Friday, February 3, 2012

Friday Fancies - Spring Fling

Well it's dark and gloomy here at the moment but fairly warm and what's more, since Mr. Groundhog did not see his shadow yesterday, apparently a short winter is ours for the taking...praise the lord.

So, in honour of the sunshine and warmth glory that's seemingly just around the corner, I give you a little spring/flower/colour/fling pretty...

...and my ensemble version...

I think I might have to own that pink Paul and Joe floral skirt (though apparently not...just noticed that it's sold out) and god knows, I'd sell my soul for a PS1.
Apparently a denim shirt is also on my want list since I've used one two fancies in a row and as always, I'd happily take some new Kate Spade earrings...or a Mallarino ring...or a  fabulous Triwa watch.
The Toast green ballet shoes, though adorable, would probably slip off my feet...damn high those will have to stay as pretty inspiration for this cat.

So there you have ode to spring, even though it's still winter.

You can have a look at the bevie of other spring fling fancy pretty HERE.

Happy 'thank farking god it's Friday because this has been the longest week eh-vah' ;)




  1. Love all of this beautiful bright color! And that skirt is insane, so sad its sold out!!

  2. Wow - you just slapped me silly with a serious dose of spring. I needed it, I am in still in cozy up mode. Fearing we are going to get blasted with something viscious..

    Here is to otpimism..


  3. A beautiful post and just the shot of spring that I needed! Have a lovely weekend.

  4. LOVE the green flats! and that skirt. great outfit. and im smitten with those painting in the first photo...where are they from!? have a great weekend. xo

  5. Loving all of your spring inspiration! I need that satchel!

  6. It is really dark and gloomy in Dallas right now so thanks for the cheery post. That Paul and Joe skirt is SO CUTE!!! I love!!! And that dining room kills me every time. Have a great weekend!! xoxo

  7. LOVE these photos...such great inspiration!

  8. really loving all your inspiration :) suits your outfit perfectly! cute earrings & watch.

    Happy weekend

  9. Here in Europe we gonna need quite some time for the nice weather to come, that's why I will consciously indulge in your post and all beautiful pictures!:D


  10. What a beautiful post - I'm so ready for the bright fresh colors of spring. Bring it!

  11. Thank you for this Christine ........ these colors are amazing. You certainly brightened up my day and the fact that the groundhog didn't see his shadow literally made my day.

  12. Lots of color on the blogs today and I think your post perfectly encapsulated all of the hues and motifs of one of my favorite seasons! Love the colorful tights! I wore some of my own yesterday and didn't want to take them off.

  13. Love the spring colors! I want that watch!

  14. That maxi skirt is too pretty, would look perfect with the denim shirt and those flats!!

  15. So ready for spring. Love your picks! Have a great weekend! xoxo

  16. OK, that dining room is to die for; those chairs are perfectly gorgeous! I'm so ready for spring! :-)

  17. Seeing all this color makes me so happy, lovely choices...happy weekend! Xoxo

  18. A big fat ditto to the TGIF...and a big fat hell yeah to that gorgeous ensemble...Green is definitely on my loves list right now, I need more of it in my life, preferably also out in the world, eff you, Punxsutawney Phil!!!!

  19. Loving your Spring inspiration! Such a gorgeous palette of pinks mixed with bright pops of colour and the yellow neon looks fab! Love that ridiculously gorgeous skirt too! Have a brilliant weekend xx

  20. long week for me too!
    thanks for the sunny round up. punxatawny better be right :)

    - {darlene}
    fieldstone hill design. com

  21. It's all gorgeous. That watch is pretty amazing.

  22. Yes, Spring is in the air. Beautiful post. xx

  23. So pretty. As I sit in my breakfast room reading everyone's blog posts, it's pouring rain outside. Torrential rains. This post has made me smile big time. Thank you...

  24. I needed a dose of spring! But just a note - I love the PS1 too but you have a lovely soul, please don't sell it for a bag. I doubt a soulless Christine could inspire people quite as well. xo :)

  25. Lovely selection of spring images! I am so ready for spring!!

  26. This post is sooo wonderful and so spring like!! I can't wait for the warmer weather...and to see all of these floral blooms, nothing says spring like flowers! Love your blog, it's darling! I hope you had a wonderful weekend and have a great week!!
    Twirling Clare

  27. colors are so gorgeous. definitely spring is coming :)

  28. What fun bright colors! I'm loving it all! Especailly that living room... !!!

    Fabulous! :)

    Nicole Rene


Sorry about the annoying captias...tried turning them off for a day and my inbox exploded with crap.

Smooches to everyone who perservered and left a sweet comment anyways! xoxo