Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Spoils, Labels and a Few Guest Posts

Well hello there.

How was your holiday?

Was Santa good to you?

I had a delightful that treated me WAY too well...especially since it was supposed to be the year of 'scaling back' much for that grande idea.

This actually turned out to be the year of the coat and the book.

Every one in my family, with the exception of the teenager, got at least one coat...I got two.

First, there is this delightful number from my, fun, fun...not much I love more than a giant fur collar.

And then there is coat husband went way over the deep end with his me gift but....well I adore it.

More on that in a bit.

First, the other goodies.

As I said earlier, there were coats and books mostly.

I got two pretty coffee table numbers from my parents and daughter...Helmut Newtown Poloroids from the teenager....

and The Faces of Fashion Vogue Models from my rental units...

Love both.

And you know what else I like...the Christmas artwork I got.

Like this Debbie Carlos print that just completed my art wall...

...this illustration {top one} that arrived from the very talented Eleni Sofroniou...

and finally in the art/Christmas department...I'm beyond smitten with this ah-maaazing print that literally arrived minutes ago from my incredibly talented friend, Nancy Marcus...

could you die?

I could.

I'm not sure where this pretty is going yet but I'll keep you posted...I'm thinking foyer somewhere...or the master...we shall see.

Along with the art, coats and books, there was also this....a DIY present gone rogue...

The coffee table was supposed to be a gift to my parents.

After seeing this DIY over on Bryn Alexandra, I had my trusty friend Tim gold leaf the legs.

Only problem...the table is 10" high and that just wouldn't work in my parents living room...their ceilings are like 15ft., the room is ginormous and well...the table is wee so...I'm keeping it.

This means that the live edge number that was there before is now up for sale...along with 30 or so other things, which PS, are rendering our garage and play room unusable disaster zones...arg.


Back to prezzies...

Along with the above, I was also spoiled with some clothes, nail polish, hats/scarves/mits, jammies and finally, though definitely not least...this....

Yup...I'm now the VERY proud owner of that Burberry coat goodness on the right.

Now let me just say something about this.

I am NOT a label this doesn't mean I don't love to shop/buy but I just have never seen the need to spend so much more just to get a name on something...I've never spent more than $400 on a coat or a pair of shoes...ever...well except for on my honeymoon in Paris but you get the general gist.

Sure I have a few goodies from various 'houses' but truly, I don't seek the stuff out....mostly because I prefer to spend the cash on things for my house.

BUT...and this is a big but...of all the things I truly needed, a good winter coat was it...and although I never would have spent the money myself, and as much as I was a little annoyed with husband for going more than slightly above our agreed upon budget, I truly love it.

And...I'm beginning to think there might just be reasons for this whole quality over quantity thing.

I have probably purchased a winter wool coat every 2/3 years since I was 20 and you know what, they have always fallen apart after a couple of Canadian winters under their belt...I've of course spent anywhere from $100-$300 on each and replaced them without much thought.

So for those of you who do invest on quality pieces, I have a question for you.

Have you found shelling out the extra cash to be worth it?

Does the label actually mean real quality?

I'm thinking in my coat's case, the answer is yes.

It feels so wonderfully soft and is obviously tailored impeccably.

Not to mention that I look like a zillion dollars in it...the coat is basically making me want winter all year round just so I can look at myself in it.

It's also occurred to me how easily I spend money on some things {like dying my hair at PS, $300ish a pop every 3 months or a pair of shoes that I'll buy for an evening out without a second thought} but feel so much more guilty about it when it's for the things that I really should invest in.


This coat is also making me think that a closet overhaul is looooong overdue.

I can't even walk in my walk in anymore- it's packed to the brim with some great things, but lots of crap.

I'm taking this quality over quantity thing and running with it I think.

The credit card is on disability for the next few months but that doesn't mean I can't cull all the nonsense and see what's really worth keeping.

Yup...I'm doing it...that's officially my New Year's heard it here first.

Master/my closet overhaul 2012 is in the works.

And you what else is happening?

My She Loves Me, She Loves Me Not guest post over at the fabulous Michaela Noelle Designs.

Click HERE to see some things I loving...

and some things I'm not...

And make sure you stick around to read up on all her good stuff...there's plenty of it!!!!

There's also a giant load of pretty over at L.A. in the Bay...I posted a few of my favourite Christmas memories over there last week and am just now linking over...bad, bad...I'm blaming the holiday can click HERE to see what things I love most about this glorious time of year...there's a little of this involved of course...

