Monday, March 19, 2012

Antiquing for Cooky Stuff...Some Lessons

I spent this weekend doing what I love more than an.y.thing...antiquing.

I swear...nothing in the world makes me happier than a 'sunny day/small town/giant undiscovered antique mall' sandwich.


I spent the entire day Saturday with the fam jab wandering the aisles of this place...

A giant thank you Jenn of Rambling Renovators for letting me in on the sweet secret that is Southworks Antiques in Cambridge,'s H to the heaven.

As you can see, even my kids were all seriousness...they adore the hunt just like mommy does...don't you just love when you see your DNA imprint in your kids? I do...the whole circle of life thing is pretty fantastic;)

Anyhoo...I had a good 3 hours to wander the aisles and made note of some rather swell finds along the way....I thought I'd showcase them alongside some examples of how such goodies can be used in the home, just so you can better see how fabalicious each can be...a little shopping for weird stuff lesson if you will;)

So...first up...

...a little silhouette yumminess.

This piece was huge and gold and so so good...imagine hanging it over an antique settee like Graham Moss did on the left- this particular piece was big enough to sit all by himself but could also look pretty killer in a little art wall formation.

Next, my favourite antique category of all...cooky animalia...

...and yes, that is a monkey wearing a bonnet on the left- ha!

Just in case you aren't convinced that a ceramic cheetah or a pair of glass flamingos or a perched brass bird can literally make a room....looksee here...


...PS, the last room is my favourite OF ALL TIME!

And PSS, all the cool kids love ceramic and brass animals so...take it from me, you need at least one in your house;)

Now aside from the above, there's a certain animal friend that deserves its very own category...


...yup you guessed it, the Staffordshire dog.

I ADORE them.

I spotted those gold dotted beauties on the weekend and let me tell you...if I didn't already have these bad boys...

...they would have come home with me.

Again, I absolutely insist that you all get on the SD train...there just too damn charming not to love.

Moving on.

Next up on the antique of my other off-side favourites...

...the giant spooky man portrait.

The one on the left showcases my stealth attempt to take a photo of it while someone else was discussing purchase...didn't want to give it away that I was interested too...I had to wait until the other lady moved away to get a good look and sadly, although he was giant and had an incredible frame, he was also cross-eyed and $, I left him behind.

Now even though I didn't take him home, I am always on the hunt for the perfect giant portrait.

They rock my face off...just look at the one on the top right- tell me it doesn't make the room?

Now, if you're a little afraid of the big daddy portrait..try a medium sized one...


And if even that's too much commitment for you, go for a baby P...see how just that little bit of antique spookiness instantly elevates the space to something more dynamic?


I actually had one of my own but it was a lady, and truth be told, I prefer the boys...weird because I adore girly fashion girl has been exchanged for her hubster...well once he gets a little cosmetic enhancement that is...seems the old guy has a bit of a tear in his face at the moment.

I'll post a picture once he arrives at Casa Bijou;)

For now, I very much hope you liked my cooky antiques tour and that I maybe/hopefully have inspired you to take the weird old stuff plunge...I promise you'll be happy that you did.

Oh and my other little tid-bit of advice...if you see something you truly love while shopping, buy it...if you don't someone else will.

Case in point...these amazing chairs that I passed up a week ago, only to find them sold this week when I returned to purchase...

Sad face.

I'm pretty sure the same things is going to happen next week when I return to buy this marble table I walked away from... pretty is that cut top...and the gold cherub legs...sigh...I just couldn't think of a single damn place to put the thing...sometimes that's what see things you love but you just can't think of where the hell they can this mirror for example...

...loveed it but again, my house just doesn't have room!

Despite the lack of space, if I had had $1500 bones in my pocket...this would have come home with me...

I's weird but so utterly delightful.

Thankfully, despite all the things I had to leave, I did manage to make one purchase...

...hello pink antique Persian for $200!!!

Woot to the woot.

I have to say, the rug illustrates perhaps my biggest antiquing lesson of all...sometimes you have to be prepared to walk away from tons of great stuff and hold out for that thing that really makes your heart swell...I promise those goodies are out there.

The thrill of the hunt people- when you wait for the big prize, there's nothing more satisfying.

Oh and PS, do you knwo the great thing about loving to shop and not having a big enough house to put it all in? forces you to open up an online store where you can collect all of this great stuff and sell it!

Stay tuned my friends...Curate My Love is a comin!




  1. That rug!!! I have been on the hunt for a rug like that and there it is looking fantastic in your home...wanna sell it:) Jamie

  2. I cannot wait for Curate My Love!!

  3. I love antiquing! Would have been right there with you. LOVE the rug purchase and can't wait to see your new little z friend in it's place when you get it!!!

