Thursday, December 8, 2011

A Few Things...Including the Charity Water Project

1. My dog's surgery went well yesterday.

She's home now with a droppy lip and very tired eyes but she should be fine.

Thank you so so much for all the doggy well wishes...they helped:)

2. I'm spending this weekend making an art wall out of pieces I either took out of storage or stole from other rooms...

See all that open space up there...well it's soon going to be covered with arty goodness.

I might add a few new pieces as well.

Like this one...

Prufrock 1

from artist Emma Leonard.

And this one...

Pink Rococo Romance Print

from the fabulous Debbie Carlos.

PS...A huge thanks to Naomi for the art wall ideas and inspiration shots...very helpful!!

3. I can't decorate for Christmas until the exciting secret event happens at my house on the 20th.

I'm trying to figure a way around this...considering a tree in my daughter's room or in the play room downstairs...or as Meredith suggested, perhaps this will be the year of the Kitchen Christmas- ha!

In the meantime, I put up a wreath on the front door.

It's plain and simple.... flocked in white with pale pink silk ribbon...

4. My daughter came home yesterday looking a little like this room...

Pinned Image

At first I had a full blown crazy mother panic attack thinking that my house was infested with bed bugs.


I lost it a bit.

Thankfully, that is not the case.


Instead...she's got the pox...and this after having the shot.

Apparently that means it will be less severe.

That's good news.

The bad news is that my 3 year old has not had the shot.

Happy days people, happy days.

4. I'm taking part in the Charity Water project, organized by the ridiculously awesome Lauren, of 

You might remember this from last year.

Basically, Lauren set up a site so that you, me and everyone we know can donate whatever we can to help people who need access to clean drinking water get it.

Watch this...

If you can donate $5...that's PS, the cup of a Starbucks coffee...that will make a difference.

The goal this year is to raise $5000 and with that a well that helps provide water to 250 people can be built.

That is big my friends...big.

You can also donate directly by going HERE.

Of course, buttons can also be added to your blog to help spread the can swipe the one of my page, the Charity Water site or from Lauren.

Let's do this people.

Your heart will feel good and people who deserve clean water will have some.

And with that...have a splendid Thursday.




  1. I seriously can't wait to see a full tour of your home. It's killing me!

  2. So glad little doggy lady is feeling better! Its so sad to see them under the weather. And I am totally feeling your pain regarding the lack of tree. I have totally give up hope for ours. Very sad. Can't wait to see your gallery wall!

  3. I am so glad that your dog is better, but sad to hear about your daughter! Your analogy made me laugh. I am dying to see your entire home as well!

  4. your room looks great! hope your little girl feels better...

  5. I'm glad to hear that your pooch's surgery went well. I'm excited to see how your wall of art turns out. And your poor little girl! I'll keep my fingers crossed that your little man does get the chicken pox!

  6. So, so happy your pup is on the mend! Your art wall is going to be off the charts. Cannot wait! Sorry to hear about the pox. Good times, good times!

  7. Oh the art wall is going to look so so pretty when you are done!

    Sorry to hear about the pox. Ick.

    Thanks for the shout out, Sweetie!


  8. so happy to hear your pup is good & sad to hear about your little ones!! doesn't it seem like sometimes when one catastrophe is averted, another weird thing crops up?! that art wall is going to be sick. post pics!

  9. Oh no, I'm sorry to hear about your daughter! Beautiful post though, great introduction to the fact she has pox (gotta love a polka dot room!)

  10. So glad the pup is home and getting better. I'm just catching up on your blog. The furry chairs are amazing and everything is looking wonderful. An art wall is exactly what that space needs. Maybe some brass corners ala design manifest would glam it up a bit without ruining the vintage piece?

  11. yay, charity water! well, we are 10% there... and who knows where it goes from here. thanks for the boost. couldn't do it without friends like you!! xo

  12. Too bad about your little ones!! Keep your fingers crossed they don't get it twice...yes, that actually happened to me! But great news about your pup! So happy to hear you have that family member back and on the mends. :)

  13. Love that wreath! and glad your pup is doing ok ;) xx

  14. That wall is looking good so far! So sorry about the pox :(

  15. So glad it's just the pox...but hard none the less! The wall will be smashing! I did an art wall in my new office...adore!

  16. Love the beginnings of your art wall, its going to look fabulous! What are you using to attach the art to the wall? I am working on a similar project and have been using these 3M adhesive things but they keep falling off! So glad to hear Lola is doing better, but sorry to hear about your little girl. Hope the shot does the trick and she gets better soon! xx

  17. So glad your pup is doing okay! Sorry to hear that about your daughter--oh the chicken pox. :) Can't wait to see your art wall--I am sure it will be beautiful.

    And I will be donating some $$ soon to this cause. :)

  18. Ahhh - is she a Vizsla? BEAUTIFUL! Love her liver colored nose! Poor gal :( But glad she's better


    BTdubs - LOVE the polka dotness!

  19. Yes for the Charity water campaign and inquiring minds want to know all about this big secret on the 20th!!!! We cannot wait that long:) But sounds exciting!!
    Love the art, as I am sure you sure you are not loving the whole chicken pox thing nearly as much:( Good luck on that front and may it be mild and gone fast!


Sorry about the annoying captias...tried turning them off for a day and my inbox exploded with crap.

Smooches to everyone who perservered and left a sweet comment anyways! xoxo