And with that veeeerrrryyy long post...I'll say later skaters for now.

Oh and PS, I'll be posting some decor/family shots once my teenager returns from her annual pilgrimage to Montreal with our camera in tow;)




  1. Seriously, that coat is amazing. My one regret from working retail is not snagging up an amazing coat at double discount. I'm sure it will last you ages and if not, you can just take it back and they'll make it all better.

    I LOVE that coffee table.

  2. That jacket is sooooo gorgeous. I'm slowly coming around to this line of thinking too -- buy high quality, beautiful things, less often. I think over time, I'll end up with a wardrobe I truly love and cherish versus one with clothes I get rid of more often.

    And I fully support the closet overhaul. Project Closet Gorgeous! I have a feeling it's going to be spectacular.

  3. Ok, I believe that quality over quantity is important. I admit i have A LOT of clothes, shoes and bags, but all of the shoes that were over 500 and the luxury bags from the classics like YSL, balenciaga, prada, hermes, you get the idea... these bags have gone through hell and back(using an hermes bag as your beach bag and primary travel ) and still look as amazing as they did the first day, as do the shoes, granted I send them to the leather/shoe guy every 6 months to get the bottoms redone and cleaned/treated.. these luxury purchases are worth it because they're classics and 5-10 yrs or more down the road they're still things i wear today and look amazing. Also spending that little bit extra just on the quality just looks better, the clothes are better tailored and just looks more fabulous, therefor you feel an look better wearing it.

  4. You obviously have amazing taste so I would be happy to help with the difficult task of finding a place to send all the items you decide to cull from your closet! I'll pay for shipping!! :)

  5. Well well well, it seems like someone was a very good girl this year:) Love all the great goodies you made out like a stylish bandit!
    Yes I have to say with certain things, like a coat or a good sweater or a great fitting blazer, you get what you pay for...thats been my experience. My own wardrobe is a hodge podge of high end pieces mixed in with affordable basics, and it works. I really believe that when it comes however to high quality wool or cashmere, or a good coat or blazer, if you are able to invest in a better brand, you will in the end realize its a worthwhile investment!
    A closet overhaul is at the top of my list too...good luck, its always way more fun when you get to fill it with a bunch of great new things! Happy New Year!

  6. You have amazing taste! Everything you post is to die for!

  7. You get what you pay for...that is one reason my closet is not packed. You will love that coat, it is classic, it is iconic, now go out and rock it! xoxoxo

  8. I fully support the splurgy coat! Anytime I spend alot of money on something I just think of it as a new family heirloom:) plus as my husband's gram says, "it's just money and you can always get more of it" needless to say, I love that woman!

  9. Great post as always! Love the coffee table.



  10. That coat is killer...and yes, I know I'm too old to use the word killer...but it is the only word I can think of to describe. You clearly have an amazing hubs.

  11. Fabulous new coat! Lucky you! I'm loving the new coffee table too!

  12. So glad you had a great Christmas! I totally understand spending money on your home vs yourself, but I really need to start focusing back on me...I have a horrid wardrobe, and even stopped highlighting my hair to save $. Now that a few grays are creeping in, I need to start addressing my tresses again =) I too desparately need a coat...but not until next year. I literally can't do up any coats of mine over my big ole 29 wk prego belly, so I wear a scarf to give warmth to my middle lol. Good thing winter has been mild here so far =)

  13. I love love love the coat, I think your honey is a keeper!
    For me too this was the year of the book and a luxury item, a pair of Christian Louboutin's, certainly something that I wanted to purchase...someday.
    I totally agree with the quality over quantity, over time you end up spending less and you will have pieces that will stand the test of time and can be passed down.
    I think , well I know, my closet also requires a major overhaul, a task I have been avoiding..perhaps this is also to be my 2012 project along with a bevy of others.

  14. I love your new fur collar! And your taste in art is simply exquisite... I'm glad you had a wonderful Christmas :)

    XX Kathryn

  15. Loving your new things! Thanks for guest posting today, friend (: Loved the post!

  16. Gorg!! So glad you made out like a bandet. Those coats are killer. Happy New year Love!

  17. Geeking, love it all. And explains the Burberry goodness on your pinterest... ;) My thoughts, when possible, def splurge (or have someone else ha) on quality for investments pieces. But still keep eyes open for a few cheap thrills on less important items here and there. I've def started the quality over quantity thing in my closet, trying to mostly buy things that I'll want for years.

