Monday, January 9, 2012

Projects and News

I've got a few rather large/exciting/holy shit announcements for you today...and all of them are happening this week.

First off, I'm redoing my closet.

I know shattering.

I've started the job and have basically rid myself of ALOT of old clothes...6 garbage bags worth to be exact.

I'll be filling you in on more of the details in the next few weeks but for now, I'll give you this...

And I'll tell you that I didn't look nearly that glamorous in my ridiculously messy closet.

You'll be frightened when you see the before photos- like might even think less of me...totally possible.

Anyhoo...the clean-out has already happened and now it's on to the re-do fun.

Stay tuned.

Along with Project Closet Overhaul, chez Bijou is also getting a bathroom makeover.

And since...

the walls will be painted as such.

And guess what, it's happening today.

In a perfect world, I'd be wallpapering this room and I still might down the road but for now, it needs a quick fix and black is it.

You might be wondering why I'm in such a hurry to have a bathroom now.

Or maybe you totally don't care.

In any event, the answer is kind of fabulous.

You see in just two short days, my house will be filled with people from....

That's right....


Hell to the yes.


I think this news will make you happy dancers as well because it means pictures of completed Project Kitchen Gorgeous are coming!!!


And to complete this little collection of project/news goodness...yours truly is making her TV debut on Thursday.

Eek...holy crap...please god don't let me have 8 chins and visible belly rolls.


I'm beyond...and I mean beyond excited/honoured/thrilled to be sharing parts of my home on...

High fives/back-flips/jazz dances.

The show airs at 2pm EST here in Canada on CBC and the great news, is that it also airs in the US...along with 80 or so other countries...this is because Steven & Chris are insanely adorable/talented/fabulous.

For my international friends, if you want to see moi/my house on the boob tube, check your local listings.

You can all also catch the show on their website HERE.

So there  you have it...buckets of fun for a Monday.

Now...I'm off to paint my little heart out.

Happy, happy love bunnies.




  1. Wowza- what a week! So happy for you! I cannot wait to see this gorgeous kitchen! And I love the dynamic duo of Steve and Chris! All of this great fortune is very deserving. :)

  2. I am so unbelieveably happy for you! You must feel amazing! I will be setting the DVR for Thursday! And Style at Home too!? wowza!!! Well deserved my dear!

  3. oh wow, Christine! I'm so happy for you!!!! I will TOTALLY be tuning in to see you in all of your glory!

  4. How exciting! I am dying to see your kitchen...finally!

  5. Oh my gooooodness I am so beyond excited. I had no idea this show was on in the US? Are we sure?? I am going to look into it now!!! And so much freaking excitement. I cannot wait to see everything revealed!

  6. Doing back flips for you!! Can wait to see the closet, the bathroom, the magazine, & you with the two mos adorable design boys...seriously have a crush on both of them. :P xoxo

  7. AMAZING! Such great news all around!

  8. OMG, Christine - this is HUUUUGE!!! Congratulations, you deserve it!! Can't wait to see it all! xoxo

  9. hooray i'm so excited for you! can't wait to see your debut! i will have to pvr it! i'm so happy your 2012 is going well!

  10. Exciting times at Chez Christine!! So happy for you!! Big congrats.

  11. So exciting!! Can't wait to finally see this gorgeous home of your in all of its glory. Congrats, so well deserved!! xo

  12. That is a lot of exciting news! You're so lucky, you deserve it! I cannot wait to see your Style at Home feature!!

  13. Congratulations on all your fantastic news! So excited for you.

  14. WOW!! That is so exciting!! You must be thrilled. I can't wait to see the show and of course Style at Home!! Congrats!

  15. omgeee!! so much excitement in one post! Congrats on both the televison and magazine feature. Funny, I spent the weekend painting my bathroom as well. Can't wait to see "after" pictures of your bathroom. Good luck on the closet revamp. Purging and refreshing a space can be so gratifying.

  16. 1. That is so exciting about the Style at Home shoot!!!! Woot! When does it come out/when can we finally see kitchen masterpiece??
    2. Sigh. Steven. nuff said. lucky ducky. I'll be watching =)
    3. Saw a room painted in high gloss black and it was amazing!! looking forward to seeing your bathroom/closet!

  17. Nothing makes me happier than a fabulous closet or seeing my bloggy friends happy, so today is a *very* good day! And I would be lying if I didn't confess the fact that I am *SUPER DUPER* excited about finally seeing the kitchen in all it's glory. If only every Monday was this fabulous (c: Have fun painting, I can't wait to see it!

  18. We all knew it, but, I'm just going to say it. You are the shit.

  19. So so excited for you! Your home is incredible, it doesn't surprise me that you will be featured in Style at Home! Can we watch your episode online?

  20. So so excited for you! Your home is incredible, it doesn't surprise me that you will be featured in Style at Home! Can we watch your episode online?

  21. wow, what a day! i am beyond jealous of your new black bathroom walls and can't wait to see some pics. if there is one thing i hate about renting, it's the painting limitations. instead, i'll be living vicariously through you!

  22. Holy Shiza! That is a lot of amazingness that's happening. Congrats:)

  23. AMAZING NEWS!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!! I will totally be watching your tv episode on Steven & Chris and stalking Barnes & Noble for the Style at Home mag!

  24. Wow, can you cram more into your amazing life right now? Best of luck with the show and I know you'll be fabulous!
    Can't wait to see everything you're doing!!! We love our blog!


