Thursday, January 5, 2012

I Have a Date...and a Dumb Husband

Well is my big day.

I'm heading downtown to do tape my big TV debut...count me a little scared to death.

Apparently I'll be answering a few many people in the audience watch...eek.

Anyhoo...according to my parents, who are coming with me, it's all going to be fabulous.

One can hope...and pray.

In the meantime, I've been debating wardrobe choices...duh.

These pink BCBG pants that I've had for years {j'aime excuse the grainy photos...took them this morning and because it's crappy winter, it's still pitch dark outside} are happening...

as is a blouse.

Which one, I'm still not sure.

Help's the info you'll need:

After picking the pink pants, I knew I wanted a bow blouse....

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Apparently this style is called the Pussybow, which I think is entirely ridiculous but I can't stop saying it over and over again...if I see a bow I'm all like...'yay, a pussybow'...anyhoo...I digress.

I hit the mall and found this...

Arnold Zimberg polka dots with a giant bow...check and check.

I went home, put it all on and loved, loved, loved.

But...then I got an email about wardrobe saying white and patterns are not the best on TV...crap, shit, balls.

Apparently I'll look best if I wear a solid in a jewel tone...

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who knew?

So...I went back to the mall and came home with this red Parker goodness...


which PS, feels like sex when it's silky good.

And you know I adore pink and red together...

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 so I figured this was a safe bet {and PS,  I die over that girl's two toned lipstick and wish I could pull that candy off}...

But...after putting it on, I was still going back and forth and had this sinking suspicion that I preferred the dots.

So...I decided to put it to a....

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I waited until hubster was home so I could put both on and he could tell me the red was gorgeous and better than the polka dots.

But...I walked out with the ensemble all on, and because he's a man and doesn't think before speaking, he said...'gorgeous...I mean I like the polka dots better but that's nice to."

And then I didn't talk to him for the rest of the night and sent him death glares in my sleep.

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So, now I'm about to get ready and find myself still debating the bloody blouses.

Someone please tell me that either dots are fine on camera or that the red is better anyways...either response will do.

And in case you haven't noted this already, I'm going a little nutzoid about this so cheers to you for making it though this frivolous blog post about silly blouses.

As a reward, I'll leave you with this blurry quote/my mantra for the day...

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Peace out lovers.




  1. for an outfit just to wear out i would go polka dot, BUT on tv where here will be headshots and you want your face to look its best, i would go with the red for sure.
    but either way, you just can't go wrong with a pussybow. pussybow. pussybow.

  2. For tv - go red. You will look incredible.

  3. Yay!!! Can't wait to hear all about it. You'll do great!! And honestly, i like the red best! Swear.

  4. You're going to be marvelous, dahling! As someone who worked in front of the camera for years, I will say that the solid, jewel tone recommendation is spot on. Prints do weird things on camera, and jewel tones just tend to make you look even more lovely. You're going to look wonderful in the red and absolutely knock 'em dead. Break a leg! :)

  5. Definitely the red. So warming and lush...I love the combo with the pants; feminine and classy. I wish you well with the show, very exciting!! Go dazzle em : ) xo

  6. I love the polka dot, you should keep it to wear another time, but for TV or even a picture, solids are always best! I am so excited for you!!! Cannot wait to see all of your famousness! xo

  7. I love the dots but I agree, red is best for TV! You can wear the dots for your magazine debut! GOod luck, Can't wait to watch next week, is it next week?

  8. I say for go for the red top and pink pants. Not "feeling" the polka sure you will look great! Good luck, deep breaths and ENJOY!

  9. Def the red! Go Christine!!!



  10. Good luck, good luck, good luck! You will be great!

  11. I don't know nothin' 'bout no pussybows.

  12. GOODLUCK CHRISTINE!!!!!!!!!!


  13. I LOOOVE the polka dot (so don't return it!), but for the camera, I vote for the red - it will look gorge! xoxoxo GOOD LUCK xoxoxo

  14. Red for TV definitely-- I've learned the hard way with b/w pattern! But keep both blouses for sure, they are amazing!

  15. yippeee! you are going to do great! Seems like red is the consensus.. but couldn't you bring both along just in case?

    Good Luck :)

  16. I'd say go with the one you like best no matter what. You don't want to look back on this in five years and say "what was I thinking?!". Break a leg, can't wait to see it!

