Monday, November 7, 2011

House Updates {PKG and my Little Dude's Room}

Some rather glorious things have happened around chez Bijou these past few days.

For one, Meredith {who PS, continues to amaze me with her glorious talent on an hourly basis} came by on Friday to deliver some art fantastic to #PKG.

I give you Griffin and Wong hand painted silk chinoiserie fabulousity...

And because I definitely owe you some kitchen photos, a little sneak peek of the gorgeous panels all hung up...

I know, I know...a total tease.

I'm sorry.

More soon- promise, promise.

In the meantime, I have to show you some more of the brilliance that is Griffin and Wong's portfolio.

And a few installations...PS, I'd give up most things for an entire room plastered in this beautiousness...


Now, on to the second happy house addition.

I'd like to officially announce that my 3 year old now has a bed.

And it's glorious.

I want it for myself's a cocoon.

I bought the bed from my favourite local antique shop...Turner Chapel Antiques.

My friends think it's funny that when I tell my kids we're going out, the first thing they ask is if we're going to the antique place...perhaps this happens because I've been frequenting this shop nirvana about twice a week for the past few months.
It's just REALLY fabulous.

I bought the bed for $300...yes you heard that right.
It's a 200 year old solid pine bed from Germany...with all it's chips, and nicks and's my definition of perfection.

And the best part, it has those amazingly giant side rails that mean my 3 year old isn't rolling out of it anytime soon.

As well, it's almost a standard twin (just a few inches short,) which is almost impossible to find in an antique bed...all we had to do was have a piece of MDF cut to size for the matress to sit on...we bought an IKEA foam matress that was able to squish in more than a standard one could and voila...bed heaven.

As you can see, I also added Instagram to the mix over the weekend...can you save LOVE IT!!!

Just to finish off this very long post...a few pictures of our roadtrip to teenager concert/my parents house...

Scarlett and Lola.

 Malcolm {with his new 'boy' haircut that I'm not at all sure about- so sad that all his baby curls are gone...combine this with us taking apart his crib last night...crying mommy} and teenager Natasha hiding in the third row.


Fun picture taking.

And with that, I'm off.

I have a little DIY project {that PS, I'm not doing myself} happening today.

It involves a trip to a IKEA and then a visit to Beresford Inc...more on that soon.

Kisses etc.




  1. Love, love, LOVE the artwork! So fabulous, and I'm dying for more... I have been for so long tho!

    Love your little man's bed! It truly is perfection!

  2. New panels - Awesomeness. New bed - Awesomeness. Gorgeous family - perfection :)

  3. I absolutely love the bed - so cosy looking!

    The art is to die for ... am also dying for the big PKG reveal!!

  4. Everything is so gorgeous, love seeing some looks into PKG! So so stunning. And love Mac's new bed, its perfection! And your whole fam is just gorgeous!

  5. the bed is awesome--and I especially love the mismatched teeny tiny pillows!

  6. That bed is so perfect! We are dealing with ugly side rails so Keaton doesn't fall out of his bed. What a score!

  7. great bed! I thought it was the one you ordered from Etsy....looks similar from what I remember.

  8. Love the chinoiserie panels! Gorgeous! That bed was a fabulous find too, and your too cute family...Lucky Lady!

  9. Love the art and that bed is amazing! Your style is incredible, perfect really.

  10. LOVE it! The art and the bed!! Seriously, what a fantastic find on that bed - it's perfect!

  11. The painting = awesome.

    The bed = awesome.

    You & your children = stunning.

  12. Goodness gracious this kitchen looks like a total dream. I'm a little impatient to see it all, but I am so happy for you that you get to enjoy it every day!

  13. eep such gorgeousness! i love all your throw pillows! and what a gorgeous, sweet bed for your bambino.


  14. Your kids are all too beautiful. Happy 'mommy' days :)

  15. Christine - those are just beautiful! I can't wait to see the full reveal..I have a perfect spot for 2 panels in my home..

    Kids = adorable..


  16. The panels are to die for!!! Do I spy a banquette in your kitchen? The pillows on it are fab too! Your son's room is perfection as is your entire family on the road trip! LOVE!

  17. his room is adorable! i love it! as are the panels! but his room is so sweet and cozy!

  18. Awe what a great weekend! Lovely family xoxo!

  19. Amazing post! That wallpaper is divine and I'm loving the bed find!! So cute. So, question...what will you use it for once the little ones outgrow it? A fabulous mini daybed?

  20. Wow, so much awesomeness in one post... those panels are gorgeous, and I am GREEN over that bed score (ps let me know if you come across a twin/toddler jenny lind bed in your travels). And Instagram is ridiculously addictive - cause the photos always look good!