  25. That's a lot of excitement for one day, congrats!

  26. So much going on! Everyone has been redoing their closets lately and I need that so bad. This is great motivation! I will be checking out the show online or maybe I can DVR it. I want to see your place so bad!

  27. happy dancing in your honor!! can't wait for all of these reveals! ox

  28. Yippie, yippie, yippie! wow, so much going on!!! good luck :)

  29. Oh I will be watching for sure! So excited for this :) ANd the closet redo is a great idea...I think mine is a must to!

  30. Catching a flight now to give you major hugs-ies! So happy for you! And Im happy for me to get to see it all! Xoxo

  31. So so so excited for you!!! Can't wait to see you on tv this week! I totally need a closet re-do... I'm sure yours will be fabulously inspiring!

  32. Oh that is such exciting news!!!! How fabulous Christine, I'm really happy for you. What an opportunity :) Good luck with everything! Can't wait to see final pics of Kitchen gorgeous as well.

  33. WOW! Congrats Christine! Can't wait to get a glimpse of everything and hopefully catch the show in the US. So Happy for you!!

  34. CATS OUTTA THE BAG!!!Thats the bestest most funnest news out there!!


  35. HURRAY!!! Can't think of anyone more deserving! So so happy for you. Can't wait to see every tiny thing.

  36. It will be hard to top a Monday like this! Congratulations! I enjoy a little Steven & Chris myself so I'll be happy to see you on their show!

  37. Hello there Baby! I am just popping by to let you know that you have been linked in my latest post :)

    Hope you like my DIY project inspired from your header.

  38. wonderful news! super happy for you & so look forward to seeing everything!!

  39. Congrats. So happy for you. You have a gorgeous home, and so excited to see you and your home on steven and chris. Can't wait!

  40. This is amazing news christine! I can't wait to see your gorgeous house and that to die to kitchen on tv on Thursday and the spaces printed in the magazine!

    I need you to autograph it for me when it comes out!

  41. I am completely in awe by your accomplishments! So inspiring! Cannot wait to hear about it!

  42. I am screaming all the way from Denver to Canada for you right now!! I wish I could be by your side to have a complete dork out dance and some champagne , someday, someday..

    So Happy for you and you deserve all of this wonderfulness.. Cannot wait to tune in!!

  43. Sounds like a fun activity, I might start some de-clutering myself, starting with my closet :)

  44. that is beyond exciting!
    i have been watching those 2 knuckleheads for a long time.
    they are supergay and awesome.
    i can't wait to see it all!! ALLLLLLL OF IT!!!!!!!!!!!

  45. Well,Christine, you are one busy excited about your house shoot!! Well deserved and can't wait to see ~

  46. So much exciting news! and man do I ever wish I were your neighbor, gathering up your discarded bags from the closet!!!

  47. My gosh you do great things! Good on you, Christine! Everything is so very exciting for you right now...the planets have all aligned : ) Happy for you, lovely xo

    Kim x

  48. YYYAAAY! So excited for all of this news! PVR SET! I can't wait. And I cannot wait till I have the hardcopy of YOU in Style at Home in my hands some day soon. Dying.
    Nancy xo

  49. Triple wows and congrats! Hopefully I'll find a way to watch it ;)

  50. so hard work pays off... that is wonderful news!!! i would be losing my marbles and not sleeping a wink... i've painted my bathroom three times in one month while my oldest was at preschool and the baby napped... maybe next time the tv crews will make an appearance? Ha! Big Congrats.

  51. WHaaaa congrats lady! You definitely deserve it! I can’t wait to get my hands on your Style At Home edition!

  52. Yay!! Congrats lady!!! SO excited for your big news - you are amazing! This closet is going to be incredible, I can only imagine! xx

  53. wooo big news indeed! Ah-to-the-mazing. Remind us on thursday, cant wait to see your debut on TV, followed by your print debut in S@home

  54. All of your news is very exciting! And a very special congrats for your tv debut. I'd love for you to come and do my closet - I really need to "de-clutter" mine and get rid of all of the clothes I don't wear (or rather haven't in quite some time).

  55. Well, I guess this would count as a pretty amazing start to 2012, wouldn't it!!! ;) Congrats! You're on your way!!

  56. so so exciting!!! can't wait to see! :)

  57. Fantastic news Christine! Although I am not at all surprised - your home, your style, your clothes - always perfect!! And you are fun to boot - what more could they ask for? xo I can't wait to see it.

  58. looking forward to the closet, but so excited for you on all the news! Always glad to see talent being recognized :) Maybe you'd like to link the closet redo- over to The Great Clean Out? I'm thinking about hosting another one this year, maybe around mid-feb?

  59. You are amazing, can't wait to see it all, a huge congratulations!! Janell

  60. Congrats, woo hoo! Can't wait to see some photos of these amazing upgrades!!

    Something 2 Write About

  61. What fabulous news!!!!!!! I am so so excited for you Christine!!!!! Will definitely be watching Steven & Chris, and best of luck with the Style at Home shoot!!! xoxo

  62. Holy Cow...I'm so behind. Christine, this is all so fantabulous!!!!!! Congratulations on being recognized for the style maven you are!!!

    xoxo Elizabeth


Sorry about the annoying captias...tried turning them off for a day and my inbox exploded with crap.

Smooches to everyone who perservered and left a sweet comment anyways! xoxo