Monday, November 28, 2011

A Console and a Trip

I"m hours away from heading on a little trip to...

to visit my sister and her family...mostly I'm going to see my two gorgeous nieces...happy, happy.

Hubster had a business trip in the area so we're all going...minus the teenager...she's staying home to man the fort...cue mommy nervous dance.


Plane leaves in 4 hours and well, I've got ten zillion things to organize before then so I have to keep it short.

I thought I'd leave you with a few pictures of my new console.

To's an IKEA Malm that thanks to Meredith's brill idea and Tim's amazing skill, has been transformed into a gold leafed piece of heaven.

I'm still playing around with the'll note the difference in the photos....first picture is how it is now.

I want to add a pair of Staffordshire dogs {hope you're reading this husband/Santa} and the new Louboutin goddess of a book...and a few other little tchotchkes {PS...I totes had to look up how to spell that and wasn't even remotely close the first's a toughy and I'm a spelling looser} for good measure.

For now though, I adore it.

Perfect size...perfect gold...perfect.

And with that, I have to bid you adieu for now.

Please think happy dog thoughts again today {news coming today or tomorrow} and safe travel ones as well...turns out I hate flying ever since I pushed out a few birth and becoming a mom does bizarro things to your brain

Oh and one more thing...I'm SOOOOO excited that as part of my trip I get to meet Alex, Alaina and Danielle in person...we're having a girl's night out in the big windy, fun, fun.

Later lovers.




  1. Safe travels, Christine! It sounds like you are in for some fun! I'm excited to share your guest post tomorrow! xo

  2. Now that is just smart, lady. Too gorgeous, totally you, awesome. Enjoy Chi-town!

  3. Have a fun trip, sweetie! Is this the first time you and Alex are meeting for real?

    Your console is really shaping up.

  4. That sounds like such a fun trip! I love blogger meet ups. And I never would have guessed that console was from Ikea! Bananas!



  5. It looks absolutely fabulous!!!! In love with it. And CANNOT FREAKING WAIT TO MEET YOU!!! xoxo

  6. looks sensational! have a great trip!

  7. The console, would have never guessed that it was from Ikea, what a transformation...and have the best time in Chicago. I ADORE Chicago! Janell

  8. Ok now I am super envious! of EVERYTHING! Fly safe and share every detail :)

  9. Safe journey and have fun! The console looks great. I just sold the same table on Craigslist because I could figure out a place to put it. Now I wish I'd hung on to it for a little gold leaf love!

  10. Christine - how's the pooch feelin???


  11. I am judging that this trip is going to be completely fabulous, solely on the fact of the fantastically cool bloggers that you are getting to gallavant with while you're there...SO FUN! And speaking of, that console takes the fabulous cake! Can you tell I've still got food on the brain??? Have a great trip, dearie! And I'm sending well wishes Lola's way (c:

  12. have a fab trip and say hi to Sara for me!

  13. Cannot get over your fab console makeover! It is perfect, my friend! Enjoy your trip to Chicago and girls night out. Sounds like fun!

  14. the console is beautiful!

    Have fun in Chicago!

  15. Wow! The table looks beautiful. Enjoy your travels :)

  16. Wow! The table looks beautiful. Enjoy your travels :)

  17. One, I am so so so so SO in love with the gold foiled table. It looks fantastic!

    And two, I can't even describe how jealous I am of your trip to Chicago to meet up with those three fabulous ladies. I wanna goooooo!

  18. Gorgeous table! One of the best hacks ever. And have fun in the windy city!

  19. Sounds like so much fun! Have a ball! Oh and ps. loving the new table... obvs. It's GORG!

  20. Have a safe trip. I'm having major console envy right now - gorgeous!

  21. Safe travels..sounds like one fun time you will be having! I LOVE your gold have such vision, its PERFECT!! Great job, and go for the Stafforshire dogs to "keep watch" over the gold gorgeousness.

  22. The console looks so fab after such an amazing transformation! I love how you have decorated - the Glamorous rooms book is so fitting as will the Louboutin book! Have a brilliant time in Chigaco - a girls night out sounds like so much fun with those ladies! xx

  23. love the styin'!!!! -- never made it to Chicago i think it deserves a 3 day weekend one day SOON!!!!

  24. I love that last shot of your living room! So bright and airy and beautiful! & Just the right amount of nailtrim, tuft and sisal to make my heart sing! Safe travels sweets :)

  25. I'm in love with the gold console! Your styling looks great. It's so crazy that you hate flying since having kids... the EXACT same thing happened to me. I used to love flying and travelling and now it makes me into a complete basket case. Thank goodness for Ativan.

  26. Safe travels and well dog wishes. The gold leaf looks incredible, that guy is a pro.

  27. so lovely, i adore your decorating style!

  28. Beautiful Blog! It's my first visit and I definitely be back.

    xo Leslie

  29. ahhh so jealous!!! have so much fuN!!!
    and love the console!!

  30. Hi Christine! I am so glad to have found your blog. You have such wonderful taste. I have been looking for a simple console for my foyer, and this piece might work great for my need. I love everything I have seen on your blog! I just started a blog myself, Will you please check it out? Have a great trip! Whitley

  31. You are such a trendsetter Christine. Expect to see that gold-leafed console copied all over the interwebs ;) Enjoy Chicago (blogger meetup - awesome!) & hope you're dog gets well soon.

  32. gorgeous console & all the accessories make it so amazing!

  33. Very jealous of the trip. Chicago is definitely on my list of cities to visit and full of so many awesome bloggers!

  34. I love the console!!! Like really, really love it! I'm so sad I missed you at the shopping event Alex planned in Chicago....damn work :)


Sorry about the annoying captias...tried turning them off for a day and my inbox exploded with crap.

Smooches to everyone who perservered and left a sweet comment anyways! xoxo