Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Week of Pink- Happy Valentine's Day...A Rainbow of Rose...and a Personal Note

Well it's the big lovefest day...happy 14th friends...hope you have someone to share it with and if not, crossing fingers that you've gone ahead and purchased lots of wine and chocolate for yourself;)

In honour of V-Day, I am continuing with...

...and attempting to prove my assertion that pink is the perfect neutral...i.e. makes friends with every other colour.

So...with that, here's a little rainbow of pink...

Which is your favourite?

I'm a die hard pink and red fan...though of course, my fave is pink/white/black/gold/leopard;)

I also think that with pink as your base, you can throw every colour all at once in the mix...which ends up looking a little something like this... 


And with that, I'm going to sign off for now and leave you with this...I'm sending it to you, my family and most of all, to my dear sweet Nana...

As much as I try to shield the not so happy stuff from this diary of sorts, today I feel like I have to share...I need you to know why I've been a little distant and perhaps, not as focused here as I usually am.

Today might turn out to be a pretty crapola one for me...I'm waiting on news of my dear Nana in PEI, who was taken to the hospital a few days ago. 

I'm not sure what news is coming but for now, I'm spending most of each day reflecting on the amazing force she has been in my life...perhaps the one person I've always known has truly 'liked' me...sounds crazy as I know my parents love me, as does my husband and sister etc. etc....but my Nana is different...she's always been a bit of my kindred spirit and to imagine my life with out her is something I'm not sure I can do...I treasure her guidance, her love and her spirit more than I can aptly put into words.

I feel bad about dumping all of this on you on a day that's supposed to be a happy/celebratory one but I guess at it's essence, Valentines is meant to be a time to celebrate love and today, my heart is filled to the brim with adoration and sweet thoughts/memories of my Nana most of all.

So, I ask you to send her your thoughts right now....I might be jumping ship this week (depending on what I hear today) and flying to PEI, so if any of you feel like you could help me out with a guest post, I would so appreciate it.

As always, I thank you all so so much for being such a fabulous support- means the world to me.




  1. i will be thinking of you and your nana today! praying for the best.

  2. Praying and sending positive thoughts to you and your Nana. XOXO

  3. you and your nana are in my thoughts. Super cute post--THanks for sharing.

    Happy Valentine's Day!


  4. Thank ou for sharing this lovely post... your nana sounds like a lovely soul.xx

  5. Oh sweet girl! I'm so sorry to hear that you are suffering with this. May God wrap His loving and merciful arms around you and your family. What an amazing relationship to have with your Nana...I didnt have one, you are so blessed!! I am praying for the BEST possible news. XOXO

  6. Keeping your nana in my thoughts and prayers today...

  7. Keeping you guys in my thoughts and sending good vibes your way xoxox

  8. Sending lots of love your way today. Your Nana is in my prayers. xo

  9. Keeping you and your family in my thoughts today Christine! And I'd be more than happy to help out with a post, I know how tough this time can be. xoxoxoxo

  10. Praying for you and your family. We're all here for you! xo

  11. Sending many thoughts and prayers to you and yours!!

  12. It is absolutely fine to pour out your heart on this very day! We have all had a person in our life that threatens our very existence when they pass... I send prayers to your Nana and hope for the best for all...
    and PS...
    I love orange and pink and yellow and pink rooms!
    Take care of YOURSELF today :)


  13. I am so sorry to hear this Christine. I will be praying for you, your family, and your Nana. And if you need help with a guest post, I can def help!



  14. Praying for you and your family.

  15. Praying for your nan right here in pei! Hope love heals her today!

  16. I love how you described your relationship with your Nana cause its the same exact way I feel about mine. I completely get it. I know they can't live forever and that kills me. I don't know how I will survive. Stay strong. My thoughts are with you.

  17. I am sorry to hear about your Nana. I too also have a special relationship with my Nanny. You and your family are in my thought today. Take Care xoxo

  18. my thoughts will be with you and your Nana today. so sorry you are going through this and sending you strength!

  19. Our deepest prayers go out to Nana and your family! This post is so gorgeously curated, like you poured your heart out the only way artists know how...creatively. Much love and luck to you!

    Peace. Love. LOL!

    Haute Khuuture.com

  20. I'll be praying and sending all the positive thoughts I can to your Nana and your family!

  21. I am so sorry to hear this Christine. I had a similar relationship with my Gran and I still miss her every day. I am sending big big hugs to you and your family. I would love to help with a guest post - just let me know what I can do. xo

  22. so sorry to hear about your nana christine, but it is definitely a blessing to have someone in your life to understand you to the core and "like" you for who you really are


  23. Words fail me when I think about what you are going through...I would be beside myself...your sweet Nana will be in my thoughts and prayers and if you want a guest poster, I would be more than happy, my dear...I promise to step up my game and make it pretty (c; Sending love and hugs your way!

  24. Christine - my thouhgts are with you and your Nana. I felt a kindred connection with my grandmother too, and without her, i probably wouldnt have my love for pretty things and I definitely wouldnt have my wonderful mother. Even as I eat my lunch while I type, I'm eating off of her china :)

    Matriarchs are a big deal. I hope you keep wind in your sails.

    If you need us to come up with some prettiness for your blog, just say the word. We'll help any way we can.

    You INSPIRE us.


  25. Oh sweets -- I feel your pain...losing a grandparent is desperately hard. I'll be thinking of you!! xoxo

  26. Today is about appreciating the ones you love which is exactly what you did for your nana. I will be thinking about you!

  27. Hugs... I know what you mean. My late grandma was my kindred spirit, she understood me and "liked" me too. Miss her bright shiny personality but her influence on my life will never be forgotten.

    Smooch :)

  28. I'm so sorry to hear about your Nana Christine, it must be heartbreaking for your right now. Thinking of you and sending hugs your way xx

  29. Hi Christine.....so sorry about your Nana, will a prayer for her, as I believe in the power of prayer.
    Sending a hug, smile and best wishes your way.

  30. Oh Christine I'm getting here late. I'm so sorry to hear this. I have a similar bond with my Granny. I'm thinking about you. And if you need any blog help let me know, though I imagine you've had a lot of offers.

  31. If there's any day to be in the hospital it's the day of Love. Sending lots of it and prays to you and your Nana. xx

  32. Oh Christine, so sorry, wishing and praying she gets better.

  33. Praying for you and your nana. Nanas are so special and I miss mine everyday. big hugs xo

  34. sorry i'm late to this v day expression on sadness and love. sending a love letter of sparkle power to your nana so that she gets better.

  35. Where would we all be without our Nana's? Sending my warmest wishes to you and to your Nana. I hope she is feeling much better, soon. x

  36. Since I'm reading this backwards.....I am glad it turned out better than expected. Sometimes life can be crappy......your beautiful pictures helped my day :)

  37. Hope your kindred soul recovers.


Sorry about the annoying captias...tried turning them off for a day and my inbox exploded with crap.

Smooches to everyone who perservered and left a sweet comment anyways! xoxo