Monday, December 5, 2011

A Flight of Fur

Turns out there's something big in the works.

I can't tell you what it is but let's just say it involves me whipping a few rooms in my house into shape...QUICKLY {and don't worry- this isn't a long secret...I'll spill the beans in a few weeks}.

Trouble is...Christmas is almost upon us...aka...I've got zero dineros to spend.

So...this lady's going to have to get crafty.

I've got a pretty ginormous list of things that have to be done before said secret happens.

Curtains have to go up in a few rooms, little extras have to be added, and the wallpaper has to be finished in my foyer.

There was actually another large item on the list but yours truly took care of if DIY styles over the weekend.

It all started when I went to a local fabric shop to pick up the green cotton for my son's curtain panels.
As I was getting it cut, I noticed a bag of blushy chenille faux fur sitting on the floor, all wrapped took 20 minutes of perhaps the worst service ever to actually get the bag open, sort out the price and decide that 2 meters of it HAD to come home with me- when your's truly sees blush and fur all mixed together...well let's just say it's a given that some of it had to be didn't hurt that the price was only $16/meter either.

Anyhoo...after buying said fabric I raced home thinking that perhaps it would make a lovely throw blanket for my bed.

But then I remembered the orangey/pink velvet chairs in my living room that were in desperate need of an upholstery make-over and well...a veritable light bulb went off.

I cut the fabric in half lengthwise, sent hubster to the hardware store to buy a staple gun and went to town on the chairs.

An hour and a few hundred staples later...they were done.

I'm sorry that there aren't that many shots from the front- my kitchen is open behind the chairs so well...that has to stay under wraps for just a little longer:(

Anyhoo...I might have gone and totally lost my mind but I'm kind of impressed with myself.

I made poodle chairs (thanks Meredith for the coinage- love it) for 50 bones...and they're kind of fun no?




  1. FUN indeeeed. Love love Christine :) Can't wait to hear about this project too!

  2. I adore them! I want to cuddle them. Is that weird? Probably.

  3. These are super cute! Love the way they look with the brass legs and the instant glam they add to the space. Well done! I would love to know how you wrapped the 'poodle fur' around the backs so seamlessly (yes, it's true, I'm challenged in the DIY Department but I love entertaining the idea that ONE DAY I will make these babies for myself). Any tips? :)

    *Tania @

  4. those chairs are fantabulous!!!
    and i hear you- no dineros here either.... i have been getting all sorts of crafty with gifts this year. :)

  5. CHRISTINE! They are so fun and fabulous! Love them! Can't wait to hear more about what's coming!

  6. So amazing! What a fabulous DIY!

  7. TOO FABULOUS!! They are just fantastic Christine!!!! Hope everything gets done & the secret project goes well!!! xo

  8. I can only think of one person who could pull off poodle chairs and that would be you! What a serendipitous find. You are full of secrets ;)

  9. I just want to sink my tooshie into those lucious chairs! I am taking a guess at your secret, that instead of a kitchen shoot, it will be a whole home shoot =)

  10. hahaha...its like you HAVE to go sit in them now! looks fab.

  11. I have a feeling someone is getting a well deserved majoy feature??? I absolutely love the chairs.. so cozy:) You are so sneaky, not taking pictures from the other angle!

  12. These are awesome! I love the way they came out. Great job!

  13. yes they are fun! Guess the mint will have to creep in somewhere else :)

  14. Kinda fun....more like crazy cool! Well done lovely!

  15. gorgeous & ingenious! looks like sheepskin which is in trend to make a space more cozy!

  16. You wicked women!! I'm so impressed. I myself went to the fabric store to find similar fabric for the EXACT same reason. I have two knockoff MVR chairs that I want in fur. Alas, no fabric like this!! I love love love your makeover!!


  17. Love those chairs! As for your "news" just wondering which magazine is coming to shoot your home???? Can't wait to see it all, not little bits and pieces. And it will be so gorgeous, I know that for sure!

  18. Those are quite possibly the coolest ass chairs I've ever seen...great job!

  19. WOW! You are so creative. Those chairs are so unique and I cannot believe you whipped that up so quickly! Very impressive!!



  20. way fun! Amazing re-vamp.

    Sounds like we have some fun and pretty pictures of your house coming our way!