  17. Wear the red, but bring the polka dots and ask the wardrobe peeps if that one is ok on camera....let them decide =)

  18. you are not serious! i literally just bought that exact polka dot top yesterday!!! great minds.

    i say wear the one you love and take the other for a backup.

    good luck!! you'll do great! ox

  19. Love both but I'd go with the red. You know how when they panned the audience at the Oprah show they always looked so well put together sorta like they had been given the clothes to wear? I was lucky enough to be in the audience of the Oprah show a couple years ago and when I got my tickets they gave specific instructions to wear bright, bold color and avoid white. Apparently, a bit of bold color is all it takes to make you pop on TV :) Good luck, you'll be awesome.

  20. I learned the "no white rule" when visiting the Oprah show. So I think the red blouse with the pussybow is a blessing in disguise. You are going to look fabulous, Christine!! Can't wait to hear all about it! Good luck!

  21. You will be pure fabulousness which ever gorg blouse you choose! GOOD LUCK, you'll be AMAZING!x

  22. I would go for the red...I love the bright color combo and you can't go wrong for TV. You don't want to see yourself after and realize that polka dots don't work on TV (I have no personal experience with this) but you know the red is a sure thing!

  23. P.S. God luck can't wait to see it!

  24. RED, RED, RED, is the way to go for T.V., and did you not envision pink and Red for this? I still love the polka dots!

  25. I definitely say to hell with what the TV guys say, because that ensemble is going to be *bonkers* bea-u-tiful!!! (c: You know I had to read your post first today because it had the line "a dumb husband" in it (c: I really wish they thought before they said stuff sometimes!!! Good luck, lovely girl, the 'rents are correct, it will be absolutely *FABULOUS*!!!!

  26. You picked two equally amazing blouses! My vote is for red. I can't get over my love of red + pink. It will look dashing on you on tv!

    PS: Thanks for teaching me the proper name for bow blouses :)

  27. i got excited over the polka dot coral/pink combo but that red parker shirt is to die for. Blondes in red and pink = can't go wrong. Either way I am sure you will look gorgeous!


  28. I don't know much about dressing for TV, so I turned to the google:

    And after reading these tips, I feel like I might send you into a downward spiral of panic. I'm sorry.

  29. First and foremost - most men are dumb so it's best to just ignore them. Secondly, I'm sure you'll look to die for in either, but I must say the pink and red combo is my favorite. Good luck dear! xo

  30. RED! I looooove pussybow shirts. Hehe. Really though. You're gonna look fab!

    Champagne Lifestyle on a Beer Budget

  31. I'm sure your selected the right one - best of luck!

  32. both shirts are pretty fab, but i have a weakness for polka dots.. they make my heart melt!

    good luck! can't wait to hear all about it! :)

  33. Sister, you're pure hotness whatever you have on. GO for the red blouse AND the two toned candy lip. BTW, do you see how many people love you here? It's because you are fab and can totally pull that shit off. DO it! Love you! xo
    ps- wishing you luck but you don't really need it!

  34. that poka dot blouse is hideous!

  35. Long time reader, first time opinion-giver. Just couldn't resist giving my two cents.

    RED RED RED RED!!!!!

    And I'm sorry, but the polka dot one just does NOT do it for me. Dots are too big for a blousy blouse.

  36. I personally like the dots better if it were me, but I think the red/pink combo really shows off your true flair & style! much more daring!!

  37. You absolutely must do the red shirt. The polka dots will give viewers crazy eyes and the white will wash you out Save the dots for the after party! Good luck!!

  38. The red shirt will look amazing with those fabulous pants! You will be brilliant! Good luck lady! xx

  39. This post made my day. seriously, pussybow!?! Love both of your choices (when I saw the pants before reading the rest of your post I thought MUST have silky bow blouse). I'm sure you looked DIVINE!

  40. Super cute post, good luck, and... pussybow. Just had to type it.

  41. I love the polka dots blouse but pink and red is so so fab!! Go for it!

  42. Love it! Will you post pics of your ensemble??

  43. Eeeek! I know you were fab and looked gorg!! Cant wait yo hear all about it!!!

  44. OK..I want BOTH can't lose, BUT which did you wear? My husband is the exact same btw!:)


Sorry about the annoying captias...tried turning them off for a day and my inbox exploded with crap.

Smooches to everyone who perservered and left a sweet comment anyways! xoxo