Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Style in Seven - Aubrey of All Things Bright and Beautiful

I am SO happy to welcome one of the true gems of the blogging world to B&B for a completely delish....

If you all aren't familiar with Aubrey...aka...All Things Bright and Beautiful...then let me just say you my friends are missing out...large.

She's well...a total peach...period...simple...end of story.

Aubrey is one of those people who manages to perfectly combine dry whit and heartfelt kindness...trust me...not always an easy mix...she's totes one of my 'I've never met you in real life but know we'd be girl soul mates if we were ever face to face' internet peeps.

I also adore her blog- filled to the brim with fashion and decor prettiness I tell you.

So...I'm tickled/touched/delighted that she happily agreed to put a little Style in Seven swag together for all of us to enjoy.


Hey there good lookin'...

Aubrey from All Things Bright and Beautiful checkin' in...and no, I don't do much cookin' (in the kitchen), but style I *LOVE*!

Which brings me to how much I just adore Christine and her adorable style-speak and devastatingly amazing eye for gorgeousness. Don't you wish you could just stick her cute self in your pocket and carry her everywhere???
I guess that is a big advantage to a smart phone, right? (c:

Anywho, I won't pretend for one second that my eye is anywhere near as honed in as Mrs. Fabulous here, but I do love me some pretties! So my style seven would have to include...

Numero Uno: 


Live in Color via The I Am Project

I don't think I ever put anything together without putting some sort of bright color in the mix...not even furniture, as evidenced by my latest endeavor:

If you couldn't tell already, I thoroughly enjoy being a girl so #2 is Feminine Frills...everything needs just a dash of girl to it (c;

And it also has a shot of my fave color and number 3:


 #4 would have to be the favorite metallic hue of GOLD...

And I what kind of girl would I be without my #5...GLITTER (c:

#6 is ANIMAL PRINT...I don't discriminate: zebra, giraffe, python, tiger, dalmation...they are all pretty fab in my book. But leopard will always be my favorite (c: And a little goes a *looooong* way, dontcha think?

#7 is BEING ME. Now that might sound like a cop out for the last one (and hey, maybe I should've added "lazy" in there as one of my style 7), but seriously, I've found that when I stick to what I love and feel good in is when I really feel like it's my style...

So what if I want to wear sequined Sperry's when I'm thirty??? Or wear 4 (or more) different bright colors at the same time??? So what if my 5 year-old son tells me "Mom, your hair looks crazy!" when I try out some new 'do??? Or someone walks in my house and tells me my fantastic velvet tufted chair looks like I stole it from my grandma's house???
So that is my cray-cray style in a nutshell...I think Christine has gotten to the bottom of this post and is really debating whether or not to push "publish"...(c:

Thanks for letting me kidnap the blog-o today!


I could eat her for breakfast...such a charmi-pants...and as further proof of our bossom buddy status, I think she likes pink and leopard just as much as I do...aces my friends.

A big mwah to Ms. ATBAB for joining us today- such a treat!!! xoxoxoxo

And to all of you, guest posts galore will be filling the pages of B&B for the next week or so...enjoy my friends...beaucoup goodness coming your way!

Oh and don't forget about my abstract art giveaway...a stunning Zoe Pawlak original could be yours...you have until early morning Sunday to enter:)




  1. I adore Aubrey! She is just the sweetest and you are right- has the perfect amount of wit and kindness.

    Way to go Aubrey!!

  2. Such a great post. Loving all the love!

  3. This is such a beautiful post! I just love Aubrey and I know she is full of great inspiration and style!

    Amy R.

  4. Love Aubrey and her sweet blog!! She's got a great eye...love all her picks!

  5. I love how she included being herself on the list. That is so true! Great job Aubrey!

  6. Aubrey is just fabulous. What a beautiful post and always fun to read. It's no surprise you two are "bossom buddies". ;-)

  7. love this whole list, but particularly #7..i'm headed off to her blog now :-)

  8. So many pretty pictures!!! That leopard chair pic is one of my favorites and can I just have glitter lips like that woman all the time!??! So pretty!! oxoox elizabeth

  9. Check, check and check! Pretty much covers all my musts. Love Aubrey!

  10. Thanks for all the lovies...especially *you* Miss Christine! I'm speechless...but super happy (c: Thanks for letting me blog crash, it was a blast!

  11. Love Aubrey and her fabulous blog. One of the nicest and most stylish bloggers out there!

  12. I just love me some Aubrey! Great post :)

  13. Ok, I'm back. Holy, sweet, fabulousness I'm in love with your blog! Now following... And drooling over all the eye candy.

  14. A very fun mix indeed! Love love love that leopard chair. Aubrey really is the sweetest.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Aubrey is amazing. her blog is wonderful and she always leaves the nicest comments on mine. And we have so much in common!!!!
    Wonderful post!

  17. Love her 7! On my way to visit her blog. Is there any way to find out about the art on her Color board???

  18. Aubrey always delivers with such charm and wit!
    You seem to do the same! You ladies just talk genius!

    I could never live without color, gold, glitter and frills!

    Great post!

  19. Aubs is da bomb!!! We are friends in real life as well as in blog land, too bad she lives far away now ;( Cute blog! Came over from ATBAB obviously ;) Smashing darling!

  20. Love this post for all it's style and it's honesty!


Sorry about the annoying captias...tried turning them off for a day and my inbox exploded with crap.

Smooches to everyone who perservered and left a sweet comment anyways! xoxo