  21. Oh lady, they look very cool indeed. Sometimes the best things come from random happenings, like found fur fabric. looking good!

  22. I skimmed and then had to go back and actually read your entire post because I had to process what I was looking at. . . and guess what? It totally works for me! Those chairs looks comfy to just squirm around on, but the look really works for me too. Way to just go for it!

  23. Love them, girl! Fun, funky, unique and look sooo comfy cozy (:

  24. Ooh, I'm dreaming up what the big surprise might be. I can't wait to hear about it!

    The chairs look fab. And, perfect that if you change your mind down the road, it's not like you spent a huge amount of bucks on it!

  25. oh I just got super inspired....great job!

  26. so so good. can't wait for these crazy exciting reveals!!!

  27. I love the chairs, they look so cozy and chic!

  28. Love!

    Amazing what a little panic can produce!

  29. Would love to see some before pictures.. I always want to attempt something like this but I'm not so sure I have the talent!

  30. This is seriously brilliant! Love the fuzzy texture sitting on such pristine architectural legs...that jux is sheer genius! Really a standout move...definitely bookmarking!

    Peace. Love. LOL!

  31. Crazy cool!! I love them!! so much fun! and more secrets?!?!!? I can't handle all this waiting?!!?!?

  32. WOWZA! Great DIY Christine! I can't wait for the reveal of your secret!

  33. Fantastic job! They look so comfy, I just want to relax and read a book in one of them!

  34. You did a fantastic job - they look fab an oh so comfortable! xx

  35. I'm so blown away over this chairs. They are just AMAZING! I could stare at them all day. I am so jelly!

    ADORE your blog. xx


  36. Ah they look incredible!!! Totally took my breath away. You always make me swoon, sweets :)

    Have a great Monday, lovely! xoxo

  37. I love them - they're perfect!

  38. Love them - so fun!! You did such a good job and they look awesome with the rest of the room. Can't wait to see what your project is!!

  39. those are so cool! :At first i thought it was sheepskin.... totally LOVE the gold legs on the chairs!! )))

  40. Would it disturb you if I said I want to sit on those in my undies? Cause I do! They look so soft and cuddly! Brilliant idea, Christine!

  41. Christine....those charis are so fun! What could be cozier and softer than those chairs..everyone will clamor for those. Great job and I look forward to hearing about this "big surprise"...I am indeed intrigued!

  42. They look like they cost $5k, not $50. Amazing!!!! Super high end look - I'm so impressed with you and the 'ole stapler! Well done, Christine!!!

    And, I'll bet they are SO soft, too!
    xoxo elizabeth

  43. WEll done! and great estimate on the fabric too!

  44. Those chairs are FABULOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  45. Very creative and śoooooooo inviting! I love it.

  46. CANNOT wait to hear the big news. Always exciting to hear what's going on at Maison B&B! I LOVEEEEEEE your diy poodle chairs, so chic and fab, I can't believe that just popped in your head and you got it done so fast, way to go! Love the soft vibe your room is giving Christine :)
    Nancy xo

  47. They are very fun! They look warm and cozy, which is perfect for the winter months! I bet you money that my boys would take up residence on those babies if we came for a visit!

  48. Oh, I love these, Christine!! Your home is so glamorous and fun! xo

  49. I LOVE THEM! Plus, you know me...I get tingles when I see a creative upholstery project. Gorgeous.

  50. how fun are those chairs?! i cant wait to hear more about this secret too!!! are you having your home photographed?! xoxo jillian:: cornflake dreams

  51. Are you serious?? You just whipped these together with a couple of metres of fabric? Amazing!

  52. Wow! great job! they look so comfy and yet chic at the same time! :)

  53. So so fab!! I want to curl up in one :-)

  54. fun? THEY ARE totally
    I want those!

  55. You amaze me!! To find the fabric (serendipitous), have the idea and then whip it up lickety split - genius my friend!

  56. Those turned out hawt ;)
    Well played Beej.
    Cheers, Alcira

  57. I can't believe how quickly these came together! That fabric was such a lucky find! :)

  58. I'm obsessed! I mean...they're perfect! How did you do it without a sewing machine? love, love, love, love, love!!!


Sorry about the annoying captias...tried turning them off for a day and my inbox exploded with crap.

Smooches to everyone who perservered and left a sweet comment anyways! xoxo