  4. Lady, the only thing I love almost as much as hunting myself is seeing what everyone else finds on their expeditions!! LOVE this. And I might be having the same kinda situation about to happen on my blog. Junkers unite!

    I'm really not seeing why you can't paint the gold dots on your doggies.

  5. i absolutely love the persian carpet, so jealous of you right now! i've been trying to bid on multiple pink persians on ebay, but i always get outbid at the last second. but i wont give up until i have a pink persian in my house :-)

  6. What a great post! I love antiquing more than anything too and going through your posts was like a little antique adventure for me! Loved the animals!...except the creepy chimp dressed up. Everything looked fab! Clearly a great place to shop! The rug looks even more gorgeous in its new home!


  7. Great finds! I'm on a temporary thrifting/antiquing hiatus, so its nice to enjoy it vicariously through you! I think I already told you, but that rug is AMAZING!

  8. This place seems full of treasure! You were right to hold out for the rug. I would love one like that.

  9. What a fun weekend, so many great finds!

  10. what a fabulous find! i love hunting for treasures! cannot WAIT to see your store.. i just know it will be full of gorgeousness! xo

  11. Your treasures are amazing (especially that rug. ah, that rug) but that red hair in the first shot steals the show. LOVE.

  12. Yes, I am totally on the SD and portrait train (of a lady and not spooky!) Great post!

  13. love your finds Christine! Didn't know that place was in cambridge. I will be going to Waterloo this weekend. Maybe I will make a stop there to check things out!

  14. Your take on antiquing is fantastic! I am lucky enough to live in a town that is an antique mecca, so I go all the time. That $1500 painting is swoony good. Bummer it was so $$$$. Love the oriental rug.

  15. I had so much fun following your antiquing via Instagram. Everything you found was brilliant! Antiquing makes me happy, too! :)



  16. So glad you had a fun time Christine! What I want to know is how you manage to keep the kiddos from playing with all the valuables. Chloe hasn't learned that lesson yet ;)

    I saw that golden parakeet and thought of you! And where was that federal mirror? Love it! Want it!

  17. Looks like you guys had a fun time hunting for antiques!! Great Persian too!

    Jayme @ Her Late Night Cravings

  18. Thanks for taking us along with you! It was FUN for me as well! Love your rug purchase. Sounds like you had a great weekend.

  19. Cannot wait for your shop, will be so off the chain awesomeness. And those chairs Christine, I'm heartbroken for you...

  20. Great finds Christine and love your purchased find! I have to admit antiquing was of no interest to me until I met my husband. You can find many of the items you showcased here through out my mother in law's house. Stories are that the entire family went along for the ride, sometimes hitching a trailer onto the back of the big 'ol station-wagon, to bring things home.

  21. What fabulous shops! Gah! And that Federal mirror - I so want! Reminds me of the decor when we lived in Virginia!

    Looking forward to your shop! Glad you are taking the plunge. I am thinking of starting my own little shop - more along the lines of pillow goodness :)


  22. LOVE the rug. Good find! Cannot WAIT for the shop. Yum!!!

  23. Oh man, there is just too much goodness in this post. Where to begin. I can't agree with you more, that is the tastiest kind of sandwich to be had! I can't believe your gorgeous children went along willingly. Mine have to be dragged kicking and screaming.

    I just love your finds. All are favorites of mine as well. I have such a fetish for brass animals, I can hardly contain myself. Can't wait to see your new shop unveiled. If it looks anything like this post...we are all in trouble!!!

  24. Oh Christine, can't wait to see your curated treasures! I have thought about doing the same, I have SO much stuff I have bought with that thought in mind, now taking up my storage.
    LOVE that rug... I have a feeling your shop is going to be all kinds of good!

  25. Gotta love cookly anamailia! Great finds, even the spooky old man. I loved going antiquing with my mom as a child, she definitely passed along the bug to me!

  26. Such a lovely post! The chair is divine!

  27. Thanks for the fun tour - I used to live in Cambridge and it was a favourite spot to hang out. LOVE the pink in the rug - I'm not usually a huge fan of busy Persians but who wouldn't love the pinkiness of it? :)

  28. Going to have to check out that market when I get back - have you ever been to the one on the 400? It's got some goodies....

  29. I just bought ceramic cheetahs like that for $13 at a local anitues store! I'd never seen anything like them before, and they're my new fave purchase. I also bought a wicker chair exactly like that at a second hand store. I painted it black and now it's all sexified.
    Thanks for sharing!

  30. You find the most amazing stuff my friend.
    I am really really thinking you should have your own show.

  31. You are a woman after my own heart. I love antiques. People find it strange since I amso young. I love some of these items.


Sorry about the annoying captias...tried turning them off for a day and my inbox exploded with crap.

Smooches to everyone who perservered and left a sweet comment anyways! xoxo