I would love to have a dressing room like that!

    ~ Clare x

  24. Thanks for sharing, I love reading you should post more often...

  25. You are so funny. Love reading your posts.
    SO happy to hear your Nana is doing better. PTL.
    I love what you designed for your own dressing room. Oh goodness wouldn't that be delightful?
    Hope all is well!


Sorry about the annoying captias...tried turning them off for a day and my inbox exploded with crap.

Smooches to everyone who perservered and left a sweet comment anyways! xoxo