  21. Sister, you got it going on! I'm loving, loving, loving the panels in PKG! Really, cannot WAIT to see it! That bed is also the sweetest, most charming thing ever. Great find!

  22. Waaay too much gorgeousity for one post! The panels! The bed! The family! Love all of it.

  23. You have ridiculously cute kids.

  24. Everything looks amazing!!! And his bed is just fabulous. I would totally crawl in there myself. Glad you had a good weekend with your gorgeous family :) xoxo

  25. What is it called if it's DIY but you don't do it yourself? DIT? Do it together. And quit teasing us with those kitchen pics, its cruel!

    PS I'm hosting a holiday gift swap again. I hope you'll sign up!

  26. That bed looks fantastic! What a find!

  27. As much as I am completely smitten with your new panels and that *insanely* awesome bed...I am even more smitten with Mr. Gorgeous Eyes in the carseat...melt my heart in to a big ol' puddle of sweetness, what a doll! And Miss Scarlett with her trusty ol' doggy...guh! TOO CUTE! Looks like a great weekend had by all...even the hiding teenager (c:

  28. Oh...those panels are awesome! And, so is that little cocoon of a bed!!! I wish my own bed was that cozy!!

    xo Elizabeth

  29. So much beauty all in one post. I WANT TO SEE MORE OF THE KITCHEN! Looks totally done, loving those panels, soo beautiful...I am unabashed about my feelings on chinoiserie, one of my most favorite things in the world...would give up furniture to have a room plastered in it, would just lay down on the floor and stare at it all day.
    And can we talk about how cute your kids are and how amazing their eyes are!!!!!!!!!
    Loved this- congrats on all the goodness.

  30. Such a beautiful painting - I'm sure it makes your kitchen look even more magnificent (if that's possible!). Love your kiddo's bed too! You have a gorgeous family; sounds like you had a wonderful weekend xo

  31. those panels are amazing. so so so beautiful.

    and i can't wait for the green and gray to get all up in mac's room.

  32. My Gram's house in brooklyn has Gracie wallpaper from the 70's. You would DIE.

  33. so so jealous of you chinoiserie painting! i've been dying to wallpaper the bathroom with a chinois print but it is getting to be SO expensive..i'm keeping my fingers crossed to find something gorgeous yet affordable

  34. Wow, so much greatness in this post! Yes, you are a tease, but I'll take what I can get on PKG!!

    the panels are gorgeous, the bed is awesome, and LOVE seeing the pics of you and your beautiful family!!

  35. Love that bed, can't believe the price, what a score! Oh! and Congrats on your kitchen being published, that's SUPER EXCITING! ;)

  36. that artwork is amazing and that bed is adorable! cute pix!

    ashley over @

  37. Love the panels, love the bed, love it all. Can't wait to see more of the kitchen.

  38. The art is beyond gorgeous. Wow, wow and wow!!

  39. You are a total tease. I love that you are getting your kids started early on finding the treasures. it is all going to look so good and can't wait to see the reveal so that i can drool all over my computer screen.

  40. that bed is so good! everything looks great, of course.

  41. I am very interested in this matter and I myself do a lot of research as well. This blog has definitely changed my perspective on this subject. Artistically designed, so they will make very attractive.

  42. That panel is beyond beautiful! Yes, Christine, I know I am DYING to see your kitchen!!! I am sure everyone else is itching for the reveal too! xo

  43. Meredith is seriously talented. I can't wait to see the magic you two have cooked up together! Love the bed - why don't people make these anymore? Such a great transitional piece... My "baby" is seven, and each milestone she passes I have a little moment, why do they grow up so fast? x

  44. Panels. Panels. Whaaa....I think I blacked out.

  45. What a gorgeous panel! I can't wait to see the kitchen in all of it's glory!

  46. this post reinforced why i think you are kinda a badass... and apparently, it runs in your DNA because your kids look pretty cute, too. but maybe it's due to the fab-o bedrooms you make them. idk. :)

  47. I too love De Gournay Wallpaper:
    I use it a lot on classic residential design jobs I work on. Lovely post hun. I will add you to my blogroll.

  48. I really enjoyed this interior design subject. Maybe changing colors and adding a lot of functionality to. But it is really good at the home painting. Thanks.

  49. Hi Christine~
    I just discovered you blog and have been pouring through the posts. Love it!! Can you tell me what the leopard print fabric is that you used on the pillows on Mac's bed? I'd love to use it in my son's big boy room :)



Sorry about the annoying captias...tried turning them off for a day and my inbox exploded with crap.

Smooches to everyone who perservered and left a sweet comment anyways! xoxo