Saturday, December 31, 2011

Happy NYE...some Besties of 2011

Well it's almost 2012...just a few hours left.

For me, this year has been one filled with some incredible moments/events/doings and I thought why not go back and...

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some of the highlights.

To begin with,  #projectkitchengorgeous began and was finished.

It's without doubt the absolute kitchen of my dreams.

And to end the year off right, we've just found out that it's officially going to be published- hopefully you'll be seeing some big glossy photos of it this year!!!! Meredith and I are happy dancing x a million.

If you feel like looking back and reading about the whole kitchen journey, clickski HERE and HERE.

And do you know what else happened in 2011?

Well I was a One Kings Lane Tastemaker for god sakes... see my living room on that website was well...ah-maazing...

You can read all about it HERE.

And you know what else made my 2011 pretty fantastic?

Well being asked by House and Home to do a little video...that's what.

I was kind of terrified to be on TV but you know what...I didn't hate it- actually kind of liked it so definitely a highlight of the year...I even got to see that little photo of me in a print issue...very cool.

And speaking of TV, I'm going to be on it again....mark your calendars for January 12th...I'll be telling you the network/show info early next week but for now, I'll tell you that my living room, foyer and Mac's room will be featured on a show, along with a guided tour from yours, fun, fun...I think....I haven't seen the video yet...please god let me not hate myself;)

And finally, in 2011 marked the beginning of a new idea.

While out to dinner with the very fabulous Jennifer, Lindsey and Heather, a possible business venture for yours truly was talked about...and you know what, I'm going to make it happen.

I don't want to say too much about it but I will tell you that I'm working on a website and you'll be able to buy shit on it...good shit.

Stay tuned my friends;)

So with that little look back at 2011, I want to end of by saying thank you.

This blog has continued to be an absolute haven of creativity and joy for me.

It's given me a way to...

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though to be's also the reason I'm always buying so much- ha!!!

But that's not the point is it...the words do say what's most important...blogging really has given all of us an audience to share those special moments with and well, that sure does this girl's heart alot of good.

For all of us, my wish for 2012 is that we collectively through the idea of resolutions out the window and instead...a wish to each of us....

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Here's to that promise my friends.

I hope we all start 2012 knowing that....

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And that through blogging, we get to make it together.

How's that for some mushball cheese;)

Love you.




  1. Ahhh, all good stuff for you! How exciting!!! You are amazing, never let anyone tell you any different! You'll have to show the tour on your blog, as us unfortunates here in the States won't be able to see it. Sad. Oh, and business venture? MUST SHIP TO THE U.S.!!! Great job. Just think what next year will be like.

  2. Oh Christine! What an amazing year! And I am still going crazy about that chair and mirror on the photo for one kin lane!! I forgot if they are yours but I totally want them!

    It was great to get to meet you this year and I am looking forward to hanging out with you more in 2012! Now can't wait to watch you on tv!! You have got to tell me when and where so I can get the PVR!

  3. Happy New Year! You had such an exciting and amazing 2011....can't wait to see what 2012 has in store!

  4. Happy New Year's Christine! You sure accomplished a TON this past year-so happy for you!

  5. Happy New Year to one of my favorite go-getters there ever was! You deserve everything you've worked for and you've delighted us greatly along the way. I must echo the commenter above in saying if I can't have it here in the US I don't want to see it!! I'm sort of kidding (not really).


  6. Happy New Year believe magic is something you make and you have certainly had a magical year! Congrats on all of your amazing and wonderful achievments, to be recognized for what you do is the ultimate validation. Wishing you all good things, and cheers to new possibilities, business ventures, good health and a darn good time in 2012!

  7. Ahhh what exciting news! I am launching my online store at the first of the year too! It has been so much work getting it done but it's finally ready :) I am sure I will be shopping on yours daily, you are one if my favorite people! Happy New Year doll, and to making dreams come true!

  8. Congrats on all your successes, I can't wait to hear what your business venture will be! I love your blog and am inspired daily by it. Thank you for all you do!



  9. Wow what a year you've had!!! And it sounds like you have so much more good fortune to look forward to! Happy New Year, lovely! Wishing you all the best in 2012. Looking forward to following along on your wonderful journey! xoxo

  10. Happy New Year Christine!
    Cannot wait to see what you have in store...

  11. Happy New Year and I can't wait to see all of your new ventures in 2012!!! I'm dying to see the house tour video!!!

  12. Happy New Year, Christine! What an amazing ride you've had in 2011. I have no doubt that your new venture will be a HUGE success! Cannot wait to see what you have in store for us in 2012. Literally! All the very best to you! xo

  13. Christine, have the happiest New Year's Eve!

    Visiting Bijou & Boheme makes me smile. Looking forward to watching you roll onwards and upwards!

  14. Christine!! What a year, what a lady! I am incredibly proud of you!You are on a roll my friend!! And you attract goodness.

    Cheers to a fun, creative and prosperous 2012!

    And you better ship to the US...

    Warm hugs,

    P.S That check I promised is on its way. I forgot to send it! I will be meeting B & N in January. Sad that you live so far away.

  15. A great year indeed! So excited for your's to 2012!

  16. Christine, So many accomplishments in 2011! What an amazing journey. Is it any wonder you are one of my favourite bloggers. Thank you for sharing your divine style with us all. Congratulations and Happy New Year!! xo

  17. What a way to end off the year, Christine! Even bigger and brighter things are on the horizon for you. I can't wait to see it all crystallize into something that embodies your passion, style, and talent. xo.

  18. You have had such an amazing year, cheers to all those successes! I have every faith that your business venture will be amazing too. So happy for you - I wish you nothing but happiness and prettiness in 2012. XO

  19. You had such an amazing year Christine! Wish you all the best for 2012, I'm sure is going to be a great year as well ;)

  20. I'm one of your recent followers and I truly enjoy every scroll through your blog. I can't wait to see what you have to present to us on your blog this new year. Happy New Year!

  21. What a fantastic year you've had! Thank you for sharing it with us and always being such an ebullient source of inspiration. Cheers to 2012!


Sorry about the annoying captias...tried turning them off for a day and my inbox exploded with crap.

Smooches to everyone who perservered and left a sweet comment anyways! xoxo