Saturday, November 5, 2011

Saturday Shopping at OKL and a Designer Spotlight - John Loecke and Jason Oliver Nixon

First off, sorry for the disappearing act yesterday.

My phone line was hijacked by some street line repair work on Thursday and wasn't back up until last night....having no computer access for 24 hours was um well, a challenge.

We're back up and running now and I've got a little goodie to share...and I have One Kings Lane to thank for it.

As an aside, have I mentioned how grateful I am that OKL does NOT ship to Canada?
Pretty sure my credit rating would be in trouble if they did.

Anyhoo...besides the endless screen shopping possibilities, I also adore the site for introducing me to such a bevy of fabulous designers.

And I found a gem today.

First the pictures...then I'll give you my two cents on the matter.

Have you ever?

The colour...the pattern...the layering.

I die...a thousand wonderful times.

The irreverence and the joy of it all...their designs literally feel like singing in the rain.

If want to inject a little of their magic into your own home, check out their sale...a lot has already sold but there's still some pretties up for grabs...

Legendary Black Glass-Front Cabinet

Sublime Brass Reindeer, Pair
Vintage Shell Detail Side Chairs, Pair

I'd give up my left nut if I had one for that black corner cabinet...she's a beaut.

And the deer.

I REALLY want one or five of those.

And with that, I bid you adieu for now.

My 17 year old bought tickets for a concert two hours away without thinking of how she was going to get there first so...because we're the nicest parents in the world (Tasha are you reading this?) we're packing up the whole family for a road trip.

Thankfully for all of us, the concert is where my parents live so we're making a little mini vaca out of it...and PS, she owes me bathroom cleaning, dishwasher emptying for a month- ha!

Oh and before I forget, don't forget to enter my Novica giveaway...I've decided to draw for the winner tomorrow morning so you've got a whole 24 more hours to enter.

Happy Saturday all.




  1. Hi Christine...great interiors, they are elegant and old world ish injected with a little whimsy and don't take themselves too seriously..refreshing!!
    You are such a nice mom, but I would do the same and of course getting to see your parents I am sure is a big, and the things they do! They never worry about all the details do they? As I always refer to myself I am my kids ' iron out the wrinkle person" in their lives..yep thats me!
    Safe travels:)

  2. I would give up my left nut for that cabinet too. Omg, it is awesome. I really love those deer. Like really really. Those interiors are fabulous.

  3. How refreshing, they sure know how to do "More is More" and I love the bathroom with the mirror vanity:)
    Oh, what we will do for our kids right!

  4. absolutely beautiful :) i love everything

  5. Very nice rooms! I love all the cheerful colors.

  6. Two words: Vibrant Bliss!! Loving the green and I want those reindeer! xo

  7. I WANT those gold reindeer for my holiday decorating. And gorgeous interiors, crazy talented.

  8. That staircase is totally enchanting. Something that I would love to have spent time exploring (especially the hanging photos and artwork) as a kid! Great pics.

    Kristina Gulino
    Twitter: @KristinaMGulino
    Something 2 Write About

  9. WOW. Whimsical and traditional stuffed into a colorful and pretty sandwich!! LOVE. I'm grateful for the introduction.
    Nancy xo

  10. Super inspiring! Love all the pictures!
    (L'Muse Therapy)


Sorry about the annoying captias...tried turning them off for a day and my inbox exploded with crap.

Smooches to everyone who perservered and left a sweet comment anyways! xoxo