  18. What wonderful and beautiful gifts! I love the coat. And while I don't invest in expensive things very much, I do know that the dresses that I have spent more on usually last much longer than the ones that are last minute buys from less expensive stores. And designer purses and shoes seem to last forever. I mean I'm talking LV and Tory Burch here, but nonetheless, I think it's a relative comparison.

  19. I am busy catching up and let me tell you, I am glad that I read this post before the one about freakin' *CHICKEN POX* for Christmas!!! WTF??? That is absolutely terrible for Christmas, so I'm glad everything turned out well in the end. And holy $%#&@!!! That is the coat to end all wearing of other coats...I am 1000% a believer of quality over quantity and I'm pretty sure it doesn't get any better than Burberry, you lucky thing you! You must have been a *very* good girl this year! (c:

  20. yeah so many goodies! that coat is killer....i got spoiled too in a year where we too were suppose to scale back...books & a little H bangle! hooray for santa!

  21. always! I've wondered several times before and haven't the Bruno Adjustable Double-Arm Pharmacy Lamp in your living room brass or is it nickel? And if it is brass, where did you find it? It looks perfect in your space.

  22. Thanks everyone!!!! Loved reading your comments- as always, they totally make my day:)

    ckan81- it is the Bruno floor lamp in nickel but I hand painted over the nickel with gold easy DIY that made me fall in love with the lamp all over again:)


  23. Sounds like a wonderful Christmas! Your family sure got you some amazing gifts! That Burberry coat-AMAZING! Such a classic staple that you can have for years to come. I much prefer to save up for one nice thing than buy a bunch of other stuff I wear a few times and don't like anymore...but sometimes it is hard to justify the big price tag, and I am definitely more partial to buying stuff for the house too! But in the end when I do splurge, I wear and treasure those pieces so much more!

  24. Christine, love this post. I too struggle with the should I shouldn't I on labels as I too would rather spend it on my house (my kitchen is a 1950's disaster). I did just recently purchase a pair of Stuart Weitzman black boots at Holts that regular price were almost a mortgage payment, but I managed to grab them on sale. And I must say, they are pretty fantastic. I feel fantastic in them, they are soft and shiny and will stand up to our Canadian winter. So in this case- quality prevails. On another note- I volunteer to help clean out your closet, and even haul everything to my fav charity Dress For Success Toronto : ) Happy Christmas Christine, Lisa

  25. Absolutely gorgeous coat. I can wholeheartedly say, where quality is concerned on an investment piece like this, it is worth the money. Shoes, coats, and handbags are things that when money is well spent on a classic, the return is both a lot more mileage and enduring style. Thanks for sharing!

  26. Thank you soooo much for snapping a pic of my print and sharing it here today Christine! I so appreciate it :) And I just LOVE all of the other gifts you've received, the coat ... I die. And YES to buying fewer higher quality items. It's been my mantra for a while now and I am so happy. I hate all the cheap crap that fills my closet :(

    Anywho, wanted you to know that I've now added the link on my post today to your fab pillows! I just love them!! Hugs,
    Nancy xo

  27. Great gifts, what a sweet hubby, that coat is absolutely gorgeous!!! and that coffee table... LOVE IT!

  28. FIrst things first, I must see that Burberry on, maybe a style post with you and your fashionable self? Second quality of quantity is a lesson I am learning as I get older, if I only I knew this years ago I could have some beautiful timeless pieces sitting in my closet. I can't wait to see your closet overhaul, I could use one myself. Keep us posted! Happy New Years!


  29. lovely everything! and your coffee table books & art collection is to die for!

  30. ooooooooohhhh that coat is gorgeous! I definitely think you can mix and match, but if you're up for spending more on quality I think it's worth it. I'm in your boat where I am more likely to buy disposable clothing...but the good stuff fits and looks SO much better. Hmm.

  31. I heart everything about this post.

  32. ohhh now that coat is amazing and your husband even more so for such an incredible gift! I definitely agree that when buying wardrobe classics like a good coat, spending a bit more on them is better in the long run. Sounds like an amazing Christmas! xx

  33. want your coat. so beautiful. and once again, thanks for sharing on the blog :)

  34. Have I told you before how much in LOVE I am with your settee and those cushions? You have no idea how much I like them, I've always dreamed about having a settee like that one ;)
    And what a gorgeous coat! Quality over quantity is always wise, especially when you are talking about staple pieces that will live forever in your closet ;)


Sorry about the annoying captias...tried turning them off for a day and my inbox exploded with crap.

Smooches to everyone who perservered and left a sweet comment anyways! xoxo